Be an expert in no time! Have you ever sung the divine praises with a strong voice? Jan van Eyck, The Ghent Altarpiece, Panel, God the Father - Christ, 1432, Jesus Hominum Salvator, Andreas Ritzos, 15th Century. The Divine Praises (Laudes Divina) Blessed be God. Amen. The different verb tenses of Spanish are essential to understanding the language. Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most Holy. Some of these prayers you may wish to learn "by heart" so that they become part of your daily living. Oh Jess, cuyo rostro es la nica hermosura que arrebata mi corazn. Blessed be St. Joseph, her most chaste spouse A new category where you can find the top search words and phrases translated into English and Spanish. Sia benedetta la grande Madre di Dio, Maria Santissima. porque has escondido estas cosas a los sabios y a los entendidos, y se las has manifestado a los sencillos (Mt 11,25). , . Dios, Padre celestial, ten misericordia de nosotros. divine praises - alabanzas divinas Examples with the phrase divine praises in Spanish Read more articles Home Page Please follow and like us: | Find this song and more inside the new Choose Christ Missal.Featuring: 400 songs for every season Music from over . Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete Find out how to refer to the past, present, and future. Sr. Marie St. Pierre, the Discalced Carmelite nun who received revelations about devotion to the Holy Face, understood well the relationship between the Holy Face of Jesus and His Holy Name. Let those that hate Him flee before His Face! Then they are compelled to take flight.. Oh Seor! Show the volunteers who bring you reliable, Catholic information that their work matters. The Little Chaplet of the Holy Face is a gem, which is not only very short, but also very powerful. Whether you are learning Spanish to study or because you want to travel to a Spanish-speaking country. Envanos, Oh Dios, trabajadores celosos e iluminados atraves de las vocaciones sacradotales y religiosa, para que sus oraciones, su trabajo y sus sacrificios esparzan las bendiciones de Tu Iglesia y confundan a tus enemigos. - from Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers. Amen. We thank You, O Lord, for all Thy benefits, and we entreat You to engrave in our hearts feeling of love and gratitude, putting upon our lips songs of thanksgiving to Your eternal praise. Sanguis eius pretiosissimus Altar Cristo, ten piedad de nosotrosCristo, ten piedad nosotros. "Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints", The Last Judgment, Fra Angelico, Centre Panel, c. 1435-1440. Do all the Churches sing the divine praises? Que vives u reinas por los siglos de los siglos. I find in the divine praises a communion with God that I do not find in any other way. Bendito sea Jess en el ms Sagrado Sacramento de el Altar. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. Blessed be His Holy Name. Over 3,000 Catholic prayers sorted by topic/keyword. The Divine Praises Lider: Tristemente no es solo Nuestro Seor pero tambin la Madre de Nuestro Seor objeto de blasfemias. Benedictus O how these impious sayings offend the infinite Majesty of God and of His only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ! Blessed be her Holy and Immaculate The music of Eastern Orthodox Church expresses the, If we travel this way to the end, we repeatedly encounter, (FR) Mr President, most of the previous speakers have. May this offering of the Holy Face of our Saviour before Your Throne of majesty obtain for us deliverance from these evils. The Divine Praises or Laudes Divinae informally known as Blessed be God is an 18th-century Roman Catholic expiatory prayer. De regres o a la Capilla, se recitaron Himnos de Alabanza y fue impartida la solem ne bendicin. . Blessed be His Holy Name . Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man. / Bless those who make reparation to the Adorable Face of Jesus Christ,/ that by their prayers and sacrifices they may bring back to Your worship and to the observances of the Church /the unfaithful who have strayed from You.Receive our vows and promises never to transgress Your sacred precepts,/ either in our own persons/ or in those who are under our charge;/ and in every way possible to us to procure the obedience and honor which are due to You. Amen. Algunas las alabanzas divinas son ms movidas que otras. He doesn't stop to remember that one of them. Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man. Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Our Father. Holy Face Novena Prayer by The Holy Man of Tour, Leo DuPont. Danos la gracia de reparar el desprecio y el olvido hacia Ti, con el celo y fervor de nuestra adoracin. Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most Holy. Amen. Divine Praises. Can you imagine going to church and not singing divine praises? divine praises - alabanzas divinas Examples with the phrase divine praises in Spanish Hoy he repasado las alabanzas divinas. Amen. Amen. Forth from each eternally, Be salvation, honor, blessing, Might and endless majesty. Oh, Seor! Te damos gracias, Oh Seor, por Todos tus beneficios y confiamos en Ti que graves en eterna alabanza. Completamente entregndote me alma a Ti, yo humildsimamente te ruego que imprimas este sello sobre todos nosotros, para que la imagen de Dios pueda ser una vez ms reproducida por su impresin en nuestras almas. Mas a travs de esos rasgos desfigurados reconozco vuestro amor infinito, y siento abrazarme en deseos de amaros y haceros amar a todos los hombres. Change). Y por que te amamos, haremos todo lo que este en nuestro poder para que todos los hombres te honren y amen. These are Prayers that are written in Spanish. These open for new generations the treasures of the Church's rich tradition of prayer. Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Conception. siguiendo un designio que el hombre est llamado a descubrir, respetar y promover, venciendo la tentacin antigua de "ser como Dios". Mother of Christ, Mary most Holy Bendito sea Dios en Sus ngeles y en Sus Santos. The Divine Praises are traditionally recited following Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament but can be prayed at any time to remind us of the glories of the Holy Trinity, and of the key role our Blessed Mother, St. Joseph, and the Angels and saints have played in our salvation. Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true man. therefore get Wisdom: and with all thy getting, Get Understanding! 98% of our readers don't give; they simply look the other way. 2 Corinthians 9:8 (NLT). composed by a Jesuit priest, Luigi Felici, in 1797. In this Spanish category, you will find the translation of words and phrases in Spanish, with many sentences that will help you determine how each phrase or word is applied. Amen. It is also said after having heard, seen or inadvertently uttered profanity or blasphemy. Our Lord told Sr. Marie St. Pierre that the Image of His Holy Face is like a Divine Stamp, which, if applied to souls, through prayer, has the power of imprinting anew within them the Image of God. Blessed be the name of Jesus. Crucifixion, The Orsini Altarpiece, Simone Martini, 1333-1340. Bendito sea el nombre de Mara, Virgen y Madre. Chc tng Cha Gi Su Ky T, c Cha Tri chn chnh v con ngi chn chnh. Ahora le ofrecemos Su Santo Rostro cubierto de sangre, sudor, polvo, saliva y vergenza, en reparacin por los crmenes ms graves de nuestro tiempo, que son el atesmo. O Jess que en vuestra acerba Pasin fuisteis hecho el oprobio de los hombres y el varn de dolores yo venero vuestro Divino Rostro, en el que resplandecan la beldad y la dulzura de la divinidad, trocado ahora en la forma de rostro de leproso. . And just because we love thee, we will do all that is in our power to make thee honored and loved by all men. Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart. Recibe nuestro voto y promesa de nunca transgredir Tus sagrados preceptos tanto en nuestra persona o en aquellos que estn a nuestro cargo; y en toda forma posible procuremos obedecerte y honrarte. Blessed be her glorious Assumption. It seems to me that in all the churches the divine praises are intoned. Blessed be the Name of Jesus. Creo que las alabanzas divinas son un instrumento valioso para la Adoracin. Las alabanzas divinas proveen un momento de rica paz emocional. O Jesus, be mindful of us forever and never forsake us; protect our family. Cuando entono las alabanzas divinas puedo sentir la presencia de Dios. The Divine Praises or Laudes Divinae informally known as Blessed be God is an 18th-century Roman Catholic expiatory prayer. Offering of the Holy FaceBy St. John Vianney. Amen, PRAYERS OF REPARATION TO THE HOLY FACE OF JESUS, MAY the most holy, most sacred, most adorable, most incomprehensible and ineffable Name of God, be forever praised, blessed, adored, loved and glorified, in heaven, on earth, and in the hells, by all the creatures of God, and by the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Gloria al Padre, y al Hijo, y al Espritu Santo. Holy Face of Manoppello Prayer cards now available! Catholic Online Prayers These are Prayers that are written in Spanish. Christi, Maria sanctissima Bendita sea la gran Madre de Dios, Mara Santsima. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCBs) mission is to encounter the mercy of Christ and to accompany His people with joy. Pope Benedict XVI 1927-2022 tribute page and access to resources here. The Divine Liturgy in English and Spanish The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom The Liturgy in English and in Spanish. Divine praises make me feel closer to God. Blessed be the great Cordero de Dios, que quitas los pecados del mundo, Perdnanos, Jess. Amen. Blessed be the Name of Jesus. May the terrible Name of the God of Eternity stamp out all their Godlessness!. Su fama se extendi muy pronto hasta Pars, Since the revelation of acclaimed debut album "Trs trs fort", released last March on the influential Crammed label music fans worldwide, Desde su estrepitosa irrupcin en marzo, con el lanzamiento de su debut "Trs, trs fort" a travs del poderoso sello Crammed, mucho se ha escrito, Since indeed the Church is one, and one and inseparable is love, and one and. For How to recite the Chaplet of the Holy Face, please click (here). Oremos: Jesucristo, seor que dijiste: Pedid y recibiris, llamad y se os abrir, concdenos a nosotros, te lo rogamos, la mas perfecta adhesin a tu divino amor, para que te amemos con todo el corazn, te revelemos en nuestras palabros y en nuestras obras, y nunca cesemos de alabarte. Placing her soul in the hands of the Virgin Mother Mary, Tower of David, asking her to use her soul to shoot arrows of prayer, she would pray: Eternal Father, I offer you the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ and all the other instruments of His Holy Passion, that You may put division in the camp of Your enemies, for as Your Beloved Son has said, a kingdom divided against itself shall fall.'. When the cares of the day are past, let the, Cuando hayan pasado los afanes del da, vulvase a reunir la familia en. Format: Full-length. CCC 2639. Blessed be the Name of Jesus. Blessed be His Most Precious Blood. $1.29. Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary Most Holy. Amen. I love to sing the divine praises with a strong voice! Que el mas santo, ms sagrado, mas adorable, ms incomprensible e inefable Nombre de Dios sea por siempre alabado, bendecido, amado, adorado y glorificado, en el Cielo, en la tierra y bajo la tierra, por todas las criaturas de Dios y por el Sagrado Corazn de Nuestro Seor Jesucristo en el Santsimo Sacramento del Altar. Radiate Your Divine Countenance upon us and bless us now and forever. Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. This category has hundreds of words translated into Spanish and English. O Almighty and Eternal God, look upon the Face of Thy Son Jesus. It is traditionally recited during Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Other prayers may be less familiar. May they join with us in proclaiming thee Blessed Among Women, the Immaculate Virgin and most compassionate Mother of God. Imaginas ir a la Iglesia y no entonar las alabanzas divinas? Do you want to join in singing the divine praises? customers, ads have to fulfil specific criteria, potencial, debe responder a unos criterios bien precisos que corresponden a un producto, as distinguished characters. Do thou obtain for them from Almighty God the grace of conversion, and thus render more manifest and more glorious thy kindness, thy power and thy great mercy. , . Blessed be the Holy Spirit the Paraclete. The love of God is the flower - Mercy the fruit. Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man . 2023 United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Avert from us destruction by war and its consequences, and from the malice of men who desire to stamp out religion from the face of the earth through false indoctrination, and who now stand ready to forcibly impose their wicked designs. 2 (Rel) alabar. This section includes some of the most familiar prayers of the Catholic tradition. Ideal for Adoration Chapels. O Jesus, whose adorable Face was adored with profound respect by Mary and Joseph when they saw Thee for the first time, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face ravished with joy the angels, shepherds and Magi in the stable of Bethlehem, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face wounded with a dart of love the aged Simeon and the Prophetess Anna in the temple, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was bathed in tears in Thy holy Infancy, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face filled with admiration the doctors in the temple, *, O Jesus, the charms and grace of whose adorable Face win all hearts, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face is characterized by nobility, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face is the admiration of the Angels, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face is the sweet delight of the Saints, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face is the masterpiece of the Holy Spirit, in which the Eternal Father is well pleased, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face is the delight of Mary and Joseph, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face is the ineffable mirror of the Divine Perfections, *, O Jesus, the beauty of whose adorable Face is ever ancient and ever new, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face, full of modesty and sweetness, attracted the just and sinners, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face appeases the anger of God, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face is the terror of the evil spirits, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face is the treasure of grace and blessings, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was exposed to the inclemency of the weather in the desert, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was scorched by the sun and bathed in sweat on Thy journeys, *, O Jesus, the expression of whose adorable Face is wholly Divine, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face sorrowed and wept at the tomb of Lazarus, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was brilliant as the sun and radiant with glory on Mount Tabor, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face is worthy of all reverence, veneration, and worship, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face grew sad at the sight of Jerusalem when Thou didst weep over that ungrateful city, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was bowed down to the ground in the Garden of Olives, and covered with confusion for our sins, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was bathed in a bloody sweat, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was kissed by the traitor Judas, *, O Jesus, the sanctity and majesty of whose adorable Face smote the soldiers with fear and cast them down, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was struck by a vile servant, shamefully blindfolded and profaned by sacrilegious hands of Thine enemies, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was defiled with spittle, and bruised with so many buffets and blows, *, O Jesus, the divine look of whose adorable Face wounded the heart of Peter with repentant sorrow and love, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was humbled for us at the tribunals of Jerusalem, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face didst preserve Thy serenity when Pilate pronounced the fatal sentence, *, O Jesus, the brow of whose adorable Face was crowned with thorns, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face covered with sweat and blood fell in the mire under the heavy weight of the Cross, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face the pious Veronica wiped on the Way to Calvary, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was raised on the instrument of the most shameful punishment, *, O Jesus, the eyes of whose adorable Face were filled with tears of Blood, *, O Jesus, the mouth of whose adorable Face was filled with vinegar and gall, *, O Jesus, the incomparable beauty of whose adorable Face was obscured under the dreadful cloud of the sins of the world, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was covered with the sad shades of death, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was washed and anointed by Mary and the holy women and wrapped in a shroud, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was enclosed in the sepulcher, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was all resplendent with glory and beauty on the day of the, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was dazzling with light at the moment of ThineAscension, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face is hidden in the Eucharist, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face will appear at the end of time in the clouds with great power and majesty, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face will cause the wicked to tremble, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face will fill the just with joy for all eternity, *. 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