Her mouth gaped and Loki quickly stood up and put his finger over his lips as to say to remain silent. A continuous story told through separate and funny one-shots with you and the Avengers. Jane is looking for you. You rambled. You could feel you were simply the only one she felt comfortable with. Despite the fact that y/n ever refused to open her eyelids, Stephanie added false lashes to the equation as well. Info and the full schedule are up on the blog, and our askbox is always open, so ask away if you have any questions! Dancing With The Stars Feat. Come here. She had called out as she stood in front of her closet. Eyes flickering upwards, the fog of dust and dirt cleared, and what you saw made your heart shatter immediately. Also this is referring to the Loki actually liking neck kisses post. Maybe I'll get better after some time? He was a sight to behold in the mornings, she realized. He didnt know it was still possible to feel warmth in such a cold form. Fixing his eyebrows to her liking, Stephanie scoffed, Youre so impatient. A babythe perfect personification of love, innocence, happiness, and wonder. Was he black mailing you? Although his appearance took a good impression, he was still worried. She is just a stupid little Mortal. You snap your head his way, did he just say stupid? Looking in the mirror would disgust him and he would avoid it as much as he possibly could. Be reminded Im writing this on mobile haha I also dont own the gifs. Loki on the other hand, seen the large building from a distance. Any progress?. He sounds like a suitor y/n. One night specifically you decided that you would have a look around the tower while the others had resided in their rooms. Her soft skin feeling far more delicate than before. I woke up and you were no where to be seen. Loki bellowed into the phone with y/n being on the other side of the line. Yet this time, it held such more significance. And what of you brother? The markings among his skin were exposed and the God was devastated. Your eyes slowly closed again, looking at the handsome God with raven black hair that was sleeping peacefully next to you. You two met after he had returned to Earth with Thor. She knew of Lucas plan for some time now, the only difference was that y/n no longer possessed her sight. He couldnt help but smirk a bit at the ground seeing how your cheeks looked like a squirrels. After allowing you to adjust, his hips lifted from yours and guided himself slowly out of you and back in. Due to being inside the home and the drapes closed, he too was on full display. I-I dont want them to not trust me. You look at him pleadingly. I've known you for a long time. Yes, you are a shield agent and did unfortunately have to arrest your now boyfriend, Loki. You walked out of your room and back into the living room to where the other avengers now resided. Ill help you, She spoke making Loki look back over to her, I went to beauty school for special effects makeupI-I can give you something that will hide the skin, She gulped and fixed her posture, Youre going to say yes. You two had a special connection. The tightness of the jeans he was forced to wear was almost becoming too much. "Loki. You insisted that you were capable of completing these tasks, being the stubborn woman you are. Ignoring the pang that shot through his heart, along with the guilt rising in his chest, Loki returned an endearing smile, staying true to his title as God of Lies as he gave a small nod. Much to his surprise, after putting his pride asidehe found himself looking forward to the next performance and the next. (Hetalia Various x Baby Reader). Whatever I have expressed to you here, I have no issue at all presenting it out there. "Good morning, Miss Barton," a familiar robotic voice spoke from the walls. The scent she carried naturally, the way her fingers curled around the blanket, and that smilehe could never get tired of. Eehhhh. Stephanie squeaked and y/n had a confused look on her face. Come on, we have no time to waste. You grab his hand and begin to walk out of his room. You accompanied him in his room that night since you two didnt share one. He took a deep breathe, Keep your disgusting hand off me. Y/N muttered something inaudible as Lucas rolled his eyes. This work could have adult content. You, a siren with water powers, join the avengers after being discovered while helping Spi You came to an equine school in upstate New York to learn more about horses. Becausethey lost you. Thank you Lucas. Gazing down at his gloved hands, he was only reminded of all he did wrong. Woman?No, you cry again. Trust me, you'll love it. You cant show up with her blue. She whispered. More tired and with more of a salt and pepper look to his hair. With the God being the adoptive son of the king and queen of Asgard, this made it far more painful for Queen Frigga to sentence her son. You let out the occasional few words and nodded to most things. He wondered what was so dangerous that a human could be doing to end up blind. Yet, not able to fight the slumber you craved, you sat down among the concrete. It was a pity she could never bring herself to wake up earlier than him. With the raven hair contrasting pale skin, he looked like a fallen angel. I actually have, he took a deep breathe as he carefully pushed the cutter into the dough, taken a slight pleasure in doing such mundane tasks with you. His eyebrow creased as his steady hands continued to delicately punch shapes into the cookie dough you two made from scratch. His hand grazed the side of your arm gently as you prepared your morning coffee on the marble counter. My depression is a demon underneath my beddisguised as a friend he trailed on. The blood of her father on her palms. That trade from last week is on the phone for you. She eyed the back of Lokis head almost as if she was checking him out. Lets start with color. Excuse us Lucifer. He purposely misadressed him as his hand wrapped around y/ns taking her towards the other groups of people dancing. He was a good man, Odin adds after a second of silence. I can say with quite some pride that I did., You moved closer to him and smirked, Mmm yeah? Shes powerful. Light brown eyeshadow covered her eyelids, thin sharp lines of eyeliner swiped along as well, a nude colored lip stick decorated as well. (Y/n) smiled at the little camera perched in the corner of the elevator. You felt exposed and it wasnt a nice feeling. You noticed the crinkles by his eyes as he questioned what was about to enter his mouth. I would feel more comfortable if you did.. Growing up in a broken home all you had wanted was to one day create a family of your own. If I could even call them that, Im adopted. Hearing those words y/n moved her head as if she were looking at her lap. While you walked on towards the subway, you couldnt help but point out every single shop and building near by. He didnt dare own one of his own, it was pure torture always having to stare at the monster he was turned to. SHIELD. Its the small things that matter, an Earth saying. Not realizing it, as she clapped along with others a single tear ran down her cheek. Even if I dont respond to every single one, I still see all of them and bless your souls. Loki! You scolded him as he licked the remains on his lips. (Y/n)'s hands curled around his neck, dragging him closer, sighing against his mouth. .Y/F/N. Even without seeing herself, y/n felt beautiful. A few times it had fallen on your face. Yeah dont remind me Michelle. Lucas began walking quickly back to the much smaller office he had. Loki/ Loki Kills It, and More, 18. When he does he quickly sits down in front you. He was a sucker for intimacy, if it were in private only. You know what I mean. What h She's a hybrid cat that hates all men. Youre going to hurt her more if you say no to what shes going to ask you. A charity banquet. Feeling eyes on you two, you guys looked towards everyone else. She was exhausted, yet determined to find someone willing to work. Ive been hopingSomeone will love you, let me goSomeone will love you, let me go. My dad said thatyou wore a surgical mask? Her breathing calmed when she began focusing more. He heard a door, then the elevator. L-Loki She gulped as her eyebrows were furrowed, Stephanie..where? She choked out. Of course you only gripped Lokis hand tighter. Ah, he whispered before smiling evilly and gripped your wrists pulling them above your head as a menacing chuckle escaped his parted lips, my sweet little minx, I think youve forgotten whos in charge here. As she believed him to be from England, she figured oceans away was even harder. Inevermind. Whys that?.. He asked. That was umthanks. You managed to let out. Loki read aloud when he needed to gather his thoughts. Knowing the obviousness of it, Loki smirked up at you. Your eyelids hang heavy before your hand is in his hair. He removed your shoes for you as you giggled due to it tickling a bit. She furrowed her eyebrows, being extremely insulted. One more y/n. Youve taught methe beauty of life, the inside of a person can be far superior in beauty than ones shell. Ex boyfriend." "Ah." He nods as he takes in the information at hand. Y/N missed the pleasure of reading in her mind, the voice in her head was much more pleasing than the one that came from her mouth. And then the lover, Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad Made to his mistress eyebrow. All by yourself I must say. Stephanie cheered. Spending an entire day to find his attire, Loki had this night on his mind constantly. Pfff yeah. Asgardian Prison is Not What it is All Made Out to be Errands and Light Banter With The God Of Mischief. Firmly, he tugged the material down your legs and with your help, to the floor. Loose, tight, lacy, glittery. Those scary questionsthey wont ask you anymore as long as you let me ask you., I promise then, she looks at her sweaty hands, but only if you come back to see me Squaring your shoulders, the same fire that ignited in your eyes whenever you charged into battle lit up at that same moment. He wasnt exactly fond of human technology either. You take a stance and suddenly despite the room seeming empty, two arms wrap around your waist from behind. The heart one. Everything felt lovely among her skin and by the way Stephanie and Jessie said, Damn girl! She knew she found the right one. You made a motion to move your hands and that was when you came to the horrible realization that they were tied together. Her eyes widened at the feeling of him under her. The sales pitch worked like a charm and (Y/n) had accepted. Loki! She shouted angrily. Nonsense. He only did what others were too weak to pursue. Will you hit it off or will you REALLY hit it off? I wear the mask and the glasses because I have a umskin condition? He said more like a question, and if I get too much sun or light, it could damage it. The look on your face was so focused. Even a little over bearing. He hoped that no one would see him doing so, as it would not look like a fairy tale scene and rather one of menace. All the worlds a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages. Loki stood next to you, incredibly close making sure everyone knew just who you resided with. That was until you entered the kitchen and seen Loki grabbing a water bottle from the fridge. The only thing he could do was repay the feeling you felt. When y/n l/n is first discovered by the Avengers, they think that she is a villain. Tomorrow, Thor starts leaning against the stone wall,do not kiss Y/N. Loki frowns and looks up. A/N: I apologize ahead of time guys, eek. You nodded and watched as he gently sank into you, allowing a pant out. Good on paper, picture perfectChased the high too far, too fastPicket white fence, but we paint it black. It wasnt until dress number 9 that she completely adored the fitting. He pulled away slightly, noses brushing. Once she located it, she gently rested her head among it. I totally dig your vampire aesthetic dude. She stared before flipping through her notes on her phone. ! He growled. I umI didnt think this through.. y/n spoke quietly as her fingers fidgeted together. What are these cuts on your body?.. Wanda questioned and the little girl shook her head more. In a way you felt you could relate to Loki, he didnt scare you nor did you to him. Its okay, waitwhich one is this? She asked before reaching down and rubbing the heart in between her thumb and index finger. Feeling eyes on him Loki snapped his gaze at her and gave her a look of disgust. You were still young, only eighteen but this was something you rather kept for yourself. She was beautiful., Sounds like someone I know. He says looking at you and smirked. Slam poetry. Shes extremely strongthey found her asleep in the woods. You drank your caffeine and took a bite of the apple Loki had placed in front of you. Her judgement being correct, the front desk woman was already dialing the number for security when he showed up. His skin looked fair and his features groomed to suit his fancy. (My advi You are the new Avenger and a very happy person. Oh my god, what are you gonna wear? She asked. Relax dude. Y/N had just finished getting ready, technically Stephanie had finished getting her ready, when she gently slid a hand down her arm. Your eyes almost widen at the fact that she finally spoke, to you of all people. YOU ARE READING. Caring. Yeah, not many people are standing in line to live with an odd blind girl full time. She chuckled lightly. Never. He returned the chuckle, Theres still a few to go. Oh, my dear baby. I hope you did not bring a harlot too. Thor rolls his eyes at the remark and walks to Loki who is sitting in one of the window sills reading a book. Stephanie wanted to talk to me so she took me. He seen stars in your eyes. You giggled and looked up at him with a sleepy look, I got my teeths fixed. Your voice still muffled, but understandable enough. What about you Loki? Your hair styled to perfection and your makeup present, you were finally ready. Y/N sighed as she sat back and pulled a headphone out of her ear. So he got a name? asked Lucas. Not that hes a project for me to dissect, but Im enjoying his companyin fact Thank you all for coming. He said kindly. Yes, I can prove it. You quickly sit up becoming a bit dizzy. Youre absolutely stunning y/nnot a single wonder in the whole universe could compare to the way you look right now, He spoke huskily as his face inched closer to yours with every word, and Ive never felt such love in another being in the thousands of years Ive been birthed.. The feeling was foreign but not horrid. Also a disclaimer, if theres any blind jokes, its simply because the character deals with it in such a way. Soon they arrived home. If memory serves right, its right up there. His thin lips curved into a smile as he turned towards you, From the novels you midgardians read, it seems men of mystery is suited to your fancy.. Then your name? Loki. He states boldly causing y/n to smirk gently. Despite having the foundation on, Lokis Jotun markings were still bold on his face and slightly matched that of scaring. Lokiwhat is this? She gently reached her hand down and grazed the marble wishing fountain. Both nervous and excited they made their way towards one of the most high end dress shops in New York City. This earned a chuckle from you as you turned towards him, Theyre not people Loki, its a cookie cutter. His own lips ran along your neck and collar bone. Y/N couldnt help but shout happily and smile as wide as she could. Its an artifact.it he began trying to find ways to explain it, it was a giftfrom my mother.. The curiosity was killing her, she desperately wanted to know what the man living in her condo looked like. You were ready to fall hard into whatever this was blossoming between you two. He knew mortals to be of very little knowledge of worlds other than their own. She two seen the horror of what lied ahead. But having to marry someone who hates you was not the way you wanted to have those firsts. He pulled away gently pulling your arms down and proceeded to shimmy down your body allowing your hands to be freed. Is that so? The blonde was currently talking about his war stories with you, a subject that even the Asgardian, who wasnt part of the team, knew was delicate and touchy. Silence, Odin his voice echoes through the room. Warnings: Mention of torture, Slight angst, A/N: This was just a little something I was inspired by. Loki has a wonderful voice, she could hear him through the walls. However, you quickly flashed him your reserved bright grin and jogged off into the distance, shooting him a teasing look over your shoulder, eagerly gesturing for him to follow you, not giving the dark-haired villain a chance to tell you to stop. You will marry Loki who will take care of you. Your eyes widen with these words and Loki snaps his face towards you in agony and then back to his father. Later Odin comes back out looking worriedly. Stephanie stepped in behind him, You know you do look rather dashing, she mocked his accent, Now go get dressed, y/n should be ready for me to zip her up. She patted his shoulder and made her way to y/ns room. Your eyes looked extremely tired and your hair was everywhere but, Loki still found the sight of you completely adorable. Warmth rose to your cheeks as you proceeded to pressing the crust into the pan. In his smooth accent he responded, No, I am not., England? His eyebrows furrowed as he shifted his head a bit, Y/N you are aware of this thief looking person next to you correct? He questioned in the voice that drove y/n mad. Yeah, Ive noticed.. You handed him one and quickly dug in on your side. That must be number 41. Y/F/N spoke as he neared the door. You turn back to the window looking at your father and Odin talking. I could help you. Finished? He questioned and the sound of the book slowly closing was heard. I am sorry about what it, he continues while his smile fades. From that moment on we were friends. She always knew how to brighten up her fathers day despite the mood of it previously. Of course he knew they believed there was no other life source out there, they were highly mistaken. He boasted on in questioning. Finally after continuous pestering from everyone else, you faced your horrible fear of the dentist and went for a check in. She cleared her throat and held her gaze as if she was looking ahead with her arms folded across her chest, If you must know, hes a scientist. Eventually, you reach the night before the wedding. #pietromaximoff If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. You really think that of me? This is pathetic. He scoffed. !The reader is recommended to 'take care of herself' to relax when work stress gets on top of her, however, she's finding it difficult and, when caught in the action by Loki, he offers a hand. Title:Arranged MarriageWriter:Lokis-Little-KittenPairing: Loki Laufeyson x ReaderRating:SafeWarning:mentioning of dead, languageSummary:It was your fathers dying wish for Odin to keep you save. 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