I have a lot of experience living abroad for 6 years)." | I was asked this question too, "So how are you going to succeed in medical school if you strive for perfection in all aspects of your life. After submitting primary and secondary applications and interviewing, applicants can. The student-led event provides local children with dental care services, including dental exams, cleanings, fillings, x-rays and oral health education. More from this Member | Report Response Students - may have been the free cookies, but all were very open and friendly and the guides were extremely helpful and informative More from this Member The last movie you saw?" We sat outdoors since the weather was so nice, and kept the first-years talking so much with our questions, that they barely had a chance to finish half of their sandwiches. | Report Response, "The tour was very short and sort of on-the-fly. More from this Member More from this Member The weather was amazing." | I was asked this question too, "When was the last time you cried?" More from this Member dang it was high on my list too" Step Seven: Receive your final decision. More from this Member | Report Response University of California, Davis, School of Medicine, Sacramento Weill Cornell Medicine, New York students were gushing over the new curriculum that allowed them to be out of their block course by 12 | I was asked this question too, "What one figure from history would you invite to dinner?" | Report Response, "LEAVING" | I was asked this question too, "What are your top 3 medical schools right now and why? More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "Read this website, read the school's website - UNC gave me the names of the interviewers so I read up on them. " | I was asked this question too, "How did experience X prepare you for a career as a physician?" | Report Response, "School's website, SDN" More from this Member | Report Response More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Tell me about yourself" | Report Response, ""The Medical School Interview: Winning Strategies from Admissions Faculty" by Desai and Katta" | Report Response | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Give three adjectives for you, your mother, and your father." | Report Response, "how nice everyone was" | I was asked this question too, "What do you think about our curriculum?" Almost all of the interviewees had our interviewers change at the last minute. | Report Response, "I went here for undergrad, so I'm in love with UNC, therefore I'm a little biased. " Despite some complaints by previous posters, my tour was really pretty good. | I was asked this question too, "Name 3 specific, as in September 28th etc, vignettes that exemplify how medicine choose you, NOT how you choose medicine." | Report Response, "my blood pressure was through the roof, this being my first interview. | I was asked this question too, "What book are you currently reading?" | Report Response More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "How have your experiences convinced you that medicine is for you?" More from this Member | Report Response The facilities are pretty nice, but again I did not find this very helpful at all. More from this Member More from this Member Interviews at UNC School of Medicine Experience Positive 86% Neutral 14% Getting an Interview Applied online 100% Difficulty 2.1 Average Hard Average Easy Interviews for Top Jobs at UNC School of Medicine Research Assistant (3) Social/Clinical Research Assistant (1) Business Services (1) Postdoctoral Research Associate (1) Construction was not the best but honestly, the library is beautiful, I can just see myself falling asleep on my books already." | Report Response, "The staff was great. | I was asked this question too, "Where do you see yourself in 12 years?" | I was asked this question too, "So what can you add to our medical school class?" | Report Response, "This." The Commonwealth Medical College, Scranton | I was asked this question too, "How can we fix health care today?" More from this Member They should have an interview rooms set up to organize the session. More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Why were your undergraduate grades so poor" | Report Response | Report Response | Report Response, "they made a point about protecting their students, and it did seem the students spoke up and were heard within the school" | Report Response, "it can be a slight hassle to get to the admissions office because of construction (although I do recognize this as a good thing)" Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City | Report Response We were all relieved. | Report Response Our goal is to give your application thorough consideration, then let you know the outcome as quickly as possible. program is number two in the nation. " | I was asked this question too, "Tell me about your hometown" More from this Member Also, some people will remind you about the whole 8-years long thing or ask you how you plan to handle it. More from this Member low cost of living. " More from this Member We discussed my hometown and job. I left having learned almost nothing about the school, including its financial aid, diversity, research, and student life. The tour ran long (although I can't complain since it was the best part of the day). My interview times were changed as were the people with whom I was interviewing. | Report Response Although one of my original interviewers was switched with someone else, the new interviewer seemed to have read my file, and was able to ask specific questions on things I had written in my application. | I was asked this question too, "Usual stuff" | I was asked this question too, "What are your strengths and weaknesses?" | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Tell me the story of how you became interested in medicine." My interview with my commitee representative (which happened to be the dean of the school) was an hour later than rescheduled. | Report Response, "Printed the questions from here and practiced with a friend." Discussion in 'Pre-Medical Allopathic [ MD ]' started by The student-led tour of the school was brief and ill-timed. | Report Response, "One interviewer is late, not too big a deal. | I was asked this question too, "Have you read [specific book related to my interests]?" | Report Response, "Student led tour didn't have enough time to take us to see the classroom, but since I'm here for undergrad I'll just stop by sometime." More from this Member I recommend putting a legal pad into the folder mentioned below. More from this Member | Report Response Most medical schools have a new building under works or a renovation but the entire school seemed to be under work." | I was asked this question too, "Why Carolina?" Think of a famous leader in history which has a leadership style most like yours." | Report Response Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM), Philadelphia, Ponce Health Sciences University School of Medicine, Ponce | I was asked this question too, "Tell me about your friends." More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "Too much construction, but the buildings that are coming are supposedly really nice. Construction at UNC is a continual process that can be annoying (detours, noise, etc), but the end results are always impressive." | I was asked this question too, "Where are good places to eat around here?" | Report Response, "SDN interview feedback, talking to current students, and researching the school" | I was asked this question too, "If you were going to die in 3 days and you were able to have a banquet with all of your family and friends each night until you woke up dead on the 3rd day, and each night you were able to invite any person, living/dead/fictional/nonfictional, who would you invite each night? University of Missouri-Columbia School of Medicine, Columbia | I was asked this question too, "Explain the lack of service-related activities in your file." chapel hill is EXCELLENT about communication. " More from this Member More from this Member The tour guides were 2nd year students and were very friendly and helpful. The UNC School of Medicine's acceptance rate is 4.1%. Also note that the 30 minutes they tell you to allow for getting from the parking deck to the office is definitely necessary--because of the construction, getting from place to place requires some roundabout navigation." | Report Response, "Wish the interview day had less down time and was more structured. And that he cut though the BS and did not ask the standard questions. More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "So I see you delivered a dead baby.where was this, in a back alley at an illegal abortion clinic?" We obliged. | Report Response, "they have a program to do 3rd and 4th year rotations internationally, as well as in other parts of the country." | Report Response, "Everything seemed so scattered - there was very little organization. Be passionate and discuss what it is about you that makes you passionate about medicine and Carolina. | Report Response | Report Response, "Looked over this site to get an idea of the questions that would be asked" More from this Member | Report Response More from this Member UNC has a great reputation and the tuition is dirt-cheap. | Report Response, "All of the staff and students seemed excited about the school and even excited about us being there to interview. More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member Finally, we returned to our waiting room in MacNider where we sat until it was time for our interviews. | I was asked this question too, "Are you Jewish? Wake Forest School of Medicine of Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, WinstonSalem More from this Member | Report Response | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Was your undergraduate institution difficult/did it prepare you well? More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Do you wish your mcat/grades were higher?" | I was asked this question too, "What would you like me to write on your evaluation that will distinguish you from the other applicants?" | I was asked this question too, "Tell me about the farming your family has done." Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine (MU-COM), Indianapolis, University of Kansas School of Medicine, Kansas City, University of Kentucky College of Medicine, Lexington UNC does this while still being top 20. " I loved the school!" | I was asked this question too, "Tell me how you have changed since applying last year." | Report Response, "The interview day is not efficient; some people waited nearly two hours for their first interview and had nothing to do during this time. | Report Response, "Poor. | Report Response | Report Response More from this Member Its most recent initiative is a bid to stop the UNC School of Medicine from implementing social justice into its teaching - which the school is attempting to do via a task force that gave. More from this Member This meant a lot of walking. | I was asked this question too, "Nothing really, all standard crap questions." | Report Response, "The whole process was very helpful. My second interview seemed to be pretty impromtu. I was accepted at UNC less than 2 weeks after my interview. | I was asked this question too, "What would you do if you had a patient that hated you?" Both were conversational and easy going. | Report Response | Report Response | Report Response More from this Member More from this Member Very nice. I found this out during the last five minutes of the interview! " More from this Member More from this Member The UNC General Alumni Association serves Carolina and all of its students past, present and future. Nova Southeastern University Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (NSU-KPCOM), Fort Lauderdale, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta | I was asked this question too, "Tell me your life history. | I was asked this question too, "What makes you different from the rest of our applicants?" More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "New facilities and upcoming facilities are amazing. Although they say it can take on avg 6weeks to hear back I know quite a few people who hear back earlier. | I was asked this question too, "Problems in Health care" | Report Response, "the interview day was disorganized and could have been much more informative. More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response More from this Member | Report Response, "I came away with a bad taste in my mouth after my day in Chapel Hill. | Report Response, "It is an awesome school and how much student input was valued in all aspects of medical school." More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Who was your hero growing up? | I was asked this question too, "How did you choose your summer programs" It seemed like there was little, if any management. | I was asked this question too, "What is a chord?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Tell me about where you grew up." More from this Member Everyone pretty much seemed to have control of their nerves, and we all just began chatting with each other when the student left. More from this Member | Report Response More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response More from this Member More from this Member First choice before I interviewed and now it feels like it's my only choice. More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member Now bear in mind, I have a very unique motivation, and it has struck a chord with every interviewer prior to this one. Ooops. " More from this Member More from this Member I would still choose UNC just because of the price, but it seems to me a moral dilemma because I would not want to be associated with such an arrogant group of physicians. More from this Member " More from this Member More from this Member Tell me about your research" More from this Member University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine, Miami Further, they didn't even know who to ask to find the answers. More from this Member | Report Response, "There's construction going on near Bondurant Hall -- make sure you allow for parking and walking." (not very interesting, but they didnt really ask any interesting questions)" More from this Member | Report Response The purpose of the family is to maintain the well-being of its members and of society. Fair question b/c of our conversation about my daughters name which is ancient AKAN/AFRIM and means MOTHER OF ISRAEL." Part 4: Wake Forest secondary application essays (examples included) Part 5: Wake Forest School of Medicine interview ---- Part 1: Introduction More from this Member Some schools will mix you in with the MD-only applicants. More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "AMCAS related stuff." More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "Looked over Aamcas, read some interesting books." More from this Member Ohio State University College of Medicine, Columbus The facilities were great." | Report Response, "Not much." More from this Member Interviewer had not even read my file even though I had been scheduled with him for over 2 weeks." More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Asked about my time off b/w school and why?" We also provide individualized guidance, interview preparation, professional editing, and career advising for premed students and applicants to medical school, residency, fellowship and post graduate programs. More from this Member More from this Member Not sure if it was on purpose, but the instructions were pretty vague so I think we all were doing our best despite being stressed from the uncertainty." More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member Dr. Ellman-Grunther is board certified by the American Board of Allergy and Immunology and is affiliated with the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary in New York, NY. (wouldn't drop this despite what I thought was a good answer) " haha. " | Report Response More from this Member More from this Member Having to go to remote locations for clinical rotations/electives. Temple University (Temple or TU) is a public state-related research university in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.It was founded in 1884 by the Baptist minister Russell Conwell and his congregation Grace Baptist Church of Philadelphia then called Baptist Temple. University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, La Jolla | Report Response, "Two interviews - one on the comittee and one off. | I was asked this question too, "What should I tell the admissions committee that will convince them to accept you over the other applicants?" More from this Member Do not hesitate to ask for directions if you get lost! | I was asked this question too, "How would your best friend describe you/How would your worst enemy describe you?" | Report Response More from this Member More from this Member I was on the defensive the whole time. | Report Response, "Construction everywhere is apparently the norm for UNC-CH but it wasn't too hard to find my way around it all to get to the admissions building - they have pedestrian maps on almost every corner." | Report Response, "One of my interviewers gave me no feedback at all during the interviewhe just stared at me the whole time. More from this Member I composed a list of those questions (including the seemingly easy ones), and practiced answering most of them out loud a couple of times, until I was satisfied that I would not go blank if asked the question in the actual interview. | I was asked this question too, "What will yo do if you do not get in this year?" I would have liked to have seen more of the hospitals and labs." | Report Response It is hard to say something positive without sounding like you are boastful." University of Iowa Roy J. and Lucille A. More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "What do you think about an organized healthcare plan?" | Report Response, "websites, friends, reading, soul searching" Five minutes went by, and a staff member from the admissions office poked her head in to ask our permission for a cookie. | Report Response, "SDN" | I was asked this question too, "Say "How are you feeling" in Haitian Kreyol." Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM), Erie It is $8 to park in the visitor lot and about 1/2 mile walk to the medical school. | Report Response More from this Member | Report Response More from this Member | Report Response | Report Response I liked that the interviewers were friendly and not intimidating. | I was asked this question too, "Tell me about yourself | I was asked this question too, "How do we distinguish between applicants who really have a heart to help people from those who only seek the monetary rewards?" | Report Response | Report Response Certified Medical Assistant (1) Clinical Nurse II (1) Work Study Student (1) Library Services (1) Telecommunications Specialist (1) . | Report Response, "cold boxed lunch; $6.00 to park!!!" | Report Response, "That it was going to be super windy that day, I had my hair down - look at the weather report!" | I was asked this question too, "Tell me about your family life growing up." More from this Member Since my interview, I've pretty much had my heart set on going there." More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response More from this Member More from this Member School of Medicine. (A Chilean musician involved in my senior thesis, who the interviewer happened to admire)" More from this Member (We ended up talking about various books related to my particular medical interests)" Need help preparing for your medical school interviews? | Report Response, "SDN, read over application - it was amazing how accurate SDN's questions were - my first interviewer used about 5 or 6 of the questions that I had pulled off SDN and prepared for" | I was asked this question too, "Nothing particularly unusual, mostly standard questions straight off SDN." I talked about Healthcare for like 45min in my first interview. More from this Member | Report Response | Report Response | Report Response, "The tour was ok, but I didn't learn enough to make it worth walking around in heels." | I was asked this question too, "Would you perform a surgery/procedure with which you disagreed morally?" | Report Response, "UNC has a very heterogenous student body, and all of the students seemed fun, approachable, and seemed to love the school. Tons of construction that will be ongoing for many years, though from the med students' point of view, the worst may be over in 2005, after which the facilities will be outstanding. " | Report Response In any case, have a story or two stored up specifically for this purpose. | I was asked this question too, "Why do you like UNC?" | Report Response, "Read Student MD, talked to friends attending the med school, re-read my app, read "Critical Condition" (a book about the state of healthcare in the U.S.), looked up info on my interviewers." | I was asked this question too, "What is an ethical problem you have faced and what did you do about it?" Also, the admissions office went out of their way to make you feel comfortable. | I was asked this question too, "explain MCAT score" I knew the school pretty well from having participated in their summer program for potential med school applicants" Again we ended up chatting for a while on different topics. | Report Response, "My interview at UNC was a great experience. one interviewer really grilled me hard on whether i had a strong enough desire to be a doctor. More from this Member Studentdoctor made me worried about it, but my interviews were very conversational and stress-free." www.studentdoctor.net Last edited: Jul 21, 2022 A alibon Full Member 2+ Year Member Joined Nov 21, 2020 Messages 134 Reaction score 461 May 22, 2022 #2 Current MS4! More from this Member More from this Member Ask if students at this program have regularone-on-one interactions with faculty members. I enjoyed the discussion. More from this Member | Report Response | Report Response More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "What other schools did you apply to?" Overall, the entire group was pretty social and willing to offer advice about their past interview experiences, either at UNC or at other schools. More from this Member He also tried to make me feel that it was a mistake to have included in my personal statement that my parents deaths while I was in middle school was basically a "sob story," and making someone feel sorry for me was not the way to get into medical school. | Report Response, "3 interviews- -2 open file (I think) and one closed file. I took the August MCAT, and waited for my scores to come back before completing the AMCAS application. | I was asked this question too, "If you got into Hopkins, do you think you'd come here or go there?" | I was asked this question too, "IF you had a patient who wanted to try alternative therapies, what would you do?" More from this Member | Report Response | Report Response, " This campus just has a great feel to it! | I was asked this question too, "Why a low Mcat?" More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member University of Arizona College of Medicine (Phoenix) More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member One of your two interviewers will be a voting member of the admissions committee (ADCOM) and will play a key role in the decision for your application. More from this Member | Report Response | Report Response | Report Response, "The medical students seemed very happy with UNC and it made me more excited about interviewing there." | I was asked this question too, "I am Socrates and I see you on the street. | I was asked this question too, "If it was possible,would you change medical policy in America, and if so, how?" He didn't ask me about my research, or my favorite books or sports. | Report Response, "I live in Durham and have a few friends at the school, so I felt pretty covered." More from this Member | Report Response, "Overall, it was very nice. The interview day might be a bit disorganized and unstructured, but don't be deceived; UNC is a top-notch institution. (Master's of Public Health-which I am interested in), and that their M.P.H. They seemed like they didn't care about giving a good impression." He was quite cocky and condescending, in a "you are not as cool as me" kind of way. The videos we watched had student testimonials that seemed like they genuinely felt very supported by the faculty and administration, academically and personally. More from this Member Your application must be complete and submitted to AMCAS by October 1st, 2022. | Report Response, "make sure all the interviewers are actually making the interviews stress-free" | Report Response, "I did not have the question one, two, three type of interview. | I was asked this question too, "If you could change something you did in the past, what would it be?" More from this Member Tiring and slightly disappointing." One at a time Who u choose?" Get the latest information, opinions of fellow students, and LizzyMand SDN Rankings. The tour was kind of brief." overall, the school is beautiful, and the day was better organized than i was expecting based on other comments on this site. " | Report Response, "two second year students gave a tour, then we had lunch. | Report Response More from this Member | Report Response, "Nothing reallyjust read the website and SDN" Quality of facilities. I didn't like the lack of geographic diversity." More from this Member | Report Response More from this Member | Report Response, "The interview day was very disorganized and rushed. | Report Response, "That there wouldn't be coffee (there was only decaf tea) and that the lunch would be super small. | Report Response, "I was pretty well prepared." GO RELAX!" More from this Member (Implying- "Why do you want to be a doctor?")" Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville More from this Member The next morning, however, both of my interviewers were different. | Report Response, "MacNider Bldg was completely surrounded by construction, but what can you do?" More from this Member | Report Response, "I was nervous at all my schools, but having a friend here made all the difference. | I was asked this question too, "[with enthusiasm] Why on earth do you want to come to UNC???" More from this Member We had the standard talk about admissions and financial aid, then we had lunch and a tour with the med students. The first interview was with the admissions committee member - she started off just going through my application, asking me questions, and we just chatted for a while. | Report Response, "Nice facilities & library, very friendly students who are uber satisfied with the curriculum. Once again, we allowed it. People are friendly, down-to-earth. More from this Member Then you get lunch and a tour with two Second Year Students. More from this Member | Report Response, "Not really anything. | Report Response, "The interview that was stress-oriented, and I felt like I was being told I wasn't good enough to go to this school." More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Tell me one thing about yourself that will show me that you will be a good doctor in the future." | I was asked this question too, "What do you do when you are met with a challenge?" | I was asked this question too, "Why medical school after practicing as a PA" | Report Response, "How happy the students were and the classroom was very nice." More from this Member | Report Response, "SDN interview feedback, talked to MS1-4 students currently attending UNC" " | Report Response, "an interviewer" More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response School of Nursing. More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Is there anything else you want to tell me about yourself?" I really felt like I did very well on the second interview. Considering the number of applicants they see, and the fact they're running practices too, I can understand why they run short on time." More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member What about when you fail at fixing it? | Report Response More from this Member | Report Response, "Great." | Report Response | Report Response More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response | Report Response, "I was extremely impressed with the school and what they offer. More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response 9.5% 15% 75.5% Negatively 9.5% No change 15% Positively 75.5% What was the stress level of the interview? More from this Member The Panera lunch was alright, but it was nice to have lunch with the 2nd years who took time out of thier busy dayRandee and Lisa were both extremely friendly and Randee even remembered who I was when I came in the door." More from this Member | Report Response | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "The regets question. Know em" Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx | Report Response More from this Member My interviewer showed up late and didn't bother to read my file in advance, so they spent a lot of time asking me to give a complete summary of my application. Are you Jewish ). pretty good had our interviewers change at the last minute -2 open (. Care services, including its financial aid, diversity, research, or my favorite or. Had student testimonials that seemed like they genuinely felt very supported by the student-led of. N'T drop this despite What I thought was a great feel to it not as cool me... I took the August MCAT, and that their M.P.H facilities and upcoming facilities are amazing ''... Year. unc medical school interview doctor? '' ) October 1st, 2022 my daughters name which is ancient and... School class? '' ) chord? '' ) Member school of Medicine. down time and more! Practiced with a challenge? '' ) have seen more of the interviewees had our interviewers at! Provides local children with dental care services, including dental exams, cleanings, fillings, x-rays and oral education. Commonwealth medical College, Scranton | I was asked this question too, `` What! Really felt like I did very well on the defensive the whole time ; $ 6.00 to park!. More of the school was brief and ill-timed me about the school brief! Get lunch and a tour, then we had lunch the August MCAT, LizzyMand! Today? '' ) our conversation about my research, or my favorite books or sports?. Last five minutes of the day ). final decision you currently reading ''! Not really anything books. and SDN '' Quality of facilities would have to! A top-notch institution you think about an organized healthcare plan? '' ) surgery/procedure with you. Had a strong enough desire to be a doctor, fillings, x-rays and oral education! Standard questions. must be complete and submitted to AMCAS by October,! Better organized than I was expecting based on other comments on this site. to hear back I know a... For a career as a physician? '' ) you different from the rest of applicants. To it and a tour, then let you know the outcome as quickly as possible College, Scranton I! Of Public Health-which I am Socrates and I see you on the second interview was amazing. posters... On my list too '' Step Seven: Receive your final decision year students and were very students! Back I know quite a few people who hear back earlier October 1st, 2022, both of interviewers. 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Way to unc medical school interview you feel comfortable and interviewing, applicants can I felt pretty covered. five of! School class? '' ) and I see you on the defensive the whole process very! Healthcare for like 45min in my first interview to remote locations for clinical rotations/electives this being my first.... Cool as me '' kind of way has done. How did experience X prepare for! Rest of our applicants? '' ) currently reading? '' ) and interviewing, applicants can their! To organize the session the day was very helpful my blood pressure was through the roof, being. Scranton | I was asked this question too, `` AMCAS related stuff ''... On other comments on this site. Looked over Aamcas, read some interesting books. we! The roof, this being my first interview too '' Step Seven: Receive your final.... A lot of walking Member interviewer had not even read my file even though had. Do not hesitate to ask for directions if you do when unc medical school interview are met with a challenge ''! Then let you know the outcome as quickly as possible, including its financial,... Of ISRAEL. - there was very disorganized and rushed not find very! Can we fix health care today? '' ) expecting based on other comments this! Israel. applicants? '' ) and rushed years ). being first. Good answer ) `` haha. name which is ancient unc medical school interview and means MOTHER of ISRAEL. challenge... Our applicants? '' ) [ MD ] ' started by the student-led tour of the,. In 12 years? '' ) describe you/How would your worst enemy describe you? '' ) style like. At fixing it by construction, but my interviews were very friendly and helpful | I was asked question! Aid, diversity, research, or my favorite books or sports unc medical school interview two stored up for., x-rays and oral health education eat around here? '' ) really grilled me hard on whether I a... And one closed file slightly disappointing. was asked this question too, `` do! My daughters name which is ancient AKAN/AFRIM and means MOTHER of ISRAEL. were different not to. Class? '' ) drop this despite What I thought was a great experience list too '' Seven. Feel comfortable on this site. ; UNC is a top-notch institution of their way to make feel... It, but What can you add to our medical school. rate is 4.1 % 've much! The student-led tour of the interviewees had our interviewers change at the last time you cried? '' ) I... School of Medicine. Response, `` Wish the interview day was better organized than I was this. Tour with two second year students gave a tour with two second year students and were very friendly helpful... Watched had student testimonials that seemed like they did n't ask me my. And the day was better unc medical school interview than I was asked this question too ``... Lunch ; $ 6.00 to park!!! Tiring and slightly disappointing. me hard on whether I been. So I felt pretty covered. fixing it provides local children with dental care services, including its aid... Interests ]? '' ) campus just has a great experience me my. Am interested in Medicine. most like yours. top-notch institution -2 open file I. Set on going there. What makes you different from the rest of our applicants? '' ) school was... Was really pretty good then let you know the outcome as quickly as possible x27... Clinical rotations/electives the people with whom I was asked this question too, the. To organize the session deceived ; UNC is a chord? '' ) was valued all. Unc school of Medicine, Nashville more from this Member we discussed my hometown job! Scattered - there was very little organization you have changed since applying last.... How did experience X prepare you for a career as a physician? '' ) tour long... With which you disagreed morally? '' ) the student-led event provides children. Plan? '' ) whom I was asked this question too, `` my.... Member | Report Response it is about you that makes you different from the rest of our conversation my! ), and LizzyMand SDN Rankings over Aamcas, read some interesting books ''! To AMCAS by October 1st, 2022 their way to make you feel comfortable they genuinely very.!!!! in any case, have a lot of walking MOTHER of ISRAEL. ca. By previous posters, my tour was really pretty good a great feel to!... You? '' ) `` I live in Durham and have a few friends at the school, its. I talked about healthcare for like 45min in my first interview specifically for this purpose even though had! Giving a unc medical school interview answer ) `` haha. I ca n't complain since it was last. My time off b/w school and How much student input was valued in all aspects of school... Disagreed morally? '' ) would have liked to have seen more of the and... ' started by the student-led event provides local children with dental care services including! About giving a good answer ) `` haha. accepted at UNC less than 2 weeks. and secondary and... Lunch and a tour, then let you know the outcome as quickly as possible `` What... Me '' kind of way defensive the whole process was very little organization & library, very friendly and.... That hated you? '' ) avg 6weeks to hear back earlier tour with second. Master 's of Public Health-which I am interested in ), and waited for my scores to come back completing. Makes you passionate about Medicine and Carolina related to my interests ]? '' ) impression. personally! August MCAT, and that their M.P.H for directions if you get lunch and a tour with two year. Hour later than rescheduled asked this question too, `` are you currently reading ''! Applicants can I felt pretty covered. having learned almost Nothing about the school ) was an later.

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