Most of this is covered in quakeaccel.txt as well. adds to your crouch slide time; for example, a value of 2 means for every tic you fall, If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. When he does this, he syncs his mouse movement with his movement keys. The client hence predict what will be its position on the server at t+latency/2. When Quake physics are enabled, your Player.JumpZ value is set so that you jump If you have a max speed you want to reach with a given acceleration, use f = (v-a)/v. Backing up that theory of being a design choice could simply be because Quake was rigid with player movement as it wasn't as developed. ===========================================================================. Quake 3 and beyond just make your wish direction point upwards. This setting scales how much that factors in; for example, 0.5 means Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as. Here is what all of this looks like in code: Those of you who are familiar with the Source engine may once again recognize the sv_accelerate, sv_airaccelerate, and sv_friction convars in this code. The entry point WinMain can be found in sys_win.c.A quick summary of the code is as follows: WinMain { while (1) { newtime = Sys_DoubleTime (); time = newtime - oldtime; Host_Frame (time) { setjmp Sys_SendKeyEvents IN_Commands Cbuf_Execute /* Network */ CL_ReadPackets CL_SendCmd /* Prediction//Collision */ CL . holding jump made your strafejumping suck this is why. You will need the Quake III Arena baseq3 (not the demo version) and be sure to use the parameters "+set vm_game 0 +set vm_cgame 0 +set vm_ui 0" in order to use the dylib virtual machines. Are you sure you want to create this branch? This is the complete source code for winquake, glquake, quakeworld, and glquakeworld. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Don't worry if you don't understand C coding, as each step will be explained later in further detail. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. The projects have been tested with visual C++ 6.0, but masm is also required to build the assembly language files. When off, you need to let go and re-press jump between jumps. This value is in units. See pk3/zscript/testclasses.txt for examples of how to make the player act like In vanilla Quake, ground friction applies for a single frame when you hit the ground,, Full source code included. This allows the player to exceed the maximum velocity in certain situations. Having its source code, in version 2.0, released on May 18, 1996 by John Carmack, this was the official editor used for the vanilla game as well as the first Quake editor to be released in some form to the public; the QuakeED's source code was available about a month before the first shareware . Because the movement in Quake 3 and Quake 3 engine-based games is different, the method of gaining speed is also different; it's not possible to use the Half-Life style of strafing to gain speed. Turning this on uses Quake 1's behavior, and keeping it off uses Quake 3's. CrouchSlideTimeMax: int Quake 4 is usually locked to 60 fps, but Q4Max duels run at 90 fps. Scales how fast you can move in a given direction. QuakeAccelPlayer overrides the following methods: Thinker.Tick: extended to enable/disable Quake physics when Q_UseQuakeAccel changes. This mini-project is a modding resource that allows you to quickly and easily add This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Tyr-Quake is a branch of the Quake source code released by id. Doom's default friction value is 0.90625, which at its fixed ticrate of 35 translates to The actual friction calculation is very simple, and looks like this in code: Of course, friction is only applied when the player is grounded. the other games in their entirety. MagneticLedgeScale: boolean Figure 1: Projecting vector a onto vector b. Vector projection can be represented by the equation: Above, represents a dot product and b is the unit vector of b (that is, a vector in the direction of b and a length of 1). These values are in u/s. Help. acts the same as the standard Gravity property. to build the assembly language files. this with your own movement code. In the clip above you may notice the player quickly wiggle his mouse left and right. Unlike Quake which later received a official Source port by Id themselves allowing the game to run in OpenGL, Quake II's engine already had built-in OpenGL . PlayerPawn.DeathThink: extended to apply Quake style friction when dead. Both are free. This value not from flying up/down with +forward/+back. when jumping up a ramp. Its creator, Id Software, licensed the engine (now retroactively referred to as IdTech 2) to many companies, including Valve. Thus, it may be useful to you as a game developer to "implement" bunnyhopping into your game. Instead of limiting velocity directly, only the projection of the current velocity onto acceleration is limited. When enabled, use Quake physics. Above the latest-commit bar, on the very right, there's a download icon. This value is in units. when in the water. If you want to retain the skill-based nature of bunnyhopping then be sure to add this delay into your physics calculations. 1.3 Mouse Sensitivity and Config. Quake and Quake 2 have a physics quirk where jumping adds to your Z velocity if it's Determine the rotation of the legs reletive, Returns an event number apropriate for the groundsurface, Check for hard landings that generate sound events. Quake is a first-person shooter game developed by id Software and published by GT Interactive.The first game in the Quake series, it was originally released for MS-DOS, Microsoft Windows and Linux in 1996, followed by Mac OS and Sega Saturn in 1997 and Nintendo 64 in 1998. Quake QuakeC source This is a list of all the QuakeC modules included in the QuakeC 1.01 source code released by John Carmack in 1996. This is because if players didn't do this friction would reduce their speed. Seen in: Quake (1996) How to do it: Simultaneously tap jump and a strafe key in a repeating pattern alternating between left and right strafes. When this is on, crouch slide only ticks down when actually sliding. Halftime values can be converted back to regular friction values with this function: friction = lambda halftime, ticrate: 0.5 ** (1 / (halftime * ticrate)), qfriction = lambda halftime, ticrate: ticrate * (1 - 0.5 ** (1 / (halftime * ticrate))). It's intended to support Quake and Quakeworld while fixing little bugs that have come up over the years. WadingSpeedScale: double Scales your speed when wading through water (waterlevel = 1). 1.4 CPMA Movement. correlation to how long you can crouch slide. Similarly to double jumping, jumping while moving up or down a ramp added your jump velocity From a code perspective, this is done in the CL_PredictMove method, first Quake engine decide the sentime limit for playable commands: cl.time = realtime - cls.latency - cl_pushlatency.value*0.001; attempt to prevent you from doing so accidentally. Bunnyhopping earned its name because the player literally has to hop in order to gain speed. This setting scales how much of your starting Are you sure you want to create this branch? QGravity: double ForwardScale, BackwardScale, SideScale, UpScale: double, GNU General Public License for more details. positive, rather than simply setting it. This value scales how much your fall time InstantZAdjust: boolean For example, a value of 200 means that you'll be treated as moving at 200 u/s if you're By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. It is possible to change a #define and build with only C code, but the software rendering versions lose almost half its speed. Here is the key to this diagram: In the above example, the player is both moving and turning left. values is at the bottom of this README. if it detects that you're about to run off a ledge, it doubles your friction in an If you have a max speed you want to reach with a given friction, use a = v(1-f). Technical Writeup together, so a ForwardScale of 1.2 and a GroundForwardScale of 1.25 gets you a Quake 64 for PC Sep 22 2021 Released Sep 22, 2021 First Person Shooter Quake 64 ported to the PC. GroundSpeed, CrouchSpeed, AirSpeed, FlySpeed, WaterSpeed, CSlideSpeed: double You signed in with another tab or window. 1.5 Crouch Sliding. Here is my implementation of the above concepts in code: Friction also plays an important role in bunnyhopping as well as Quake-style movment in general. AutoSlide: boolean You can change the movement_scale variable to tune how fast you can accelerate or change direction in air. result in less friction. (roughly 0.5). Acceleration and max speed are scaled friction value, and each column corresponds to a set framerate the engine's physics would be running at. Keep in mind that both codebases contain engine-specific code so they aren't as easy to integrate as the code in this article. quake movement code | Co-Packing You Can Trust. This value is in tics. A table to quickly convert Quake friction values to half-time The friction functions will act like your speed is at least this value when slowing you down. 50% of your Z velocity from running up a ramp gets added to your jump velocity. The next patch was taking a bit longer then I expected to be ready so I figured I'd release these files in the meantime instead of holding onto it before the patch. quake2.plg readme.txt readme.txt This is the complete source code for Quake 2, version 3.19, buildable with visual C++ 6.0. 12. pm_stopspeed : speed; } else if (pm->watertype == CONTENTS_SLIME) {, //ZOID: If we are on the grapple, try stair-stepping, //this allows a player to use the grapple to pull himself. Quake 2 Marines adds the whole Quake 2 arsenal to Quake 1 with a select menu to pick different marines and weapon loadouts. The projection of a vector a onto a vector b (also known as the component of a onto b) is "The orthagonal projection of a onto a straight line parallel to b" (To quote Wikipedia). Ground{Forward,Backward,Side,Up}Scale, Air{Forward,Backward,Side,Up}Scale, Water{Forward,Backward,Side,Up}Scale, Fly{Forward,Backward,Side,Up}Scale, CSlide{Forward,Backward,Side,Up}Scale: double Architecture Higher values Autohop: boolean When set to a value greater than necessary, but every Quake game has fast crouching, so I'd recommend keeping this. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Archived. Have you looked in the source code at all? For the player character class, I recommend setting air control to 0 and adjusting the walk speed to your own preference. The code is all licensed under the terms of the GPL (gnu public license). Nevertheless it is still interesting to see the origins of the mechanic. There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. If you want half the distance gained, use 0.7071 without getting a sqrt(2) distortion in speed. pm->trace (&trace, pm->ps->origin, pm->mins, pm->maxs, pm->ps->origin, pm->ps->clientNum, pm->tracemask); The ground trace didn't hit a surface, so we are in freefall, PM_SetWaterLevel FIXME: avoid this twice? If you would like you can check out the Quake III movement code or the Half Life 2 movement code on GitHub. Wouldn't you always hit the ground and thus lose speed? Take some time to tweak these server-defined variables to your liking as they determine the feel of your game's movement. The contexts are: QuakeAccelPlayer provides the following properties: UseQuakeAccel: boolean This should be all you need to implement bunnyhopping into your game. Obviously id took a tighter approach with Q3. 1.1 Strafing. FitzQuake Mark V source code Decompress the included. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Your maximum acceleration in the five contexts. Click that, choose ".ZIP", then unzip the ZIP file into its own directory. LH's Quake 1.06 qc source: id1qc; LH's Quake 1.06 qc Multiplayer only: mponlyqc; Scourge_of_Armagon mission pack 1 src: hipqc; . Source Engine movement code - This code was based off of the Quake engine code. PlayerPawn.CheckCrouch: overridden to speed up crouching and uncrouching. VectorScale( wishdir, wishspeed, wishVelocity ); VectorSubtract( wishVelocity, pm->ps->velocity, pushDir ); VectorMA( pm->ps->velocity, canPush, pushDir, pm->ps->velocity ); Returns the scale factor to apply to cmd movements, This allows the clients to use axial -127 to 127 values for all directions. even in midair. 0, this recreates that behavior (higher values means higher ledge friction). Privacy Policy. **NOTE: Source code was updated! your MaxStepHeight is set to this value. Z velocity gets clamped, keeping you closer to the water than in other Quake games. For example, 0.5 means 50% of your Z velocity When on, you don't. Quake 1, and to my knowledge none of the other Quake games, has a nice feature where ( pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_WALKING ) ) {, bobmove = 0.4; // faster speeds bob faster, Generate sound events for entering and leaving water, Generates weapon events and modifes the weapon counter, This can be used as another entry point when only the viewangles, Can be called by either the server or the client. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. QuakeEd is the level editor designed by John Romero and John Carmack to create the levels in Quake. the folder, not its contents. Questions about Quake movement when compared to Source games. In Quakeworld and every Quake afterwards, ground friction never applies when bunnyhopping. Quake Reignited's first major update, v1.1, is now available for download. Recall that in order to airstrafe you must sync your movement keys with your mouse movement. Don't do that. Close. Most of them are self-explanatory, 2 ways to go about it you can set the material type of the collider to have a "slippery" collision with a material like "Ice" or "ZeroFriction". Scales the above DirectionScale properties in the given contexts. the f = (v-a)/v equation above) can be converted to half-time values with this function: halftime = lambda friction, ticrate: math.log(0.5, friction)/ticrate. Turning this on uses Quake 1's behavior, and keeping it off uses Quake 3's. Q2SurfaceTension: boolean Quake 1.5 source code, mapping FGD for trenchbroom and map sources Here is the release of the Quake 1.5 source code, modified map sources, and FGD made for the mod. Quake Client A good starting point to study Quake is the qwcl (client) project. you can play it to see what it's like. alternatively you can go to the input settings and set the Gravity really low, that way input wont go immediately from 1 to 0 and will have a gradual fall-off kbro3 6 yr. ago This is more of a resource than a playable mod, although Although it doesn't *perfectly* model the Q3 movement physics, it feels mostly the same. That's it! By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. your air acceleration, due to the engine zeroing out the Z component of your desired The projects have been tested with visual C++ 6.0, but masm is also required. to however fast you were going up/down the ramp, allowing for dramatically boosted jump heights quake movement code movement vector and reducing its length in the process. Add short mouse swipes in . You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License, along with Foobar; if not, write to the Free Software, Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA, Handles both ground friction and water friction, // proper way (avoids strafe jump maxspeed bug), but feels bad. "Bunnyhopping" is an exploit of a very popular bug in games like Quake III Arena, Half-Life, and Counter-Strike. They multiply These values are in u/s. When Quake physics are enabled and you're in midair (not when you're swimming), Quake III movement code - This is the original Quake engine movment code that "started it all". CrouchSlideTimeScale: double Let's model this mathematically: Figure 2: Using projection to limit speed. In Quake 4 and Quake Champions, your crouch slide time ticks down when holding crouch, In the Quake III acceleration code, movement speed is limited in a very interesting and nonobvious way. The code behind Quake's movement tricks explained (bunny-hopping, wall-running, and zig-zagging) 45,990 views Jan 10, 2021 Explanation of how the player movement code in Quake gives. RampJumpFactor: double The dot product notation works because a dot product is equal to |a| * |b| * cos(). easily given acceleration (in u/tic) and friction (in percentage of velocity kept per Why, then, is it possible to bunnyhop at all? This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. and our The linux version should be buildable, but we haven't tested it for the release. There is a lot of engine-specific/messy code in there so watch out. If you ever wondered why // Vector projection of Current velocity onto accelDir. This boolean enables vanilla Quake behavior. For Quake, source ports also allow you to play Quake without having to run the game in DOS or a DOS-emulating program like DOSBox . The most important component of bunnyhopping is the concept of Air Strafing. Don't set this to -1; that'll cause a divide by zero error. It differs from the other games in the Quake series (not counting Quake Live) in that it sacrifices the Single Player mode to focus on multiplayer. 1.2 Rocket Jumping. Each row corresponds to a Quake QJumpHeight: double Notable features of Quake III include the . This is preferable because it is faster to perform than a cosine calculation. When on, you don't. In general, you can convert Quake friction values to half-time values with this Python function: halftime = lambda friction, ticrate: math.log(0.5, 1-(friction/ticrate))/ticrate. I'll repeat here what I said before: Instead of limiting velocity directly, only the projection of the current velocity onto acceleration is limited. These values are in u/s. This concept is illustrated below. The Top 142 Quake Open Source Projects Topic > Quake Vkquake 1,381 Vulkan Quake port based on QuakeSpasm most recent commit a day ago Pbcharactermovement 820 HL2-style, classic FPS movement for Unreal Engine 4 implemented in C++ most recent commit 11 days ago Vkquake2 718 Quake III Arena is a multiplayer-focused first-person shooter released on December 2, 1999. The result of this from the player's perspective is a rapid increase in speed. In both Doom and Quake, acceleration is applied to velocity, then velocity is applied Bunnyhopping, or bhopping for short, allows a player to exceed the game-defined speed limit. For quick reference, here are some pre-converted values. And the original movement properties are preserved as well. moving slower than that, and you will be slowed down accordingly. This is what bunnyhopping looks like in-game to a skilled player: One Example of Bunnyhopping in Counter-Strike: Source (Source). Air Strafing works because of the way movement acceleration is handled in the Quake Engine. When off, you need to let go and re-press crouch between slides. quake movement code | Co-Packing You Can Trust.

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