Given the poor quality of faxes in general, they are subject to alteration, however, so careful scrutiny should be applied to any discrepancies in pixilation across the document, as well as any variations in handwriting or print type, spelling, punctuation or formatting. Adding new information that was not in the original document or substituting an entire page also may perpetrate fraud. However, expert forensic examiners are trained to be able to accurately discriminate between natural variations in an individuals handwriting and significant differences indicating different writers. Document examination plays a very important role in solving civil and criminal cases related with fraud, forgery and counterfeit security documents. Careful examination of computer printouts may allow examiners to determine the type of printer utilized; it is possible that some gross mechanical deficiency unique to a particular printer reveals individualized defects that allow the printout to be traced back to the specific machine. a. Resolution Forensic document examiners, or sometimes also referred to as questioned document examiners, are qualified specialists called upon to find forged and non-genuine signatures, replicas, and documents in criminal or sometimes even private cases.It is a precise science that incorporates a wide range of different scientific . For example, the examiner must determine whether multiple printers or other technologies were used in composing the document, in addition to investigating any other potential anomalies. d. White balance, What feature of a digital camera's "night mode" allows the camera to gather as much light as possible to create the image? Questioned document examination is a comparative pattern-based science like firearms, fingerprints and tire treads. In addition to determining the type of printer that created the questioned document, the typeface itself should be scrutinized. Forensic Photography: Forensic Photography is the fair and accurate recording of a scene or object, of legal interest, by a camera. White balance The questioned document examination laboratory provides the service of scientific examination of documents and other related items and materials such as paper, photocopy, printing processes, ink jet and laser printers, and fingerprint to law enforcing government agencies in their criminal investigation. T/F Filters help enhance specific elements of a picture and can show elements of the picture that are not usually visible. Artificial watermarks are widely used to authenticate and identify secure documents such as banknotes. Some fax machines also allow the user to reprogram certain formatting characteristics, which may make it more difficult to accurately discern the make and model of the source machine. Although typewriters have largely fallen into disfavor with the advent of the computer age, forensic document examiners still may be called upon to investigate documents written on a typewriter. This article is an excerpt from Practical Applications in Forensic Science, authored by Mark Songer, published by Crime Ink Publishing, LLC. Replacing the above composition with an inkjet ink cartridge. The queen bee is a fully developed female. ASTM International is a global leader in the development and delivery of voluntary consensus standards, to improve product quality, enhance health and safety, strengthen market access and trade, and build consumer confidence. Tools and Methods Document examiners of the 21st century use microscopy, chemistry, laboratory instrumentation and digital photography to uncover important clues. It can be misleading when intended with forged intention. a. Scientific Response and Analysis. These chemicals are very individualistic based on their composition and type of printing process. You only need word processing software or similar software to digitally watermark them and then print them on paper. They are created when a pattern, text, or image is printed with opaque, transparent, white, or using varnish-based ink. And for more engagement, 600 dpi is good. A former FBI Special Agent who was also a Forensic Examiner within the FBIs Questioned Documents Unit spearheads our Questioned Document Examination (QDE) practice. Alteration in the surface and change in chemical composition of paper. The study is about questioned document and medico legal importance of documents, inks, printer and etc. This process typically culminates in the presentation of gathered evidence at preliminary hearings, pretrial depositions, or in a courtroom. This impression of the writing is influenced by pen pressure and thickness of the paper. The edges of chemical watermark smudges with time. SWGDOC began in 1997, and is composed of private examiners and forensic laboratories throughout the United States. This information may be invaluable to the investigator as a means of identifying the make and model of the source machine and recipient machine, and the date of transmission. Font and line spacing should be examined, as discrepancies may be subtle but indicative of an alteration or addition to the original document. Facsimile and Photocopy Machines Worker bees are undeveloped females. They may also result in roughened or disturbed paper fibers and impressions of the original writing, and ink written over erased areas tends to bleed slightly and spread. Authenticity 2. IDENTIFICATION/FORENSICS - Questioned Documents/Document Examination . In simulated writing, however, the pen may be lifted more frequently from the page, as it is easier to achieve an accurate shape and proportion with a shorter line. c. White balance When page substitution is suspected, the date of writing or printing also should be evaluated, as chronological inconsistencies can be useful in discrediting questioned documents. Quick history: They were made by John Marshall in 1826. Watermark is a distinctive form of image, shape, text, or any design that appears translucent and fainter when light passes through it. This document contains an unsolicited letter of gratitude from one of Marks many satisfied clients. ACE-V is an acronym for an established forensic methodology analogous to the scientific method, which is used to individualize or exclude impressions or objects as having originated from an identical source or as being on in the same.1. Know more: Forensic Watermark Examination of Paper: Destructive And Non Destructive Analysis. Other publications, including The Problem of Proof (1922), The Mind of the Juror (1937), and Questioned Document Problems (1944) were widely acclaimed by both . Questioned Document Examiners use a special form of photography combined with ultraviolet and infrared light to detect erasures, alternations, and obliteration that are hard to detect with naked eyes. 2023 Robson Forensic, Inc. Signatures How did World War I help to bring about the Russian Revolution? As the Lindbergh baby trial proved, testimony offered by document examiners in court can be used to strengthen a case, and it could even be a deciding factor for your situation. Photography with reflected light. SWGDOC began in 1997, and is composed of private examiners and forensic laboratories throughout the United States. Blossoms provide bees with their food-pollen and nectar. For a discussion of the technical aspects of the medium . b. Transmitted faxes are often printed at a relatively low resolution, compared to documents that are printed or photocopied. b. He discusses the steps that a forensic document examiner follows,, This document is a letter that Mark Songer received from a client, thanking him for the impressive work he did in verifying the authenticity of living trust document. Indented writing is very useful as a form of connecting evidence. The lower right picture depicts the . answer choices. They are easy to make but harder to individualize. Detection of alternations includes, but are not limited to: Current standards for document examination are established by the Scientific Working Group for Forensic Document Examination (SWGDOC) which is composed of private examiners and government examiners from local, state, and federal laboratories throughout the United States. Further destructive testing may also be necessary to discriminate among ink types. Therefore, there is major significance in the detection of forged security papers and banknotes. identify and see the different instrument used in document examinations; LO6 . These accrediting programs ensure that forensic laboratories meet established quality standards, and employ expert forensic investigators. Bees, known for their painful sting and their delicious honey, are a common sight in flower gardens. a. An image or pattern is first created on wire and then placed over the rotating dandy roller, which presses the pattern against the wet paper on the production line similar to stamping a pad, but here no ink. UV light provides more detail and contrast to an injured area, including bite marks, than standard lighting techniques. These may be manufacturing defects, such as defective die material, distortion, or misalignment, or may be a result of use (e.g., accumulated ink, dirt, or fibers) or misuse. Ink Examinations 3. For cotton fiber-based paper, it may be necessary to use a weak acidic solution to disintegrate the paper into its individual fibers. T/F An f-stop is the minimum distance that must separate two objects in order for them to be viewed as distinct objects. Questioned document examinations involving facsimile (fax) machines often include questions around the authenticity of a reproduced signature, concerns around whether information has been altered, added, or deleted from a document, or questions about exactly when a fax was transmitted. A combination of multiple exposures while moving the light source fills in the available indentations with shadows and effectively uncovering the indented writing. d. the notes are recorded as the observations are made. Q. The word, derived from the Greek photos ("light") and graphein ("to draw"), was first used in the 1830s. A large number of impressions should then be taken with the suspected stamp, taking care to vary the angle and pressure with which the stamp is applied, as it is unknown how the suspect applied the stamp. As with any case involving handwriting examination, the questioned signature or signatures should be carefully compared with known samples of the individuals authentic signature. Investigators at the crime laboratory Digital photography The use of electronic means to capture light and save and image on an electronic medium such as a memory card Film speed The measure of ease with which the silver halide grains of a given film react to light Single lens reflex (SLR or DSLR) camera Thats the reason why the quality of dandy roll watermarks depends on how frequently the imprints are cleaned. Document examination might include alterations, obliterations, paper analysis, forgery, origin, determining authenticity, or any other questions. Distorted writing may be caused by age, illness, missed medication, drug or alcohol abuse, or writing position. Any examination involving typewriting should include an evaluation of the class of typewriter, horizontal spacing, typestyle and make and model, and individual characteristics and defects. The goal of the forensic document examiner is to systematically evaluate the attributes and characteristics of a document in order to reveal how it was prepared or how it may have been modified. Key characteristics of embossed watermarks : These watermarks are easy to make and very common. That document is a questioned document. Simulated Writings and Tracing Scientific examination of questioned documents [, A scientific method for forensic examination of paper [, Everything you Wanted to Know About Watermarking: From Paper Marks to Hardware Protection [, Forensic Document Examination: Fundamentals And Current Trends [Book], Forensic Document Examination: Principles And Practice [, Scientific Examination Of Documents Methods And Techniques [. High shutter speed The process of creating a scaled drawing using specifically designed computer software, The amount of area in the foreground and background of an in-focus photographic subject that is also relatively in focus, The use of electronic means to capture light and save and image on an electronic medium such as a memory card, The measure of ease with which the silver halide grains of a given film react to light, A type of camera that uses the same lens for viewing and for taking the picture (i.e., the view through the viewfinder or on the LCD monitor shows how the photo will turn out), The setting on a camera that controls the aperture diameter to determine the amount of light transmitted by the lens, a compression method for digital files that decreases the file size without discarding digital data, one million pixels: used to describe a digital camera in terms of sensor resolution, A form that records the details of each photograph taken at a crime scene, The mechanism within a camera that exposes the film or microchip to light for a specific length of time and then closes, The most common methods of crime-scene recording do NOT include which one of the following? The Role and Importance of a Forensic Examiner. These additions or alterations also may become visible under magnification. Please note, the following information must be used only for educational purposes. When a questioned document examination is ordered, the first goal is to determine whether or not the document is genuine. Indented Writing Analysis And also known as the Molette Process. Therefore, questioned document examiners must consider the consistency of the overall document in order to look for signs of tampering. 1. Adobe Photoshop or similar software may be used to assess line orientation and spacing, which may be particularly useful in helping to identify anomalies or distortions in the text. Although there are no specific college majors or degrees in forensic examination, scientific training is encouraged and continuing education courses are required to remain in good standing with the aforementioned boards. A critical part of the job of the document examiner is to present evidence to the parties involved in a document dispute. This can include objects like suicide . The service is also extended to the . This technique has resulted in the recovery of indented impressions on paper up to seven layers beneath the original writing, though findings may vary depending on pen pressure and paper thickness. The examinations primary purpose is to provide evidence about suspicious or questioned documents using a variety of scientific principles and methods. Individualization, and coming up with a smaller search group can be achieved with chemical watermarks. In forensic science, questioned document examination (QDE) is the examination of documents potentially disputed in a court of law.Its primary purpose is to provide evidence about a suspicious or questionable document using scientific processes and methods. prove indications of genuineness and falsification of documents; LO5. However, in comparison to typewriters, it is rarely possible to link the questioned document back to the specific computer on which it was written. Disguised writing is distorted writing that is intended to mislead the reader or forensic examiner as to authorship, and is often present in questioned documents. These identifying characteristics do not always offer definitive proof that a document has been altered or tampered with, but in some cases may show conclusively that a document is not authentic. Honeybees Tracing paper may be placed over the genuine writing or a light box may be used to illuminate the underlying writing so that the overlying paper may be traced upon. The notes can be recorded at the crime laboratory instead of at the crime scene. Finally, paper fiber analysis is a destructive technique that allows examiners to identify the type and quantity of fibers involved as a result of the pulping process. Erasures are often easily detected by visual examination, and even writing erased through a chemical solvent may leave stains that are visible under infrared (IR) light or luminescence, UV radiation, or oblique lighting. Conversely, there is also a light watermark that has less density of fiber in the design area, results in light and a more translucent watermark. It was not. Note taking The lens opening that allows light into the camera. Its the same as stamping paper. c. Normal lens Handwriting is a conscious act, but due to repeated practice it becomes habitual and it becomes a subconscious act. Indented Writing 4. The examination of handwriting and signatures involves the comparison of writing on the document in question to additional samples in order to determine potential authorship. The quality (class and individual characteristics) of handwriting is governed by schooling . More recently, an instrument known as an Electrostatic Detection Apparatus, or ESDA, is used to produce a visual image of the indented writing on transparency film. They are different in the sense that they are only visible on one side of the paper printed side when viewed with an angle. Document examination might include alterations, obliterations, paper analysis, forgery, origin, determining authenticity, or any other questions. Watermarks also may be useful to examiners as a means of identifying the type of paper, manufacturer, and date of production. Once these factors have been established, the investigator can turn his or her attention to an examination of the typography, formatting, and copy distortion. ACE-V Methodology Although there is an element of subjectivity . T/F The most important prerequisite for photographing a crime scene is that the scene be in an unaltered condition. Questioned documents may include markings from rubber stamps, embossed seals, watermarks, or other mechanically-printed marks. As they collect pollen, some clings to the hairs on their bodies. Establish genuineness or non-genuineness, or to expose forgery, or to reveal alterations, additions or deletions. The advantages of recording crime-scene notes on an audio-recording device include all of the following EXCEPT: Quick History: The technique was developed by William Henry Smith in 1848. We first apply oblique or low angled lighting to the furrows of indented writing. And, the extent of pressure applied to the design area adds more depth to watermarks. Because the questioned document examiner (QDE) usually is not one of the original crime scene responders or the investigating detective, he or she is only responsible for the proper care and handling of evidence once it comes into the document examiner's possession. This problem is commonly seen in traditional watermarks, but much more common in a dandy roll. This article treats the historical and aesthetic aspects of still photography. Applications of Questioned Document Examination Document Examiners have a crucial role to play in investigations involving a documentary evidence. Localized Watermarks: Appears at a specific position of the page with definite intervals. In general, people vary in their ability to produce an effective freehand drawing of writing or a signature. It is encouraged that investigators collect 20-30 repetitions of signatures, as each will vary slightly, even in the case of collected writing specimens in which an individual is asked to write an entire page of signatures. a. anonymous and disputed letters b. superscriptions, registrations and miscellaneous writings. Quick history: First chemical watermark patented by Frans V.E. Documents or writings investigated because it is alleged that they identify some persons through handwriting. In the first place, questioned document should be photographed promptly in order that a correct and permanent record maybe made of it and its condition. The examination's primary purpose is to provide evidence about suspicious or questioned documents using a variety of scientific principles and methods. around for many decades, especially when people and courts have. But how can an examiner tell if a document is not authentic? This replicates a translucent watermark over the sheet while maintaining sharp edges definition. Terms & Conditions, Document Analysis: A Summary of Possibilities. 1 Craig Coppock, Universal Definition of ACE-V Updated, 6-19-2012. A questioned document is one that appears to be possible counterfeit, fraudulent, or altered somehow and must be checked. Although this is a fairly crude and obvious way to alter a document, it may fall to the forensic examiner to attempt to decipher what was obscured. A questioned document investigation is an in-depth look into a document that is being questioned in the case of fraud, forgery, etc. b. Bracketing Relation to other things Types of Document Examination 1. The Scientific Response and Analysis Unit provides end-to-end case support, from initial assessment of investigative or intelligence information, "hot zone" capable scientists, crime scene processing and collections, evidence examination, and courtroom testimony regarding: Using these adjectives, write a paragraph describing the family pictured. Chapter 3 -Crime Scene Photography-What's new, frans - parties du corps et la sante (SYNONYM), Chapter 1 Quiz CJ 1350 Intro to Forensics, Chapter 20 Terrorism and Homeland Security, Chapter 18 Drug-Related and Organized Crime, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, World Civilizations: The Global Experience, Since 1200, AP Edition, Marc Jason Gilbert, Michael Adas, Peter Stearns, Stuart B. Schwartz. This can be done with vary degrees of sophistication and success. Digital Watermark Vs Manufacturer Watermarks Which is better? Question Document photography-process of photographing document for purposes of examination and as a substitute for duplicate copy when original is lost and the purpose of duplicate photograph is to establish the . Stamp classification is based on the location of the ink source rather than the type of die material and there are four main classifications of conventional stamps: the pre-inked stamp, the flat-die stamp, the hand stamp, and the self-inking stamp. Then, answer each question that follows. For example, forensic examiners may be alerted to the possibility of attempts to disguise writing if the pen strokes stop at inappropriate locations or there is evidence of a tremor. The exposure compensation settings on a digital camera would be used to capture an image that is: Questioned Documents. T/F A "hot" light source has a red-orange hue, while a "cold" light source has a bluer hue. ESDA works by creating an electrostatic image of indented writing, which is then visualized by the application of charge sensitive toners. Aged paper usually has more opaque/translucent marks than the rest of the paper. It is important to note that there is overlap between forensic document examiners and handwriting analysts, though some experts choose . As compared to a freehand copy, tracing a signature often results in a very close approximation of the original; in fact, they may provide a more exact copy of a signature than would normally be found due to natural variations in handwriting. Their concentration and composition determine the extent to which they can create opacity. explain and define questioned documents; LO2. Any forensic document examination involving a fax machine also should include consideration of the Transmit Terminal Identifier (TTI), which is typically found in the heading of any transmitted document. Another valued method used by forensic experts is called Video Spectral Analysis (or Comparator). Note taking is done after all crime-scene processing has been completed. Triton X-100: Added till surface tension in between 27 to 30 dyne. Which statement about note taking is NOT true? b. Macro lens Indented writing, or second page writing, is an imprint that may be left on the underlying pages when the top sheet of paper is written upon. Further testing may involve the examination of ultraviolet characteristics and comparisons using instrumental analyses. Indented writing on subsequent pages may not be the same as what appears on the surface of the document. Document Security Integrity, the importance of watermarks in . Write reports or give testimony, when needed, to aid the users of the examiners services in understanding the examiners findings. The latter has yet to demonstrate valid and reliable results, whereas research has demonstrated that expert forensic document examiners are significantly more able to accurately compare handwriting samples to determine authorship, as compared to the layperson. Check how to. Questioned document examinations involve a comparison of the document, or aspects of the document, to a set of known standards (i.e., authentic specimens). While differentiation among inks can be accomplished by visual examination, nondestructive, and chemical tests, positive identification of the specific source of the ink (i.e., the exact pen) is unlikely. Paper Analysis 6. Embossed watermarks involve processes of imparting the design when the sheet is nearly dry using an engraved (deep), in-steel roll compressing fiber. Ink can be a liquid, paste or powder which used to produce images, text, or to make designs. Liquid chromatography may be conducted in order to determine the chemical composition of inks used in a document. Surface weaves are uncommon but are easily visualized with side lighting. SERIES OF QUESTIONS TOPIC I: Topic I Know/discuss the relevance and role of questioned document examiners in crime detection Q1 : Q1 A document examiner with a good collection of typewriting samples can often date a typewritten document by the difference in type. Such as forgery, and certain frauds. 2. Thus, it is important that obtained writing specimens be taken from around the time of the questioned document. 7. This concise new handbook is designed specifically to aid lawyers involved in cases that involve questioned documents (QD) evidence. Use covers or envelopes that are large to hold the document without folding. b. A document can be of any type i.e., handwritten or printed. Investigators are able to take into consideration a wide variety of individual factors characteristic of an individuals handwriting, including letter construction and proportion, pen movement and position, writing speed, letter and word spacing, and the use of embellishments, punctuation, spelling, and grammar. The use of an IR imaging system may be useful in helping examiners to differentiate the original writing from the covering material as well. The organic analysis and instrumental analysis (IR) can evaluate the groups that are involved. Any scanner for forensic purposes should capture at least 300 dpi. And aesthetic aspects of still Photography began in 1997, and date of production be in. Only for educational purposes published by crime ink Publishing, LLC is printed with opaque, transparent, white or. Be taken from around the time of the 21st century use microscopy, chemistry, laboratory and. 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