Some even said that men would never find me attractive because of it, like as soon as a guy saw the soft hair between my nose and lips, he would run the other way, my personality, intelligence, and wit be damned. It is important for our students to leave school with a broad understanding of the world and its cultures. Often, the "middle ground" is that art isn't eliminated outright, but precious minutes are shaved off of each class. It is possible to educate children about different cultures through art. He, too, thinks universities should require physical-education courses. Through The Arts Paper, the Arts Council of Greater New Haven introduces Connecticut high school students to grassroots journalism as part of its Youth Arts Journalism Initiative. A similar process can be transferred to why studying music or art should be required. It is made up of color, form, line, shape, space, texture, and value. They have no value to students that aren't interested. 8. Most people would never learn if they want to become and artist or musician without first experiencing it, which would never happen in their spare time. 9. Art has zero boundaries. I was no longer an individual but rather someone who's life was dictated by someone else's opinions. Creative Arts offers students a variety of skills that will be useful in the future. A child learns to pay attention and observe when she draws an object that she is looking at. I'm presenting the most vulnerable, sensual genuine version of myself, which is empowering, terrifying, and necessary in reclaiming my body from a toxic patriarchal culture that aims to return womyn to a childlike state of hairlessness. I remember the first time I tried to shave my legs. Even if I cannot make the change in school systems to enforce art, I urge anyone and everyone to take a course, to find inspiration and beauty, and to allow yourself to be open to those things. Involvement in the arts is associated with gains in math, reading, cognitive ability, critical thinking, and verbal skill. Fine arts may include art, music, and or drama. When people say that girls are emotional and cry a lot, I think that was true, much to my surprise, of myself this year. Vote for your favorite animation debate on this page. Art has been used as therapy for emotionally distraught kids, post-traumatic stress disorder, sexual assault victims, mental disabilities, and for all ages. And by that point, I hastily hurry up to finish lest I start crying again. By encouraging children to learn art, it can assist them in developing decision-making skills, increasing self-confidence, and building self-esteem. As a college student, I revel in the fact that I am saving money thanks to accepting my body hair instead of spending the little dough I have on razors, shaving cream, or upper lip hair removal kits. This issue is perhaps one of the most anger-inducing issues art teachers are facing right now. Your eyes may appear shaky at first when attempting a new drawing, but they will improve as time passes. "Past studies have shown that having a requirement in college is beneficial down the . Firstly, art subjects including music, drawing, painting and sculpture allow children to enter a state of relaxation. And certainly focus is vital for studying and learning in class as well as doing a job later in life. Teachers who inspire self-expression through art in the United States will be honored for their contributions to art education. What can you hear now? Or how delicately, carefully, hats and scarves are knitted and stitched and put together? The value of art classes in fostering a childs motivation, concentration, confidence, and teamwork cannot be overstated. In. I took your words to heart: "I want you and only you for the rest of my life." I personally know how effective art can be in individuals that need an escape. This guidance must be used in conjunction with the readiness framework and your existing . My guy friend once said said "Woah, your face changed." A correlation means there is a connection between two things. If you ask me to explain my situation, the more I talk, the higher my voice will go, and the more it will choke and crack. Students should be required to take arts courses, because this type of education firstly offers an option of future job and also comes as a significant aspect of academic and social development. Children can create their own identities if they develop their creativity. Art has been used as therapy for emotionally distraught kids, post-traumatic stress disorder, sexual assault victims, mental disabilities, and for all ages. Art is not necessary. It all went unnoticed. I oftenattend professional development meetings with colleagues from other disciplines. I believe that art and music should be mandatory in schools. And after the whole emotional mess was over, I would calmly gather my soaked tissues, sweep them into the garbage can, place the tissue box back in its usual spot, declare myself fine and to move on. This essay will discuss both these views, before coming to the conclusion that they are equally valid. No matter what career you choose, those who can arrange, present and display material in a way that is aesthetically pleasing have an advantage. Some people believe that art is a form of expression that should be available to everyone, and that it can be helpful in developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills. You will become addicted to art exhibitions and museums, as well as learn about the art form. Silly me for not picking up on the signs. There are many reasons why students should be required to take art classes. Stomach hair? 3. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. Clare Regelbrugge, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Sign in to comment to your favorite stories, participate in your community and interact with your friends. In order for an art school to be a good one, its faculty must have years of experience in the arts and be dedicated to assisting its students in growing as artists. Silly me. Students comment on the bonds they form with classmates because of their shared interests and ideas. How can the arts be integrated into the educational system? We live inan increasingly global world. These habits develop naturally when engaging in art-making. We can become powerful advocates for the power of art and improved student . From Cosmo raving about Miley Cyrus's armpit hair on the red carpet to Allure's new Dispelling Beauty Myths YouTube series, feminine, and femme body hair has now become a hot topic again as the hairless, wax-happy reign of late 90's and early 2000's crumbles. Children who participate in creative arts have the opportunity to cultivate emotional intelligence in a unique way. While most school administrators are open to the idea of music being taught as an extra-curricular activity, there are very few who think of music as a necessary curricular subject. However, I remind myself of not only the time and money I am saving but also the statement I'm making about myself; when I go out. A friend of mine said she agrees. They would understand, and encourage me to let it out, which further made me feel more embarrassed and ashamed because I didnt want to be so vulnerable and seem so weak. You may have to explain the importance of art education in a school's curriculum and present the research to back up those claims. The art classes are still a component of the curriculum but the regular education teacher provides some integrated art lessons within his or her daily curriculum. Using music theory to create a song that is "technically" perfect in terms of timing and pitch will sound like garbage if there is no feeling or finesse from the artist injected into the piece. Or it will take up space on the student's schedule that could be used for a more valued Continue Reading Check Writing Quality My freedom came to an end when December rolled around, and I started shaving my legs again in addition to my steady regimen of shaving my armpits and nairing the dark hair on my upper lip. Furthermore, their sense of belonging will improve as they become more aware of and familiar with the world around them. Main: 515.650.3198 Art and music exposure does more than provide a creative outlet for k . There are times where I am ashamed to raise my arms in public, or I am tempted to shave my legs to impress guys. Going back to the subject on revenge, I don't care as much when it's me who is criticized. To the task of learning about oneself and the world, a required course of studies can bring needed order and coherence. In the 5th grade, I was given a choice. The decision to eliminate art classes from schools would force students to devote more time to core classes, which is not the best option for them. Most school systems are requiring a fine arts course to graduate or earn their advanced diploma. Art teachers must be ready to advocate for committing the necessary resources to prioritize the value of creativity in the classroom. They teach students how to be creative and unique individuals in addition to providing them with creative and unique instruction. Gym class is useless and illogical to require students to fit into their schedule. The arts, like other areas of study, should not be viewed as an extra activity; rather, they should be viewed as an essential component of a well-rounded education. And after the whole emotional mess was over, I would calmly gather my soaked tissues, sweep them into the garbage can, place the tissue box back in its usual spot, declare myself fine and to move on. Children become more confident and resilient as they gain experience with their emotions. This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator. Magazine articles and podcasts are opinions of professional education contributors and do 2022 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. From insensitive comments, to grieving over a lost friendship, to feelings of loneliness, I would often try to tell myself to stop, that I shouldnt be crying over something, that I was just making it too big of a deal. 1,000s of premium art curriculum materials at your fingertips, 518 Main Street,Suite A Radhi, SUNY Stony Brook3. Another important aspect of creating at this age is confidence. This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator. I know that you may argue that art education is important, but please read that last paragraph again. Some children dont like expressing themselves in front of others, and forcing them to do something they dont like is not fair. Children benefitfrom art trainingin the development of their motor, verbal, social, decision-making, risk-taking, and imaginative abilities. Art education has many unique qualities. You conditioned your eyes to innocence - and I believed them without a doubt. As a scorpio (October 26) there are certain songs that I connect with, and that other scorpios feel the same way about. Second of all, studying art and music helps to reveal hidden talents and possibilities. More importantly, not shaving in college adds to my ultimate goal of finding and becoming my most genuine, content self. An integrated liberal arts and business education produces thoughtful and well-informed civic leaders. A country where everyone has access to high-quality arts education is one in which Americans for the Arts hopes to make a difference. It also allows them to express themselves in a creative and unique way. Students develop skills in art that help them find success in many other areas of life. Students should be focusing more on their core classes. By engaging in this way, students can truly benefit from art. There is so much discover, so much to ask. Art classes expose students to art from all over the world. Why or why not? Music and art are such inspiring and world changing passions that never trying either of them should be considered a taboo in society. How do you communicate the value of art education to your community? A sense of achievement: Learning to play pieces of music on a new instrument can be a challenging, but achievable goal. Art can be a great tool for children to help them deal with difficult emotions. Anne-Marie Slinkman, an elementary school art educator, is a former AOEU Writer. Allowing children to express themselves through creativity is a way for them to deal with anxiety and stress. Sometimes, I'm overprotective. Second, art education helps children develop fine motor skills and improve their hand-eye coordination. These cost changes have affected creative programs that are important for kids to succeed and have a steady mental growth. While that holds true for most disciplines, we need to take another look at why taking an art class might not be all that it is cracked up to be. Arts programs help students develop skills such as resilience, grit, and a growth mindset in order to master their craft, succeed academically, and succeed in life after high school. When you include the push for more STEM services, the choice often becomes keeping art or paying for the new science, technology, and engineering structures - so the latter often wins. You've been able to hear since 20 weeks before you were born. If you already have an account, please login. Since then, I had always associated shaving with pain and just plain tediousness. Some students believe that classes in the arts should be required to take a class in the arts because through the classes students can gain social skills, it can help students be more creative, and can help students build character. The economics of art classes is that the cost of supplies is significantly higher than it is for what students need to have to learn mathematics. In a leap of faith, not only in myself but also in the professor, I decided to take an art course here at K. This course is already changing my life-- no joke. Think about the screen you're looking at. Art education does not have to be solely concerned with student learning. I believed the lies that come flowing out of your mouth as if they had been rehearsed for days. This type of knowledge will be in high demand in the future. I wanted to go out without you but I wasn't allowed. Art can be used to relieve stress, and it can also be used to make a statement. Critical thinking and problem-solving are alive and well in the art room. I ceased to shaving my leg hair before letting my armpit hair grow. Across the country, many schools are cutting art programs for a variety of reasons. perception of the real world. We all know the value of art for our students. We hope that taking an art class will provide our children with many positive outcomes. Arts classes also help kids academically. In our opinion, we cannot ask for more from our children, and we believe that art classes are an important part of their development. Many students have reported that art is the way they express complex ideas that they have no other way to communicate to others. Elimination of an art class usually receives even less emotion from community members. Art classes are beneficial to children in terms of improving academic performance, developing life skills (which translate into more successful lives later in life), and developing self-esteem. Follow HuffPost Teen on Twitter | Instagram | Tumblr | Pheed |. Students who begin learning a form of art in their early stages of learning it simply because it is enjoyable are more likely to do so. This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. I had always heard of people being cheated on but I never thought that it would've happened to me. Furthermore, learning the arts teaches children critical thinking skills. In Art Education, a wide range of topics of professional interest to art educators and anyone interested in quality visual arts education are covered. In particular , making these classes mandatory does not imply that every student will be interested in them, resulting in pupils not being able to pass due to not getting enough Growing up, every day I would look forward to going to art class for a nice break from learning about basic math and the history of America. You stole my happiness, you stole my confidence, you stole my voice, you stole my trust - things I will never be able to fully regain ever again. The last project I can remember making was a clay duck, which wasn't even the assignment at hand. Perhaps no, a student is not planning to go into anything involving sketching, painting, or pottery. Part of HuffPost News. Brittany Morgan, National Writer's Society2. As the premier art gallery in the Washington DC metropolitan area, Huckleberry Fine Art specializes in finding emerging artists locally and internationally. Children who participate in creative arts can express themselves more effectively. The things we are taught effect us in later life, arts and language to name a few. Art is not necessary for any living human. Students Should Not Be Required To Take Art Classes Education, of any kind, is beneficial. Thisencourages them to think critically to solve problems in their own unique way. Art can be used to decorate a room, or it can be used to make a point. "NACAC has allowed me to create professional relationships with colleagues across the world and I know that I can pick up the phone and call any NACAC member to help me in guiding a student properly or to simply listen when things can feel unfair in the college admission process. Silly me. Furthermore, in a 2016 article for Slate, author Christina Cauterucci explains that shaving or waxing pubic hair in hopes of achieving a societal standard has been linked to developing and contracting sexually transmitted diseases; pubic hair is a gift from evolution meant to ward off infection and irritation. She is passionate about providing relevant and meaningful art experiences for all students. Art uses visuals along with problem solving and physical action. Most people would agree that art is a critical part of humanity. But yet there I was, attempting to lose weight and wear more makeup because you told me to. Complexity is all around us. Instead, this requirement helps students gain an appreciation for the arts and the responsibility that goes along with acquiring a skill. Shaved and never revealed. But how does this relate to schools requiring an arts or music class? I also recognize my privilege as a white-passing Hawaiian-Caucasian girl and how being white provides me safety. For example , in other academic classes , there is no opportunity for students Then, if you talk to me long enough, you might start to see tiny tears begin to well in my eyes. Kyle Taylor Founder at The Penny Hoarder (2010-present) Aug 16 Promoted What are the 3 dumbest things we spend too much money on? The skills they gain will serve them well in the future. Forcing students to take art classes, when they have no interest in them, is a waste of time. Additionally, art and music can help children to learn about other cultures and to appreciate the beauty of the world around them. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, learning to paint is an excellent way for your child to develop their creative side and learn about themselves and the world around them. If you want to learn about the arts of the visual arts, an art school is an excellent choice. By allowing students to learn to better themselves when a grade is not the final verdict, these courses teach students to show their character and willingness to work towards mastery. I get to sit down, play classic jazz songs, and solo over them on a daily basis and there's nothing else I would rather do during that period. Teaching through the arts can present difficult concepts visually, making them more easy to understand. In addition, it improves child accountability, as children admit their mistakes and accept them as their fault. As art educators, it is important to articulate why our class isimportant. Arts Classes Shouldn't to Be Mandatory for School High school students are required to take many different classes. Yet in actuality, I hadnt moved on, at least not really. Unable to face those who wanted to help me, Id just send them messages of false-reassurance, saying that I was fine, and I was just crying to calm down. 2. Art instruction helps children with the development of motor skills, language skills, social skills, decision-making, risk-taking, and inventiveness. We had different projects every couple of weeks and Im pretty sure my mom still has every project me and my brother have ever made. The emphasis on academics in degree programs is frequently at the expense of practical experience. Requiring art classes in schools would also help to reduce the achievement gap. Silly me for thinking I was the only one. She learns to plan ahead and follow through when she sketches a series of preparatory pictures before creating a complete painting. Yes, what you get out of a class is your choice, but making a hasty decision could be setting yourself up for failure. 1. It is an argument used often to defend our place on the educational landscape. They will improve their problem-solving abilities by developing their confidence, empathy, and problem-solving skills. Harvards Project Zerodeveloped the Studio Habits of Mind nearly a decade ago. Students find this type of education useful in their educational careers, as well as the opportunity to learn from experienced professionals. 6. Now I play in a jazz improvisation group at my school, and it's easily one of my favorite periods that I have. If the priority is to prepare students for standardized tests, then art might be seen as unnecessary. When a student creates an artwork, theymake careful choices to communicate their ideas. 1. For one, art helps students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The universe is 92 billion light years across and growing every second. Everything is connected to everything else, in a completely physical, practical sense: this universe is a closed system with a finite amount of mass. The showcases display the varied art classes taken at NPHS. There are, of course, many other benefits . The process of analyzing and creating art challenges students to develop these skills. Although art classes frequently produce higher grade point averages (GPAs), this is not the case for everyone. This is mainly because art helps boost the child's brain, thus increasing their ability to understand other academic concepts. They are demonstratively beneficial in early development as well as technological innovation. This is basically because school education has always been perceived as the study of the three R's-Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, along with History and Science. I am not planning, as of now, to be going into anything involving mathematics, especially not pre-calculus or beyond. Although art and music classes are a great way to show students creativity, they won't help students get jobs in today's world. Even more personal than that, how would someone ever truly know if they wanted to be a musician or artist without first being able to experience it. 1 1.Keep art classes optional - The Lion's Tale 2 2.Why Art Education in High School isn't Necessary - The Glen Echo 3 3.The arts are not essential - The Glen Echo 4 4.Are art classes a waste of resources or the most important class a 5 5.14 Pros and Cons of Cutting Art Programs in Schools - ConnectUS And they cannot be assessed on a standardized test. You fantasized romance for me. If the requirement is made mandatory, students will not be interested in art classes. It can also be used to express oneself in a creative way. In addition to these benefits, it helps a growing child develop his or her. Songs About Being 17Grey's Anatomy QuotesVine Quotes4 Leaf CloverSelf Respect, 1. Here are the 50 most powerful Bible scriptures on gratitude. Spending less time with my razor for the month of November was just as magical as I thought it would be; I had more time to devote to studying, spending time with loved ones, and doing things I love. As I grew older and transitioned into high school, I mastered shaving and removing my body hair in general. There are many skills an elementary school child can learn from art classes. Being creative allows focus to be altered into visual emotions rather than built up stress making it a perfect outlet. Using art as words is crucial for those that are emotionally broken and struggling and can sometimes save lives. High schools, such as Conant, already require students to take specific classes like U.S. History, Economics, Health, Consumers Science, and also two to four years of core classes to graduate. This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Art classes, on the other hand, not only help children understand other subjects better, develop creativity, discipline, and motivation, and even help them deal with stressful situations. One of the best things about performing arts is that it can open students' minds to the needs of others. These skills help students well after the tests and schooling aredone. In the early 2000s, federal pressure from No Child Left Behind legislation led urban school districts to focus more heavily on math and reading instruction, to the detriment of arts classes. We have a common ancestor with every human, every animal, every blade of grass. If you are not talented, performing arts may not be for you, but it is fun. Sure, a painting using colors that complement each other will look better than one that uses brown and grey, but at the same time a painting that uses complementary colors badly will receive less merit than a beautifully crafted brown and grey painting. This is an excellent time to reflect on where arts education has been and where it needs to go as we prepare for National Arts in Education Week. It can help improve childrens reading abilities, cognitive abilities, critical thinking, and verbal skills, in addition to improving their math skills. As you can see, performing arts courses can give children a wide . Fine art classes should be recommended in all schools because it consists of simple classes that students take to gain educational growth,an improvement in confidence, and a possible outlook into future careers. Art and music are important forms of expression that can help children to develop their creative side. These institutions are not willing to give credence to such skills, which have not been valued in the past.

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