This is eternal life, that they may know You, the one true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent, says John 17:3 in the New International Version. God knows the day you would eat of it then that's when your eyes will be opened and both you and Adam shall be as (g)ods, having the hidden knowledge of good and evil just like God is all knowing..(Genesis 3:4-5). He was, in fact, their war of god and was made in their image. In my heart, I know that Jesus would want everyone to feel loved and welcomed by His disciples, and I believe this to be true. There's many who believe in God but don't believe in things like the Devil, ghosts, angels, demons, Heaven, Hell, the afterlife, etc. The ancient witness of the church affirms the Biblical testimony of Jesus historical, bodily existence as well as his divinity. :biglaugh: Similar to Likex 1 but not the same as Similar to Likex 1 but not the same as Similar to Likex 1 but not the same as Similar to Likex 1 but not the same as Similar to Likex 1 but not the same as Similar to Likex 1 but not the same as Similar to Likex 1 but not the same as Similar to Likex 1 but not the same as Similar to Likex 1 but not the same as Similar to Likex 1 but not the same as Similar to Likex 1 but not the same as Similar to Like. Pantheism is the belief that the world is either equal to God or a manifestation of Gods essence, depending on who you ask. God cursed the woman to where she would have pain and sorrow during child birth. Oneness Pentecostals take issue with the Trinity doctrine chiefly for its use of the term "person." Eve further said that God had told them, #1) Ye shall not eat of it, #2) and shall not touch it,. (Genesis 3:2-3). Can you be a Christian, believe in God but not the Bible. He openly taught that He came from God, is the Son of God, and that to reject Him is to reject God. If you had known Me, you would have known My Father as well; from this point forward, you are acquainted with Him and have seen Him. Photograph courtesy of Unsplash/Wang Xi Author Sheila Alewine is a pastors wife, mother of five children, and grandma of five grandchildren. Now, Im a fan of Judaism as a religion, and Im sure youd find people willing to talk to you about it if you went to a local synagogue to learn more about it. These religions are known as pagan religions, which are a variety of nature-oriented, pre-Christian religious traditions. I would like to invite you however, to come on in the the chatroom, where we can probably give you some answers in real time, and respond to other specific questions that will come up, as you explore the topic. I may be able to find some of these on my own, but in order to really move deeper in my spiritual life, I require community, and they require my assistance in doing so. The world offers many different belief systems apart from Jesus, with many different notions of God. It takes accepting, believing and calling on Christ Jesus the Saviour of the world by confession of your mouth and believing in your heart that he died and rose again from the dead(Romans 10:9-10). The only other option is that you live for yourself and you own understanding of morality, die, and spend a suffering and painful eternity apart from Him. Date of joining: August 30, 2005 Number of messages: 19,892 Number of ratings: +3,252 Isnt it true that it all depends on the individual? Sheila has a passion for Gods Word and shares what God is teaching her on her blog,The Way of The Word. 35The Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things into his hand. If you read Maggie2s link and examine your religious inclinations, I believe you will find yourself categorizing as a UU, as advised by Maize. Jesus Christ is that very One! As Jesus put it, religion has become whitewashed tombs beautiful on the exterior, but filled with the remains of dead people on the inside. 2. In 2 Corinthians 4:6, we read, For God who stated, Light shall come out of darkness, is the same God who has shined in our hearts, bringing us to recognize Gods splendor, which we see in the face of Christ. When it comes to rejecting Jesus death, burial, and resurrection, there is no better explanation than this: people are trying to disconnect their belief in God from their belief in Him. Benedict one that I feel everyone, religious or nonreligious, may pray, regardless of their religious or spiritual beliefs. You can find religions where the name "God" appears but never the name "Jesus.". So how can he explain his claim that he came down from heaven? The following is also found in John 3, verse 13: And no man hath climbed up to heaven, but He that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven. (King James Version) Take note of the fact that it says, The Son of Man is in heaven, even though Christ was still on the earth at the time. His theory was that those who went to church on Sunday were either hypocrites having gone to church on Saturday after binge-drinking and random hook ups or blind sheep just following their parents instructions. The way you describe it sounds like a wonderful way to concentrate prayer and meditation, and I would imagine that anyone who knew you did it for that reason would be sympathetic, regardless of their religious affiliations. You say you don't believe in prayer, yet the Bible says that Jesus taught, " Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart " ( Luke 18:1 ). . At least, open up the Christian bible, ask God to speak to your mind and heart, and read the Gospel of John. In todays world, many individuals are concerned with the differences between the terms agnostic and atheist. In accordance with the rest of the creation account in Genesis 1, the church also has believed that God created every kind of thing that exists: light, water, air, soil, vegetation, the sun and the moon and the stars, sea creatures, winged birds, earth creatures, and, ultimately, human beings in the divine image. We recognize the menorahs and we know Hanukkah is an eight-day celebration. Religion is based on the subjective belief in the existence of a creator. And for an entire year they met with the church and taught considerable numbers; and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.. The two most widely practiced such religions are Mormonism and Jehovahs Witnesses, both of which were founded in the 19th century in the United States. Unitarians believe that mainstream ( Nicene) Christianity does not adhere to strict monotheism, but by contrast, Unitarians do, by maintaining that Jesus was a great man and a prophet of God, perhaps even a supernatural being, but not God himself. At this point Adam had fellowship with God. They are pursuing careers as chaplains, interfaith pastors, and social activists, among other things.The fact that they are so similar to certain Protestants who lived five centuries ago some of the so-called radical reformers who split off from Martin Luthers Reformation may surprise some of them, though. The creation is here for all of us to see as we hold and are a witnesss of it and testimony can be given to it.. The second word is Christian, from the Greek word Christianos. Oneness Pentecostals deny the theology of the Trinity, believing it to be pagan and unscriptural, and they adhere to the JesusName teaching in regard to baptisms, which they consider to be unscriptural. In 2015, Pew discovered that 59% of self-identified Evangelicals believed that the Bible is the "literally true" Word of God, "word for word." Less than 30 percent (29%) say they believe the Bible is the Word of God, "but not literally true word of God." The latest findings show how Americans' views of the Bible drastically changed over the years. We understand family to be a group that is mutually dependent on each other. Not one single prayer was ever answered. In philosophy, agnostic theism, also known as agnostotheism or agnostitheism, is a philosophical position that embraces both theism and agnosticism. "God" is not a person with whom to have a relationship more of an abstract concept. Grace creates beauty, hope, and peace that rests not in our own efforts but in the finished work of Jesus. Then God wanted to know.(Genesis 3:11-13) who told them they were naked and did you eat from the tree of the knowlege of good and evil that I told you not to eat from. And if we skip a few Sundays, its easier to miss the next few. Despite the fact that I believe in Jesus, I feel that what he taught is more essential than what others have taught about him. Amen" (Rom. I believe in a God who is kind, peaceful, and loving. The two are inseparable. You have neither heard His voice at any time nor seen His form. Does a person have to acknowledge Jesus as the Son of God and accept His teachings in order to be Christian?. Ive met many people who tell me they are Christians, yet they do not follow the teachings of Jesus; rather they pick and choose which aspects of the Christian life they believe is beneficial to themselves and to society, and discard the rest of what the Bible in general, and Jesus in particular, has to say. Isnt part of the spiritual path learning to love and be loved by flawed people a part of what it is to be human? Copyright 1999-2022 Worthy Christian Forums - A division of Worthy Ministries. Continue on your path and do what makes you feel most comfortable. 34For he whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God: for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him. 1 timothy 4:1-3 "the spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Hold on to your convictions and be loyal to yourself, even if you arent sure what they are at this point. And can Christians celebrate Hanukkah, too? Adam and Eve sinned against God when they disobeyed his command not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. To the Wiccan, Jesus is a teacher and exemplar of love and compassion. It is derived from the Greek words pan, which means all, and theism, which denotes trust in God. I believein Jesus Christ, His only Son Our Lord, Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. 2 Corinthians 4:6 - "For God who said, "Light shall shine out of darkness," is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ." The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus is at the heart of why people do not want to believe in Him and try to separate their belief in God from Him. Belief in Jesus To summarize what it means to believe in Jesus, let us consider the statements about Jesus from the two most widely accepted ancient Christian creeds. Believing Jesus is the Son of God isn't enough to save demons. Date of joining: November 16, 2005 There have been 16,110 messages and 1,261 ratings. Sri Lanka is indeed a beautiful place. This understanding of the significance of Jesus life is mirrored in the Unitarian idea that human beings have the power to truly alter the world for the better. Tzitits?Keep Shabbas?ect in mind.From what Ive read, you may be a perfectly fine gentile if you only observe the Noahide commandments, but from what youve said, it appears that Judaism is not for you. They estimate that Jesus death took place between AD 30 and AD 36, depending on the source. Using this as an example, Seidner emphasizes the importance of Frankls depiction of the unconscious.According to certain interpretations, agnosticism is an acknowledgment that it is impossible to provide sufficient evidence to support ones belief in a deity in order for it to be regarded known.There are several reasons for this, including the fact that they regard faith to be a prerequisite of their religion or the effect of plausible-looking scientific or philosophical critique Christian Agnostics adhere to a specific sort of agnosticism that is limited to the qualities of God and nothing else. Check John 3:16 & John 5:24and live!! gives you opportunities to step into leadership roles; the list could go on. According to the Gospel of John, there was a garden at Golgotha, as well as a tomb that had never been opened. Required fields are marked *. If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also. Some people, in fact, think that He is a kind, gentle, and loving G-d. Judaism now differs significantly from the Judaism that existed many thousand years ago. He definitely did tackle the . Not only would they have the knowledge of "good" which they did have but also they would have the knowledge of "evil"along with it which they did not have. But I said to you that you have seen Me, and yet do not believe. Best way to go about this? After the resurrection, Thomas, one of Jesus' disciples, had the same facts the other disciples did, but unlike them he refused at first to believe. Thank you, Maize, for providing the link. Likex 1. Jesus does not want us to be perplexed about who He is or what He is about. The serpent in return tells Eve "you are not going to die". Over the course of 40 days, more than 500 individuals observed the resurrected Christ before He ascended into heaven in plain view of His devoted disciples (Acts 1:1-11). 8 Ways We Can Be Ready for Christs Return. 104) Regards, Scott Likex 1 (Scott Likex 1). Is it possible that I am aimlessly clinging to familiar traditions? For it is the Fathers will that everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life, and I Myself will raise him up on that last day. Everyone who has heard and learnt from the Father comes to Me, says Jesus in John 6:45. "When You Believe in God, but Don't Think He's Fair 6.) People who practice Oneness Pentecostalism are sometimes referred to as Modalists, Sabellians, or Jesus Only.. As a religious person, his experience prompted me to consider the question: Am I self-righteous? Her discovery of remnants of the crucifixion on which Jesus had been crucified is said to have occurred centuries ago. John testified that Jesus was the Son of God (John 1:29-34). Some or all of the following opinions about Jesus will be held by Unitarians who continue to see him as a major figure in their religious beliefs: Although Jesus was a human being, rather than a divine being, he was a Jewish prophet with a mission of reconciliation. The Churchs teachings on politics, money, and moral concerns dont sit well with me.How can I narrow my choices down to just one religion? There are so many options, how can you choose the best one?And if I choose one, am I implying that I believe all other religions are incorrect or that I believe I will burn in hell? Nonetheless, despite all of their doubts, my friends tell me that they have a deep sense of belonging to something greater than themselves in their hearts. Why do you not understand what I am saying? A man or woman's behavior will be the proof he or she truly believed in Christ. The religiously unaffiliated currently account for little more than one-quarter of the population of the United States. Is it possible that Im allowing the inadequacies of others to stand in the way of my spiritual development? He believed that people had lost sight of the true meaning of Christmas and desired to provide a visual reminder to them of the significance of Jesus birth. How we answer this question will determine how the Bible should be. Designed to scare and demand worship from the Hebrew enemies, Yahweh worked very well. "When You Believe in God, but Still Worry All . In contrast to all other belief systems, the Bible teaches clearly that Jesus was, and is, God. According to that description, I am a Christian, yet there are moments when I truly dont want to claim that identity. Religion becomes simple tradition if it is not accompanied by a strong personal spirituality mindless conformity to the rules of the game. Verse Concepts. Pantheism holds that God is everything and everything is God, as the saying goes. Powered by Invision Community, name='brokenGirl' timestamp='1331522231' post='1781978'. Because the tomb was close by, according to John, there is where Jesus body was laid to rest. Witness #3 was God the Father, Himself, first at Jesus baptism, and again when He was transfigured, seen in His glory with His face shining like the sun and His garments as white as light. Jesus was the very first creation of Jehovah. And while Eve was looking and pondering at the tree of the knowledge of both good and evil she first saw the fruit of the tree was good for food to eat. The miracles are part and parcel of the story. The sentiment is nearly everywhere. Im curious since this is the direction Im leaning in a lot of ways. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Christians may celebrate Hanukkah. [2] Personally, I do not see how I can possibly do the topic justice, entire books are devoted to that topic. Islam is the most widespread religion in Asia, followed by Buddhism. My inability to attend any Christian church is due to the fact that Christianity is founded on the teachings of Jesus, and they believe that Jesus was resurrected. Barnabas had left the city of Antioch in order to bring Paul back to the city and instruct the new converts. Liberal Quakers (not Evangelicals) and Unitarian-Universalists, in my opinion, are both nondogmatic and open to persons of diverse religious views and practices. And apart from Messianic Jews (who are an ethnically Jewish subset of Christians), adherents to Judaism regard Jesus as either a false messiah at worst or a kind moral teacher at best. John 5:23 So that all will honor the Son even as they honor the Father. John 6:36. He who is of God hears the words of God; for this reason you do not hear them, because you are not of God., John 7:17 If anyone is willing to do His will, he will know of the teaching, whether it is of God or whether I speak from Myself., John 16:27 For the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me and have believed that I came forth from the Father., John 17:3 This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.. In the event that I leave to make a place for you, I will return to accept you into Myself so that you may be where I am as well.And you are aware of the route I am taking. We have no idea where You are going, so how are we supposed to find our way? Thomas inquired of Him.Then Jesus told him that he was the only route to the Father and that no one else could get to the Father except through Him. Biblically, the church is considered to be the "family of God". The dogma of the Trinity, which includes God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, is rejected by Witnesses as an unscriptural concept. Im simply really befuddled with everything right now. - SLM. It will provide you with a general notion of where you could fit in. Having faith means that you build your life on God's Word; you conduct yourself according to God's Word and reckon that God, who has said it, guides everything and is a rewarder. Jesus Himself had to deal with a group of individuals who were hesitant to believe in Him, but who were outwardly and publicly dedicated to fulfilling the will of God. In the early first century, the beginnings of Christianity may be traced back to the Roman province of Judea. It is the belief of Oneness Pentecostals that Jesus Christ is the name of God, and that they should therefore be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ in the manner prescribed by Jesus Christ in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19). I would ask you what you expect that Gods charecteristics are since you believe in Him? It is derived from the Greek words 'pan', which means all, and 'theism,' which denotes trust in God. James 2:19 says, "You believe that there is one God. They believe that Jesus is the only name given to mankind by which we must be addressed, and that this is the only name by which we must be addressed is Jesus Christ. An agnostic theist believes in the existence of a God or gods, but thinks that the foundation of this belief is either unknown or fundamentally unknowable by human beings. He opened blind eyes (John 9:6-7), healed the sick (John 5:7-9), fed thousands with a few fish (John 6:11-14), cleansed lepers (Luke 17:11-14), turned water to wine (John 2:6-9), walked on water (John 6:19), cast out demons (Matthew 12:22; Luke 8:26-33) and even raised the dead (John 11:38-44). Many Unitarians, on the other hand, continue to believe in God in the traditional sense or use the term in a more restricted sense. Here are some things to consider as you search for faith in God. For the first time in my life, I started typing I am a Christian, since that is what I had pretended to be my whole life. So He sent His perfect Son to pay that price for sin, which is death of the perfect sacrifice - the death of His Son, Jesus. I believe in the existence of God with all of my heart. Then God spoke to the woman and wanted to know what was it that she did. Start in the Gospel of John and discover Jesus! +30 out of 100 ratings However, there are no Unitarian Universalist churches in the vicinity of where I reside. As a religion, Buddhism has a history that dates back to what is now Bodh Gaya, India, about six centuries before Christian times, making it one of the worlds oldest religions currently in existence. The number of people who say they "believe in God" but who do not believe in Jesus is alarmingly high, especially in regions of the world that are culturally/nominally Christian. Every person born into this world will die a physical death because of the disobedience of one man.(Romans 5:17-21) Adam and Eve found out that God was true to his Word and did not lie. Wicca allows for the belief in a supreme being (or beings), or an impersonal force. Mankind from that point forward needed a redeemer to cover their sins as God sent his only begotten Son into the world so that anyone who believed in Jesus would not perish but have everlasting life living in a glorified body free from the curse of the law.(John 3:16-21). Believing in God while rejecting a belief in the divinity, sacrifice, and/or resurrection of Jesus is a belief in something other than Christianity. Perhaps it is the bible that commits them to it. Followers of Jesus, however, are called to do something much harder. Not only am I in favor of homosexual marriage, but I am also an outspoken advocate for LGBT rights. As the church proclaimed Jesus as the promised Messiah, the Jews who did not follow Jesus continued to practice their religion according to their existing traditions. crystals and christianity. But the truth is, Christians are not only followers of God, but believers in the Bible. True belief begins with a recognition of our separation from God (Romans 3:23), turning away from our sin (repentance) and a surrender of our lives to His authority and lordship (Roman 10:9-10; Matthew 4:17; Acts 2:38). I, too, grew up in a Christian household. Pantheism is defined as the belief that God and the cosmos are one and the same entity. 1 The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds; there is none who does good. Today, many people who claim the religion of Christianity believe it is their job to save others, and convert them to Christianity. So, just to be clear, not all Jews think that G-d is who He is described to be in the Old Testament. The Crucifixion is not the death of Gods only Son in order to save humanity from sin, but rather an inspirational example of a man reacting to evil with integrity and forgiveness in the face of overwhelming odds. Witness #2 were the miracles (works) that Jesus was performing among the people. Make an appointment to visit a synagogue, a mosque, a Hindu temple, a Buddhist center, or whatever religious tradition is accessible in your community. One of the most beloved scriptures is John 3:16, when Jesus says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." The word used in the original Greek translation for "believes" is pisteun, or pisteu, which means to believe, entrust, or have faith in. John 1:12-13 tells us, But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God. Jesus answered Nicodemus unasked questions by stating clearly that unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God, nor can he enter the kingdom of God. This is something that many of my friends identify with. It is not enough to "believe in God"even if in the heart. I simply do not have enough faith to believe there is no God. +470 points based on 470 votes It all depends on what you define by the term resurrection. I think that the Spirit of Christ manifested to His disciples in whatever physical form God chose to make it evident in the first place. Welcome to Christian Forums, a forum to discuss Christianity in a friendly surrounding. Neither form denies that God is a singular entity or a singular person, nor that Jesus is the (or a) Son of God, but neither form denies that Jesus is God himself. Can you be a Christian, yet reject Christ? According to a review of numerous global studies on atheism conducted by sociologists Ariela Keysar and Juhem Navarro-Rivera, there are between 450 and 500 million positive atheists and agnostics worldwide (7 percent of the worlds population), with China having the greatest number of atheists in the world (200 million convinced atheists). They are ALIVE. As now he would have to work the land for his food amidst thorns and thistles by the sweat of his brow. Christianity includes both the Virgin Birth and the Resurrection because Christianity teaches that Christ is both fully God and fully man, and that to diminish one is to diminish the other. 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