The processes are described by: [page needed] Process 01 a mass of air is drawn into piston/cylinder arrangement at constant pressure. As a form of energy heat has the unit joule (J) in the International System of Units (SI). At higher Reynolds number, the analogy between mass and heat transfer and momentum transfer becomes less useful due to the nonlinearity of the Navier-Stokes equation (or more fundamentally, the general momentum conservation equation), but the analogy between heat and mass transfer remains good. Throughout the text, emphasis has been place. In Section 10.5.2 the analysis leads to equation 10.113 which expresses the instantaneous rate of mass transfer when the surface element under consideration has an age t, or: The simple penetration theory assumes that each element is exposed for the same time interval te before returning to the bulk solution. Thus, mass transfer by diffusion is efficiently carried out in microspace. Mass transfer in membrane systems takes place across interfaces between phases, which can be gas-membrane-gas, liquid-membrane-gas, gas-membrane-liquid, or liquid-membrane-liquid. One cannot with impunity try to transfer this task entirely to mechanical assistants if one wishes to figure something, even though the final result is often small indeed.Max Weber (18641920). Generally, heat transfer is: Q = mC_ pT . However, due to the evolution of each membrane system in a different discipline or application, the development of models has followed different paths even though the initial roots are the same. The observed rate would then reflect strongly the rate of mass transfer. The units of measurement for thermal insulance are mK/W. Ryabchikov, Register for ToC Alerts and Journal Updates. A beautifully-illustrated, breathtaking, thought-provoking love letter to one of the most enduring construction materials. Significant improvements to this model, including the sphere-in-cell model and an intelligent representation of the mass transport conditions, have been presented later [9-11]. Like k-value, this property is not dependent on the thickness of the material in question. When a droplet evaporates, the vapor concentration around the droplet is not homogeneous. The standard unit for the rate of heat transferred is the watt (W), defined as joules per second. It is worth noting that the global evaporation evaporation mass flux is proportional to the droplet radius Rs and not to the droplet surface area, as one could have first intuited. The residuals for the equation solver were obtained by comparing the calculated mass transfer fluxes and the fluxes obtained from the reaction rates. Mjstrnet will be more than 80 metres tall - 30 metres higher than what is today considered the world's tallest timber building. The basic law of diffusion was proposed in 1855 by Adolf Fick which is expressed as, Mass Flux = Constant of Proportionality X Concentration Gradient (1). In essence, the U-value can be calculated by finding the reciprocal of the sum of the thermal resistances of each material making up the building element in question. Figure 8.4. Sign up to the NBS eWeekly newsletter. The driving force for heat transfer is temperature gradient whereas mass transfer occurs due to concentration gradient. All rights reserved. Diffusion coefficients in gases are highest, followed by liquids and solids. Several analytical and numerical models have been proposed in this respect, dealing in general with the estimation of the overall mass transport characteristic parameters such as the Sherwood number and the adsorption rate for a wide range of different geometries [1-4]. Diffusion coefficients are generally determined experimentally and increase with increase in temperature but decrease with increase in pressure. The fields essential standard for more than three decades, Fundamentals of Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer offers a systematic introduction to transport phenomena and rate processes. Heat can be measured in joules, BTUs (British thermal unit), or calories. Heat and Mass Transfer. Each resistance is represented mathematically by the inverse of the individual mass transfer coefficient. For example, in gas separation, the membrane separates two gas phases and allows the preferential permeation of one or more of the components in the feed solution. Convection Heat Transfer . Heat and Mass Transfer calculators give you a list of online Heat and Mass Transfer calculators. Heat transfer always takes place from high to low temperature regions, similarly mass is transferred towards low concentration regions, thereby, decreasing the temperature gradient. Rates of reaction and substrate mass transfer are not independent in heterogeneous systems. Overview. The molecular transfer equations of Newton's law for fluid momentum at low Reynolds number (Stokes flow), Fourier's law for heat, and Fick's law for mass are very similar, since they are all linear approximations to transport of conserved quantities in a flow field. conduction, convection and radiation in, The radiation emitted by a black body is known as, The amount of heat flow through a body by conduction is. The ability of a material to absorb and release heat from an internal space, as that spaces temperature changes, is termed thermal admittance (or heat transfer coefficient), and is defined in BS EN ISO 13786:2007 Thermal performance of building componentsIV. Analogy of a sessile droplet with an evaporation mass flux j and a conductor with the same shape that has an electric field E and the symmetry with the substrate used to solve the divergence at the triple line (Carle, 2014). Apart from concentration gradient, mass transfer can occur due to presence of temperature gradient, pressure gradient or external force. The Journal of Heat Transfer disseminates information of permanent interest in the areas of heat and mass transfer. If the same number of molecules are not entering and leaving the liquid phase, then the equilibrium is not satisfied. Chem. For example, more molecules reach the vapor phase than the liquid phase in the case of evaporation. The central mass became so hot and dense that it eventually initiated nuclear fusion in its core. A great deal of effort has been devoted to developing analogies among these three transport processes so as to allow prediction of one from any of the others. This therefore has an influence on the thermal performance of a building during warmer periods. The evaporation phenomenon occurs at the liquid/vapor interface as long as the saturated conditions are not reached. The mass transfer outside catalyst particles was modelled with rigorous Maxwell-Stefan equations, along with simultaneous heat transfer [9]. The, A is area through which mass is flowing, m. The focus in this part of the work is on granular media of relatively high porosities (0.6 to 0.95). The ability of a material to absorb and release heat from an internal space, as that spaces temperature changes, is termed thermal admittance (or heat transfer coefficient), and is defined in BS EN ISO 13786:2007 Thermal performance of building components IV. Binary diffusion coefficients were calculated by the Wilke and Lee equation and the required parameters, characteristic Lennard-Jones energies and lengths for each lump, were calculated by using the average critical temperatures and volumes of the lumps [13, p. 396,587]. Convective Mass Transfer: Mass transfer occurring between a moving fluid and a surface or between two relatively immiscible fluids is termed as convective mass transfer. Wood, in Comprehensive Structural Integrity, 2007, Mass transfer can significantly affect the reactions rates and therefore corrosion rates and are particularly important in erosioncorrosion conditions. Thermal transmittance calculations for roofs or walls can be carried out using a heat flux meter. Psi values are used to generate y-values (thermal bridging factor) in Appendix K of the Standard Assessment Procedure. Heat is the transfer of energy from a one object to another due to a difference in temperature. The reader is addressed to the corresponding chapter for more detailed information. (8.16)): Based on Eq. Comprehensive basic course in heat and mass transfer for mechanical engineering students. However, for ideal gases and dilute liquids, diffusion coefficient depends on temperature and pressure and is independent of system composition. Again, a higher figure indicates better performance (in contrast to the lower figure desired for U-values). An insight on the fundamentals of heat and mass transfer through this excellent, comprehensive textbook. The evaporation mass flux j and the vapor concentration c are, respectively, the electrical field E and the electrical potential V (Figure 8.2). It is not new and not special for membranes, as we have already seen how mass transfer takes place in fluid phases in the previous section. These are termed decrement delay and decrement factor respectively. New, Download sample specifications and see what's possible with NBS Chorus. The average rate of mass transfer is then: R.J.K. It is different from movement of bulk fluid such as air movement caused by a fan or blower and flow of water caused through a pipe due to pressure difference or by a pump. Analogy between mass, heat and momentum transfer has been shown in Table 1. ME 3304 at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) in Blacksburg, Virginia. The units of measurement are W/mK. Diffusion Mass Transfer: Diffusion mass transfer can be classified two categories:, i) Molecular Mass Diffusion: This type of mass transfer occurs at macroscopic level in which transfer of mass takes place from a region of high concentration to low concentration in a mixture of liquids or gases. Includes over 460 solved and unsolved numerical problems with step-wise answers. when a droplet evaporates in contact with a substrate, the solution seems more complicated because of the loss of symmetry and the existence of a triple line. The mass transfer coefficient correlations were extended into multicomponent systems by approximate matrix function calculations [11]. Energy-wasting homes mean higher bills and climate-warming emissions. Using a rigorous and systematic problem-solving methodology, the text is filled with examples and problems that reveal the richness and beauty Heat And Mass Transfer MCQ question is the important chapter for a Mechanical Engineering and GATE students. SAP uses the kappa (k) value to determine thermal mass. In that situation, most of the authors used the electrostatic analogy, as Maxwell did in 1877, to solve the problem (Picknett and Bexon, 1977; Deegan et al., 2000; Popov, 2005). When a material changes state from solid to liquid, or from liquid to gas, the thermal conductivity of that material can change. PCMs could offer a practical solution to the reintroduction of thermal mass in lightweight buildings, to counteract overheating, and are discussed in more detail in the article series Climate change adaptation in buildings: Excess heat (part two)IX. In aerodynamics, we are most interested in the thermodynamics of propulsion systems and high speed flows. Y-value, or thermal admittance, or heat transfer coefficient. Then, the separation occurs. Provides an introduction to the design of heat exchangers along with illustrative design problems, presented in a very simplified and systematic way. The transmembrane flux through a membrane is proportional to the driving force. Density represents mass concentration to be used in Ficks Law. Dull? I hope the notes would be of great interest for instructors, students and researchers. Building Regulations Approved Documents L1A, L2A, L1B and L2B in England and in Wales all refer to the publication BR 443 Conventions for U-value calculationsII for approved calculation methodologies, while the companion document U-value conventions in practice. Thermal transmittance, also known as U-value, is the rate of transfer of heat through a structure (which can be a single material or a composite), divided by the difference in temperature across that structure. The approaches introduced to solve problems include analytical solutions, use of numerical methods and empirical approaches based on experimental data. His study is the basis of the next modeling used by other authors for a sessile droplet configuration (Deegan et al., 2000; Hu and Larson, 2002; Popov, 2005). Krause, in Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 2001. The rates of heat and mass transfer depend upon the driving potential and resistance. Heat transfer stops immediately when temperature difference becomes zero, similarly, mass transfer ceases when concentration gradient is reduced to zero. About the Journal. Covers the complete discipline of heat and mass transfer in relation to engineering thermodynamics and fluid mechanics. The main modeling and analyzing techniques are introduced, and unique mass transport behaviors are highlighted with their underlying mechanisms illustrated. This example considers a cavity wall: Note that in the above example, the conductivities (k-values) of building materials are freely available online; in particular from manufacturers. Mass transport is a common process that is observed in many aspects of the physical world. Version 5.10, 14 August 2020, 784 pp, 28 MB, 8.511 in. The mass transfer will continue till the concentration differences between two regions exist and will stop when equilibrium is obtained. This approach has been initially proposed by Levich [8] who obtained analytical expression for the overall Sherwood number for the case of a single isolated sphere in an unbounded fluid. Interested in more content like this? Mass transport within high porosity granular porous media is a physicochemical process, which attracts considerable interest from both the research and technological point of view. Although the main focus of environmental performance of buildings is now on carbon usage, there is still a need to consider thermal performance of the building fabric as a contributing factor. (Thomas Stearns), No sociologist should think himself too good, even in his old age, to make tens of thousands of quite trivial computations in his head and perhaps for months at a time. One of the permeants will be excluded (filtered) from some of the pores in the membrane while other permeants will pass through. Three situations for the diffusive evaporation mass flux profile can be extracted from Figure 8.2: 0<<90: The evaporation mass flux is maximum at the triple line and minimum at the droplet apex. On the other hand, considerable effort has been invested in performing numerical simulations for the study of convection, dispersion and interfacial transport in homogeneous porous media. The overall Sherwood number is calculated in all cases and comparisons between analytical and numerical results are performed. The effect of the high total flux was also included in the mass transfer flux algorithm by a linearized high flux correction described by [12]. Ficks law describes the outward mass flux called j in any point of the interface: where n is the normal vector to the interface and []i is the vapor concentration gradient normal to the interface. Solved Problems - Heat and Mass Transfer - Convection. 1. Building components and building elements Thermal resistance and thermal transmittance Calculation method, Thermal performance of windows, doors and shutters. Analogies Between Heat, Mass, and Momentum Transfer. Patricia Luis, in Fundamental Modelling of Membrane Systems, 2018. Membrane processes and mass transfer modeling, F.A. Presence of thermal gradient and is termed as thermal diffusion, Presence of pressure gradient and is termed as pressure diffusion, Presence of external forces and is termed as forced diffusion. Thermal radiation is the emission of electromagnetic waves from all matter that has a temperature greater than absolute zero. This mass flux divergence can be interpreted as a pointe effect. Thermodynamics deals only with the large scale response of a system that we can observe and measure in experiments. What is a U-value? These are fixed values. Heat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Thermal performance is measured in terms of heat loss, and is commonly expressed in the construction industry as a U-value or R-value. Helping our customers design and build a more sustainable built environment whilst setting our own sustainability targets to contribute to a greener future for all. (8.8). The mass-transport coefficient, km, is defined by, Representing the flux in terms of the current, The only parameter on the right that cannot be readily measured is C0; however, at the limiting current, C0 is zero (Rcz et al., 1986), providing, Benjamin Sobac, David Brutin, in Droplet Wetting and Evaporation, 2015. This leads to a different nomenclature depending on the membrane system and even different kinds of models. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. This can be understood as a corner effect. Air at 20 C at atmospheric pressure flows over a flat plate at a velocity of 3 m/s. These calculators will be useful for everyone and save time with the complex procedure involved to obtain the calculation results. A useful parameter used to develop predictive models for flow-assisted corrosion and erosioncorrosion is the mass-transfer coefficient. where m is the mass of the substance and T is the change in its temperature, in units of Celsius or Kelvin.The symbol c stands for specific heat, and depends on the material and phase.The specific heat is the amount of heat necessary to change the temperature of 1.00 kg of mass by 1.00 C. Mass transfer is similar to heat transfer in following ways: The driving force for heat transfer is temperature gradient whereas mass transfer occurs due to concentration gradient. The diffusion time t is expressed with the following formula: where l is the diffusion distance and K is the diffusion coefficient. The field of concentration is thus driven by the mass diffusion balance (Eq. 3. Maxwell used an analogy with electrostatics, while Langmuir used an analogy with heat conduction. Module 1. U-values measure how effective a material is an insulator. The basic U-value calculation is relatively simple. Norway is set to break records for tall-timber construction with a new structure in a town just north of Oslo. Transfer of mass takes place under different conditions and depending upon the conditions, it can classified in to different categories which are shown in Figure 4. This is a measure of how well a material can resist heat conduction through it, and is measured in K/W. The underlying mechanisms of macroscale mass transport behaviors in the form of convection, diffusion, or migration can be well described by theories of classical fluid mechanics and thermodynamics. Takashi Korenaga, in Comprehensive Microsystems, 2008. List your products here. Because the droplet mass variation is the consequence of the mass flux evaporated, the evaporation rate dm/dt is the spatial integral of the local mass flux j over a surface element ds (Eq. The various terminologies, and how they relate to one another, are explained in this article. 1.3. Figure 8.2. However, it is important to highlight the necessity of a common approach that allows unifying concepts and models to describe membranes with a multidisciplinary perspective. Total thermal resistance of 3 cylindrical resistances connected in series, Total Thermal Resistance of Cylindrical wall with Convection on both Sides, Average Nusselt Number for Bingham Plastic Fluids from Isothermal Semi-Circular Cylinder, Heat flow rate through pipe with eccentric lagging, Inner surface temperature of pipe in square section, Inner surface temperature of pipe with eccentric lagging, Outer surface temperature of pipe in square section, Outer surface temperature of pipe with eccentric lagging, Thermal conductivity for pipe with eccentric lagging, Thermal Resistance for Pipe in Square Section, Thermal resistance of pipe with eccentric lagging, Area of plane wall required for given temperature difference, Heat Flow Rate through Composite Wall of 2 Layers in Series, Heat Flow Rate through Composite Wall of 3 Layers in Series, Inner Surface Temperature of Composite Wall for 2 Layers in Series, Inner Surface Temperature of Composite Wall of 3 Layers in Series, Interface temperature of composite wall of 2 layers given inner surface temperature, Interface temperature of composite wall of 2 layers given outer surface temperature, Length of 2nd layer of Composite Wall in Conduction through Walls, Length of 3rd Layer of Composite Wall in Conduction through Walls, Outer Surface Temperature of Composite Wall of 2 Layers for Conduction, Outer Surface Temperature of Composite Wall of 3 Layers for Conduction, Outer Surface Temperature of Wall in Conduction through Wall, Temperature at distance x from Inner Surface in Wall, Thermal conductivity of material required to maintain given temperature difference, Thermal Resistance of Composite Wall with 2 layers in Series, Thermal Resistance of Composite Wall with 3 Layers in Series, Thickness of Plane Wall for Conduction through Wall, Total Thermal Resistance of Plane Wall with Convection on both Sides, Convection Resistance for Spherical Layer, Heat flow rate through spherical composite wall of 2 layers in series, Inner Surface Temperature of Spherical Wall, Outer Surface Temperature of Spherical Wall, Thermal resistance of a spherical composite wall of 2 layers in series with convection, Thickness of Spherical Wall to Maintain given Temperature Difference, Total Thermal Resistance of Spherical Wall of 2 Layers without Convection, Total Thermal Resistance of Spherical wall of 3 Layers without Convection, Total Thermal Resistance of Spherical Wall with Convection on both side, Steady state heat conduction with heat generation, Location of maximum temperature in plane wall with symmetrical boundary conditions, Maximum temperature in plane wall surrounded by fluid with symmetrical boundary conditions, Maximum temperature in plane wall with symmetrical boundary conditions, Maximum temperature inside solid cylinder immersed in fluid, Surface temperature of solid cylinder immersed in fluid, Temperature at given thickness x inside plane wall surrounded by fluid, Temperature inside hollow cylinder at given radius between inner and outer radius, Temperature inside hollow sphere at given radius between inner and outer radius, Temperature inside plane wall at given thickness x with symmetrical boundary conditions, Temperature inside solid cylinder at given radius, Temperature inside solid cylinder at given radius immersed in fluid, Temperature inside solid sphere at given radius, Power on exponential of temperature-time relation, Power on Exponential of Temperature-time Relation given Biot and Fourier Number, Product of Biot and Fourier Number in terms of System Properties, Ratio of temperature difference for given time elapsed, Ratio of Temperature difference for Time Elapsed given Biot and Fourier Number, Time Constant in unsteady state heat transfer, Critical heat flux to nucleate pool boiling, Density of vapour given critical heat flux, Emissivity given heat transfer coefficient by radiation, Enthalpy of evaporation given critical heat flux, Enthalpy of evaporation to nucleate pool boiling, Heat transfer coefficient by convection for stable film boiling, Heat transfer coefficient due to radiation for horizontal tubes, Heat transfer coefficient in film boiling, Maximum heat flux to nucleate pool boiling, Stefan Boltzmann constant given heat transfer coefficient due to radiation, Internal conduction resistance given biot number, Modified Rayleigh number given Bingham number, Nusselt number given Stanton number and other dimensionless groups, Reynolds number given Inertia and Viscous Force, Stanton number given Nusselt number and other dimensionless groups, Heat transfer by conduction given Graetz number, Heat transfer by conduction given peclet number, Heat transfer by convection given graetz number, Heat transfer by convection given peclet number, Heat transfer by convection given Stanton number, Wall heat transfer rate given Stanton number, Molecular diffusivity of heat given Prandtl number, Molecular diffusivity of mass given Schmidt number, Molecular diffusivity of momentum given Prandtl number, Molecular diffusivity of momentum given Schmidt number, Modified Prandtl number given Bingham number, Prandtl number given Stanton number and other dimensionless groups, Bingham Number of Plastic Fluids from Isothermal Semi-circular Cylinder, Boundary layer thickness on vertical surfaces, Convective mass transfer coefficient at distance X from the leading edge, Diameter of rotating cylinder in fluid given Reynolds number, Inside diameter of the concentric sphere, Inside surface temperature for annular space between concentric cylinders, Kinematic viscosity given Reynolds number based on rotational speed, Length of annular space between two concentric cylinders, Length of the space between the two concentric sphere, Outside diameter of the concentric sphere, Outside surface temperature for annular space between concentric cylinders, Effective Thermal Conductivity and Heat Transfer, Effective thermal conductivity for the space between two concentric spheres, Effective thermal conductivity for annular space between concentric cylinders, Effective thermal conductivity given Prandtl number, Effective Thermal Conductivity given Rayleigh Number based on Turbulence, Heat transfer between concentric spheres given both diameters, Heat transfer between concentric spheres given both radii, Heat transfer per unit length for annular space between concentric cylinders, Average Nusselt number for constant wall temperature, Average Nusselt number upto length L for constant heat flux, Local Nusselt number for constant heat flux, Local Nusselt number for constant heat flux for Grashof number, Local Nusselt number given Grashof number, Nusselt Number based on Diameter for Horizontal Cylinders, Nusselt Number based on Diameter for Horizontal Cylinders for Higher Ranges of GrPr, Nusselt Number based on Diameter for Liquid Metals, Nusselt Number based on Length for Rectangular Cavities, Nusselt number for all the value of GrPr and constant wall temperature, Nusselt number for all value of GrPr and constant heat flux, Nusselt number for both constant wall temperature and heat flux, Nusselt number for horizontal plate with constant heat flux, Nusselt number for horizontal plate with constant wall temperature, Nusselt number for horizontal plate with heated surface up, Nusselt number for horizontal plate with upper surface cooled or lower surface heated, Nusselt number for horizontal plate with upper surface heated or lower surface cooled, Nusselt number for inclined plate with constant heat flux, Nusselt number for inclined plates with heated surface facing down, Nusselt number for sphere with Pr equal to 1, Nusselt number for turbulent flow 10^9 < GrPr < 10^13, Nusselt number with large aspect ratio and higher RL, Nusselt number with large aspect ratio and lower RL, Rayleigh number based on length for annular space between concentric cylinders, Rayleigh number based on turbulence for annular space between concentric cylinders, Rayleigh number based on turbulence for concentric spheres, Average Sherwood Number of Combined Laminar and Turbulent Flow, Average Sherwood Number of Flat Plate Turbulent Flow, Average Sherwood Number of Internal Turbulent Flow, Density of material given convective heat and mass transfer coefficient, Drag coefficient of flat plate in combined laminar turbulent flow, Drag coefficient of flat plate laminar flow, Drag coefficient of flat plate laminar flow given friction factor, Drag Coefficient of Flat Plate Laminar Flow using Schmidt Number, Friction factor of flat plate laminar flow, Friction factor of flat plate laminar flow given Reynolds number, Heat Transfer Coefficient for Simultaneous Heat and Mass Transfer, Local Sherwood Number for Flat Plate in Laminar Flow, Local Sherwood Number for Flat Plate in Turbulent Flow, Mass Transfer Boundary Layer Thickness of Flat Plate in Laminar Flow, Partial pressure of component A in mixture 1, Sherwood Number for Flat Plate in Laminar Flow, Specific heat given convective heat and mass transfer, Convective Mass Transfer Coefficient for Simultaneous Heat and Mass Transfer, Convective Mass Transfer Coefficient of Flat Plate in Combined Laminar Turbulent Flow, Convective Mass Transfer Coefficient of Flat Plate Laminar Flow using Drag Coefficient, Convective Mass Transfer Coefficient of Flat Plate Laminar Flow using Friction Factor, Convective Mass Transfer Coefficient of Flat Plate Laminar Flow using Reynolds Number, Convective Mass Transfer Coefficient through Liquid Gas Interface, Free stream velocity of flat plate having combined flow given drag coefficient, Free stream velocity of flat plate having combined laminar turbulent flow, Free stream velocity of flat plate in internal turbulent flow, Free stream velocity of flat plate laminar flow, Free stream velocity of flat plate laminar flow given drag coefficient, Free stream velocity of flat plate laminar flow given friction factor, Nusselt number for liquid metals and silicones, Nusselt number for liquid metals and silicones with higher Reynolds number value, Nusselt Number for Liquid Metals given Peclet Number, Nusselt number for liquid metals with constant heat flux, Nusselt number for liquid metals with constant wall temperature, Nusselt number for liquids with higher Peclet number, Nusselt Number in Forced Convection for Cross Flow, Nusselt number when property variation is larger due to temperature variation, Average temperature difference between plate and fluid, Coefficient of friction given Stanton number, Free stream velocity given local friction coefficient, Hydrodynamic boundary layer thickness at distance X from leading edge, Local friction coefficient for external flow, Local friction coefficient given Reynolds number, Thermal boundary layer thickness at distance X from leading edge, Nusselt number for constant heat flux for external flow, Nusselt number for constant wall temperature, Nusselt number for liquid metals and for silicones, Nusselt number for liquid metals or for silicones, Nusselt number if heating starts from distance Xo from leading edge, Density of fluid flowing over flat plate given Stanton Number, Free stream velocity of fluid flowing over flat plate, Free stream velocity of fluid flowing over flat plate given Stanton Number, Local heat transfer coefficient given Stanton Number, Local skin friction coefficient given Stanton Number, Specific heat capacity of fluid flowing over flat plate, Specific heat capacity of fluid flowing over flat plate given Stanton Number, Stanton Number given local heat transfer coefficient and fluid properties, Stanton Number given local skin friction coefficient, Average Nusselt number upto length L given Reynolds number, Hydrodynamic boundary layer thickness at X, Hydrodynamic boundary layer thickness at X given momentum thickness, Hydrodynamic boundary layer thickness given displacement thickness, Nusselt number at distance x from leading edge, Nusselt Number at Distance X from Leading Edge by Analogy, Nusselt number for liquids for external flow, Convective heat transfer coefficient of storage type heat exchanger, Convective heat transfer coefficient of storage type heat exchanger given time factor, Heat transfer surface area for unit length given time factor, Heat transfer surface area for unit length of matrix in storage type heat exchanger, Location factor at distance X of heat exchanger, Logarithmic mean temperature difference for single pass counter flow, Mass Flowrate of Fluid in Storage type Heat Exchanger, Overall heat transfer coefficient given LMTD, Specific heat of fluid in storage type heat exchanger, Time factor of storage type heat exchanger, Time taken for storage type heat exchanger, Effectiveness in double pipe parallel flow heat exchanger, Effectiveness of double pipe counter flow heat exchanger, Effectiveness of double pipe counter flow heat exchanger given C equal to 1, Effectiveness of heat exchanger given all exchanger with C equal to 0, Effectiveness of heat exchanger in cross flow when both fluids are mixed, Effectiveness of heat exchanger in cross flow when both fluids are unmixed, Effectiveness of heat exchanger when Cmax is mixed and Cmin is unmixed, Effectiveness of heat exchanger when Cmax is unmixed and Cmin is mixed, Effectiveness of heat exchanger with one shell pass and 2, 4, 6 tube pass, Effectiveness when mc-cc is minimum value, NTU relation of double pipe counter flow heat exchanger, NTU relation of double pipe counter flow heat exchanger given C equal to 1, NTU relation of double pipe counter flow heat exchanger with Cmax mixed and Cmin unmixed, NTU relation of double pipe counter flow heat exchanger with Cmax unmixed and Cmin mixed, NTU relation of double pipe parallel flow heat exchanger, NTU relation of heat exchanger given all exchanger C equal to 0, NTU relation of heat exchanger with one shell pass and 2, 4, 6 tube pass, Bare Area over Fin leaving Fin Base given Surface Area, Distance between two consequent tubes in transverse fin heat exchanger, Equivalent diameter of tube for transverse fin heat exchanger, Fin surface area given equivalent diameter, Logarithmic mean of temperature difference, Mass flux of fluid in transverse fin heat exchanger, Number of tubes in transverse fin heat exchanger, Outer Diameter of Tube in Transverse Fin Heat Exchanger, Tube inside area required for heat exchange, Viscosity of fluid flowing inside tube of transverse fin heat exchanger, Bare area over fin leaving fin base given convection coefficient, Convection Coefficient based on Inside Area, Effective convection coefficient on inside, Effective convection coefficient on outside, Effective convection coefficient on outside given convection coefficient, Fin efficiency given convection coefficient, Height of tube tank given convection coefficient, Inner diameter of tube given convection coefficient, Overall heat transfer coefficient given convection coefficient, Surface area of fin given convection coefficient, Absolute humidity at inside temperature in dehumidification, Absolute Humidity of Air at Final Equilibrium Air Temperature, Convective mass transfer coefficient in humidification, Enthalpy of evaporation for water in humidification, Enthalpy of evaporation in dehumidification, Enthalpy of evaporation of water in humidification, Gas phase heat transfer coefficient in dehumidification, Gas phase mass transfer coefficient given humidity, Gas phase mass transfer coefficient in dehumidification, Heat transfer coefficient in humidification, Height of tower in adiabatic humidification, Liquid layer temperature in dehumidification, Liquid phase heat transfer coefficient in dehumidification, Partial pressure of water vapor at wet bulb temperature, Specific heat of air during humidification, Temperature of air given gas constant of water, Wet bulb temperature given gas constant of water vapor, Darcy friction factor for Colburn analogy, Nusselt Number by Sieder-Tate for Shorter Tubes, Nusselt number for hydrodynamic length fully developed and thermal length still developing, Nusselt number for short tube thermal development, Nusselt number for simultaneous development of hydrodynamic and thermal layers, Nusselt number for simultaneous development of hydrodynamic and thermal layers for liquids, Reynolds Number given Darcy Friction Factor, Friction factor for Re greater than 10000, Friction factor for rough tube Colburn analogy, Friction factor for transitional turbulent flow, Nusselt number for liquid metals at constant wall temperature, Nusselt number for smooth tubes and fully developed flow, Effective particle diameter by Ergun given frication factor, Effective particle diameter by Ergun given Reynolds number, Friction factor by Ergun for Rep value between 1 and 2500, Superficial velocity by Ergun given Reynolds number, Logarithmic Mean of Concentration Difference, Logarithmic Mean Partial Pressure Difference, Mass Diffusing Rate through Hollow Cylinder with Solid Boundary, Mass Diffusing Rate through Solid Boundary Plate, Mass Diffusing Rate through Solid Boundary Sphere, Mass Flux for Steady State Equimolal Counter Diffusion between Gases, Mole Flux for Equimolal Counter Diffusion of Gases, Steady State Diffusion of Component A into Mixture of Components, Steady State Diffusion of Component A into Stagnant Component B, Steady State Diffusion of Liquid A into Stagnant Liquid B, Steady State Equimolal Counter Diffusion between Liquids Mass Flux, Steady State Equimolal Counter Diffusion between Liquids Mole Flux, Steady State Equimolal Counter Diffusion of Component A into B, Steady State Equimolal Counter Diffusion of Component A into B Mass Flux, Radiation energy emitted by black body in time interval given emissive power, Radiation energy emitted by black body in time interval given temperature, Radiation energy emitted by black body per unit time and surface area, Spectral black body emissive power Planck's law, Surface Area of Black Body required to Emit certain amount of Radiation Energy, Temperature of black body to emit certain amount of radiation energy, Thermal Resistance of black body surface due to radiation, Time required to emit specified amount of radiation energy from black body, Absorptivity, Reflectivity and Transmissivity, Absorbed Radiation using Absorptivity and Incident Radiation, Absorbed Radiation using Incident, Reflected and Transmitted Radiation, Absorptivity using Reflectivity and Transmissivity, Absorptivity using Reflectivity for Opaque Surface, Incident Radiation given Reflectivity and Reflected Radiation, Incident Radiation using Absorbed, Reflected and Transmitted Radiation, Incident Radiation using Absorptivity and Absorbed Energy, Incident Radiation using Transmissivity and Transmitted Radiation, Reflected Radiation given Incident, Absorbed and Transmitted Radiation, Reflected Radiation given Reflectivity and Incident Radiation, Reflectivity given Absorptivity and Transmissivity, Reflectivity using Absorptivity for Opaque Surface, Reflectivity using Reflected Radiation and Incident Radiation, Transmissivity given Transmitted Radiation and Incident Radiation, Transmissivity using Absorptivity and Reflectivity, Transmitted Radiation using Incident, Absorbed and Reflected Radiation, Transmitted Radiation using Transmissivity and Incident Radiation, Diffuse solar radiation in terms of total solar energy and direct radiation, Effective surface temperature of the sun in terms of solar constant, Mean distance between sun or star and earth or planet, Radius of sun in terms of total solar irradiance, Total solar energy incident on unit area of horizontal surface on ground, Emissive Power given Radiation Intensity for Diffusely Emitting Surface, Emissive power of diffusely emitted black body radiation in terms of radiation intensity, Intensity of diffusely emitted radiation in terms of radiosity and reflected radiation, Intensity of diffusely incident radiation in terms of irradiation, Intensity of diffusely reflected radiation in terms of radiosity and emitted radiation, Irradiation for diffusely incident radiation, Radiation intensity in terms of emissive power for diffusely emitting black body, Radiation intensity in terms of emissive power for diffusely emitting surface, Radiosity in terms of incident and reflected radiation, Temperature of diffusely emitting black body in terms of radiation intensity, The intensity of radiation emitted by black body at an absolute temperature, Interchange factor for infinitely long concentric cylinders, Interchange factor for infinitely long concentric spheres, Interchange factor for large body enclosed by another body, Interchange factor for two rectangles with common side at right angles to each other, Absorptivity of Small Body using Absorbed Radiation and Temperature, Emissivity of Small Body given Emitted Radiation and Temperature, Radiation Absorbed by Small Body Per Unit of its Surface Area, Temperature of Small Body given Emissivity and Emitted Radiation, Temperature of Small Body using Absorptivity and Absorbed Radiation.

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