.hero { Its perfectly legal to do so. If you have more than one beneficiary, its crucial to be as specific as possible with designation amounts. left: 0%; You cant guarantee exactly who will be around at the time of your death, but contingent beneficiaries can help cover your bases. transform: scale(1); As you work hard towards financial security and raise a family, youll need to plan for their future in the event that you pass unexpectedly. Close friends or mentors may also be included. A life insurance beneficiary is simply defined as the person or persons you've chosen to receive the death benefit of your life insurance policy. Otherwise, the amount will be added to your estate. } var s = document.createElement("script"), el = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.async = true; s.src = "https://sb.scorecardresearch.com/cs/31824268/beacon.js"; Depending on the amount, you could choose to have the benefit paid out each year over specific periods of time. Most policyholders and recipients prefer receiving one lump sum. left: 0%; Death of the policyholder was due to suicide, drug use or illegal activities. Cynthia splits her time between Los Angeles, CA and San Sebastian, Spain. Its crucial to be as specific as possible when more than one beneficiary is involved to protect everyone. } .hero__headline { Or if youd like to add a co-beneficiary without having to ask for the originals permission to do so. transform: scale(1); height: 360px; Its typically simpler to name your spouse as a beneficiary if you trust him/her to care for your kids. If you have more than one primary beneficiary, youll need to be specific about how you want things divided, such as 60% to your spouse and 20% to your church and 20% to a sibling. margin-left: 0%; In most cases, youll need to put the changes in writing by filling out a form and signing it. .hero__foreground { bottom: 0%; When naming beneficiaries, its best to be as specific as possible since you wont be around to clear things up if there is confusion. transform: scale(1); Beneficiaries seem simple enough, but there are many variables to consider. A beneficiary is the person (or persons) who are designated to receive your life insurance death benefit. A life insurance beneficiary is simply defined as the person or persons youve chosen to receive the death benefit of your life insurance policy. Death happened during the contestability period, which is usually the first two years of the policy. Decisions have to be made regarding how outstanding debt will be handled and who gets your assets money in the bank, retirement accounts, investments and life insurance policies. You dont always have to choose an individual person as a beneficiary you could also name an organization such as a charity. Changing out your life insurance beneficiaries is a simple process. Heres how to change or update your beneficiaries for the top life insurance companies: You can decide in advance how youd like the life insurance to be paid out. })(); @media only screen and (min-width: 64em) { margin-left: 0%; } @media only screen and (min-width: 40em) and (max-width: 64em) { For example, if you bought a policy with a $1 million death benefit and named your spouse as the beneficiary, they would receive $1 million if you pass away within the time that your policy is active. Some individuals dont have a family, or prefer to leave money to their favorite charities, non-profits or organizations. height: 290px; var _comscore = _comscore || []; _comscore.push({ c1: "2", c2: "31824268", cs_ucfr: "1"}); If there is no one to inherit your estate, the state will claim it. The life insurance benefit your loved ones receive is not taxable in most cases. You should have primary beneficiaries and contingent beneficiaries as a backup. Do you need mortgage protection insurance? Changing your beneficiaries is simple as long as they are revocable. } .hero__headline { } margin-top: 0%; You dont have to name a family member to receive your life insurance death benefit. In the previous life insurance example, you could name your sibling as a contingent beneficiary. In most cases, the last thing you want to deal with is having to ask your beneficiary for permission to add or remove them from receiving your life insurance policys death benefit. It may come in handy if you separate from a partner and no longer wish to pass money on to them. If your spouse passes soon after (or with) you, your sibling would receive the 60% portion of the death benefit originally meant for your spouse. How does life insurance underwriting work? Policyholder failed to make all the premium payments. It would also be smart to have a back-up beneficiary, in case the original intended beneficiary passes with you. For example, if you bought a policy with a $1 million death benefit and named your spouse as the beneficiary, they would receive $1 million if you pass away within the time that your policy is active. Naming children (under the age of 17 or 18) as beneficiaries is possible but can come with complications. 2022 Coverage.com a Red Ventures Company All Rights Reserved. You may name anyone you choose, and even change your mind or switch beneficiaries at any time. You would need to assign a legal guardian to administer the funds until they are legally an adult. .hero { } In the following article, we help answer the question, what is a beneficiary?. If youd like your assets managed after youre gone, you may want to name a trust as the beneficiary. Youll need permission from the person designated to inherit your life insurance policy in order to remove them or add others. .hero__foreground { If you dont, the courts will step in to assign one, but it can be a lengthy and costly process. Some of the most common scenarios include: Rest assured that the amount of your life insurance policy will go to your loved ones in full as long as you name people as your beneficiaries. el.parentNode.insertBefore(s, el); The benefit will go to your surviving spouse even if you did not designate them as a beneficiary. A contingent beneficiary serves as a backup to the primary beneficiary. This could be helpful if you have minor children as beneficiaries, but be mindful of the tax implications. Many people purchase life insurance policies to ensure that their spouse and children are financially taken care of after they pass. bottom: 0%; If beneficiaries are revocable, changes can be made directly with your insurer. .hero { In most cases however, its court-mandated if the life insurance policy is part of a divorce settlement. margin-left: 0%; Now that you have a better idea of ways to designate beneficiaries, here are some examples of the different types of beneficiaries you can include in your life insurance policy. A revocable beneficiary means you can add or remove recipients from your life insurance without needing their authorization. Choosing your beneficiaries and clearly designating who receives what is one of the most important steps you can take. When naming more than one beneficiary, make sure you designate the percentage or dollar amount youre leaving to each, and identify backup or contingent beneficiaries as necessary. If you do name minor children as the recipient of the life insurance benefit and you pass before your kids are of legal age, they will be unable to receive the money until they come of age. } Its important to plan for the future to make sure things go as smoothly as possible for your loved ones in the unfortunate event of your death. If you dont have any beneficiaries to receive your life insurance benefit, a couple of things may happen. bottom: 0%; You can also download, print, scan and upload or mail it in. TIAA-CREF (Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association College Retirement Equities Fund). } .hero__headline { A beneficiary is the person (or people) you name to inherit what you leave behind. Be sure to provide the organizations name and tax identification number. } @media only screen and (max-width: 40em) { } height: 350px; The change of beneficiary form is available online and can be completed online in most cases. }, Estate planning: things to do before you die. A primary beneficiary is the primary person you expect to receive your death benefit. (function() { There are a couple of other ways you could set up a contingent beneficiary: Life insurance policies can also have two other types of beneficiaries revocable and irrevocable. An annuity or installment is also an option. left: 0%; The death benefit is not taxable unless its paid to a trust or estate. She travels to Africa and the Middle East regularly to consult with womens NGOs about small business development. The beneficiary is a minor, although its not a full denial a guardian is appointed to manage the funds until the child is of legal age so funds are temporarily unavailable. Irrevocable beneficiaries are the opposite. Beneficiaries come with other nuances you need to know about to make sure your assets and benefits are awarded in a way youre happy with. Its best to consult with an advisor if you wish to go this route. .hero__foreground { It is a common occurrence to have more than one beneficiary. } Youll typically need to provide your life insurance policy number and include the new beneficiarys legal name, Social Security number, your relationship and the amount of the death benefit youre assigning to them. If the probate courts have to step in to sort things out, costs and time involved can be significant. margin-top: 0%; Spouses are the most common beneficiary. margin-top: 0%; You may be wondering why anyone would want to add this complication voluntarily. What happens if your spouse, who you had named as one of your primary beneficiaries, passes or disappears before he or she can collect? As you can imagine, asking someone to sign off on getting excluded probably wont go over well. There are times a death benefit may be denied. Lets take a closer look at the two below.

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