Step-1: Open the SharePoint Online list, from the ribbon, click on the LIST tab, click on Form Web Parts -> Default New Form. Add .disabled to items in the dropdown to style them as disabled. I would like to use a CSV file. Place any freeform text within a dropdown menu with text and use spacing utilities. Theyre toggled by clicking, not by hovering; this is an intentional design decision. Make it fully responsive with CSS media queries. Cascading dropdown with angularjs is easier than MVC and ASP.Net. Use data-bs-offset or data-bs-reference to change the location of the dropdown. Fires immediately when the hide instance method has been called. Fancy dropdown menu in HTML and CSS. When a function is used to create the Popper configuration, it's called with an object that contains the Bootstrap's default Popper configuration. When you have a requirement for selecting dropdown values based on another dropdown values then you need to create such cascading dropdown. Roadmap (vote for features) Pure CSS horizontal dropdown menu with nice transitions and beautiful palette. You will be notified via email when the author replies to your comment. Service status, Bug reporting (test-case) for Github Issues, Presenting code answers on Stack Overflow, or just your humble code playground . The second and third dropdown list will display different options, depending on the value selected in the parent dropdown list. Full CSS dropdown navigation. Make sure you provide a valid email address, Cascading (Dependent) DropDownList in ASP.Net MVC, ASP.Net MVC: Simple Entity Framework Tutorial with example, Advertising campaigns or links to other sites. Put a form within a dropdown menu, or make it into a dropdown menu, and use margin or padding utilities to give it the negative space you require. Examples Hover me Basic The most basic dropdown menu. Some example text that's free-flowing within the dropdown menu. When To Use If there are too many operations to display, you can wrap them in a Dropdown. Run the following command to create an application. Since we need to show the country select list by default so we will get the complete list of country from service and put it on scope with name $scope.countries in our controller. Heres how you can put them to work with either