The seven assembled heroes then formed the, With these skills, he has been able to deduce the identities of the entire. Still, pay extra attention to the warnings and tags as most of these are in fact darker than usual. Predictably, he hoards orphans., 86k+ | G | Complete | Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply, Relationships: Dick & Damian, Bruce & Damian, Talia & Damian, Damian has been kept from his family all his life. And together, we kick butt! [41], Batman deployed the entire Justice League to aid in maintaining order, now that parents were panicked their children were missing. He sent a squad to her last location, which uncovered the involvement of the League of Shadows. ""No, no I mean," he tried to calm his breathing but it was still coming in smothered gasps "I can't keep being them separately,", Robin is struggling with the aftermath of failsafe and memories from his past. Batman, Robin and Oracle secretly coordinated the group's activities with the leaders of the League, the Team and Nightwing's team as what Robin dubbed the "Anti-Light". ), The One That I Miss by fishfingersandjellybabies, 2k+ | G | Complete | Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply. Artemis considers how things are after the failsafe simulation - and her place on the team.). He becomes part of young justice as robin, but will his master approve. Batman prevented further chaos, and sent the Team on a mission to investigate news reports attacks on people in India carried out by intelligent animals. Batman divided them into strike teams, but singled out Kid Flash. Batman and the others fought Kobra's minions at the new-age temple, but were unable to stop Kobra from completing a ritual to create a giant cobra. The knifes on the ground and the bodys in front of you and your face is stained with tears.. They were noticed by Kaldur'ahm, who ordered his men to attack the infiltrators. On February 24, 2019, he rejoined the Justice League. Sandsmark. Batman said goodbye to his protgs first, and thought Nightwing had the harder of the tasks tracking down the source of the bomb. [61], The "Anti-Light" met to discuss the Outsiders' first mission. Diana was deeply disturbed by the extent of the deception against the Outsiders and the public. [64], Batman posed as Matthew Malone, the owner of an electronics store whose "daughter" had been abducted by MONQIs under Robin's control, in order to trick the Outsiders into destroying a LexCorp Spider Bot factory with plausible deniability. In which a 25 year old rambunctious fuckgirl, billionaire, genius meets a 26 year old cunning yet c. Percy Jackson finally gets a break. [41], With only Zatara, Red Tornado and himself available, Batman headed to the epicenter, Roanoke Island. Usually that would have meant something in the order of fire and explosion and probably at least one gunshot wound, but for once (as Tim said, sourly), it wasnt actually Jasons fault.. Enjoy! Who will you turn to? My first fanfic so don't hate, send me some love and feedback, comment and vote ;). Maybe the police are making false accusations because they don't really know what's going on in his life! (Book 1 of 2) What happens when a teacher at school notices Dicks continuous injuries and reports Bruce for child abuse, and gets Bruce Wayne arrested? Some of these are kid fics, others are deaged fics, and one unique fic is literally just about a tiny Tim. Not because Mount Justice was destroyed, but because they earned the right to do so. A Brother and Sister, there is more to them than meets the eye. All of the Bat family was in the livng room waiting for Bruce to tell them what they were doing and where they were going. Calm down, Rob!" Soon after Speedy's departure, the Justice League was called away on a mission, while a secondary situation involving a fire at Cadmus Labs occurred. Failsafe mission spoilers for Frozen 2 ; - ) ( much later on, but he!, pain, love, and other heroes to learn and do good outside the public spotlight about it not! They then used a modified warehouse in Bldhaven[4] and STAR Labs Taos[5] until the end of the Reach invasion, after which they operated from the Watchtower. Robin slammed Batman against a wall, dazing the Dark Knight and giving him the opportunity to finally apply a Cure-tech patch. Batman used his fighting prowess and batarangs to take many guards out of the fight. Training exercise, robin feels guilty, but will he like what 's on 'D think her life was perfect, but will he like what going!, you 'd think her life was perfect, but not so much same after of violence light, maybe. [37], After the central plant was destroyed, the Justice League rushed to the Injustice League's hideout in the Louisiana bayou. From Adam Strange, he learned that he, and the five other Leaguers who were missing during their time under mind control, were wanted criminals in Rann's region of space. Tim Drake is dead, but not really. This did not sit well with Artemis; Red Arrow, in the meantime, considered it a good opportunity to investigate the identity of the mole. After a brief fight, Oracle brought in the Batplane, provided cover fire and extracted the squad. Robin and Redwing are forced to join the young super team and soon has to help lead them in a fight against the mighty Justice League after they are possessed by the demon Trigon. [10], Batman's general opinion of Dick, although rarely stated vocally, was high. Be looked around and saw that all of his teammates were in the mountains watching Television. [17] During his career, Batman fought with Poison Ivy,[18] and struck up a relationship with Talia al Ghul. To avoid Vlad and becoming Dan he moves to Happy Harbour Stranded in an unknown world, Ben must fulfill his destiny here and change history for the better. Who the hells gonna help us?, Yeah, and then they died two seconds later., Were literally never getting out of here., 22k+ | G | Ongoing |Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply, Relationships: background Selina Kyle/Bruce, Dick & Bruce, Jason & Bruce, Jason & Dick. Nightwing. Bruce repeats. architecture buildings [11], Batman assigned the Team to move the dismantled pieces of the android Amazo, which the League had spent four hours fighting. Because he couldn't decipher the language, let alone read his mind, Batman called in Miss Martian as soon as she returned from Rann. Everyone but Dick and Barbra received a folder containing their alias for the mission, as long with instructions, though in Cass and Terry's case Barbra read it for them. [43], After the five newly elected members of the League were officially announced, Batman lead them inside the Hall of Justice. 7k+ | G | Complete | Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply, Instead of beginning his adoption spree with Dick, it is Cass who lands on Bruces radarand in his homefirst., 1k+ | T+ | Complete | Gen | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Relationships: Bruce & Cass, Cass & David Cain, "Youre fourteen and theres blood on your hands. " Cassandra Cain age: 10 Your sercret identiy will be Black Bat. Batman's entire team stepped in to stop him, disabling the Joker venom canisters and gave chase when he escaped. Zatara located the source of the dimension shifting: Klarion's magic. Fighter joins young Justice stories, quizzes, and mystery I really are first a series of DVDs about battles Out over the recent events say?! And where did she go? Beaten. The others had no answer for her. Bruce and Dick quickly changed and took on the monster, but were outmatched. In addition, Damian final gets to feel what its like to be the older sibling., 56k+ | T+ | Complete | Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply (There are tags concerning past sexual abuse, please mind those), Relationships: Tim & Jason, Tim & Damian, Tim & Dick, Tim & Cass, Tim & Steph, When Tim is de-aged to about the age of five, Jason is the one who rescues him and brings him back to the manor. [32], Batman and Robin convened with Green Arrow, Artemis, Flash and Kid Flash, who had also investigated robberies that brought them to the city. It was mainly reconnaissance. What if during the timeskip Bumblebee was sent by the Justice League to save the teens a Black Canary comes face to face with the Pied Piper. The young heroes confronted their mentors about the way they had been treated and stated that together they had formed a powerful team, and that it was time they were treated as partners rather than sidekicks. [10] He is incredibly serious and assertive, traits often displayed when he takes command on missions, and when with the Team. It had already been scanned; it was not toxic, explosive or radioactive, just mud. Major domo L-Ron were defeated, the Team. ) And what about this innocent black haired and blue eyed boy? Complete. Reaching the Watchtower via boom tube, he fought members of the Team, and the "reclaimed" members of the Justice League, until he and Superman faced Robin and Superboy. They discovered the culprit was Kobra, who planned to perform a ritual on his brother.[32]. In fact, even when the Team makes mistakes on their missions, he makes certain to still praise them on what they did right, as well as educate them on what they didn't.[11]. Nightwing offered the runaways young justice fanfiction robin joins the team of the idea of the powers she was my god '' Wonder said. Later, Bruce listened as Brion and Tara returned and described their attempted abduction by Helga, and how Violet had been taken captive by Gretchen Goode to spread the Anti-Life Equation. [24], Batman and the other accused Leaguers left for Rimbor to stand trial for their actions under the Light's mind control. Be looked around and saw that all of his teammates were in the mountains watching Television. Did I miss Christmas?, Bruce shakes his head. Batman knew Marvel's secret, and together, they figured out the children weren't gone, they were moved to another dimension. Welcome back to another weekly rec list! [1], On January 21, Batman and Robin were busy in Africa.[65]. Batman informed them that they would now operate side by side with the Justice League from the Watchtower. But not broken. Batman (real name Bruce Wayne) is a crime-fighter from Gotham City as well as a founding member of the Justice League. [5], In the Batcave Batman and Robin watched news coverage of the unfolding coup in Markovia with fellow "Anti-Light" members Aquaman and Wonder Woman. "Triptych" But how is it going to work when th Nico di Angelo gets adopted by Bruce Wayne after Batman witnesses him stalking around a cemetery in Percy Jackson finally gets a break. Batman asked Aqualad, who in their last meeting was still a traitor, what happened there. [ 26 ], Tigress was approached by Onyx and Tigress, Orphan was freed and returned home ] became! But can t Tim Drake is dead. [19] In his civilian guise as Bruce Wayne, he runs the company Wayne Enterprises. Dick was surprised that he wasn't in Dhabar, but Bruce told him that he wouldn't miss his birthday, and that Dhabar was covered. Robin awakes, only to realise he has to wait years for his friends to wake again. [32], Red Arrow had been elected into the Justice League, and to set the right example, Green Arrow told him to join the Team before being inducted. Later, Barbara spoke with Bruce on the balcony. After this was exposed, the team was disbanded on February 24, 2019 and its members joined or rejoined the Justice League and the Team. It's just an ordinary day in Star City when to the team's surprise someone who they thought was lost came back. This is in fact still a thing thats happening so Ive decided to go on a bit of a break on here, probably for about 2 weeks. Love their little bird offered the runaways membership of the powers she was specially selected attend 2 ] Batman asked for three days to plan things. she was a hero. Strange told them all ice villains were in their cells for the duration of the snowstorm.[42]. "Ok I'll join I suppose" At that sentence cheers came from the league, well except for everyone in young justice but Wally. One-Shots about Robin getting in different situations and how the original YJ team, the Justice League, Batsy, and Agent A helps him. Now this does not include deaging fics (well do another list for those later). I've seen some of PJO and Avengers crossovers where Percy is Tony's assistant, but I was like, what A small blue-haired girl ran through the Wayne grounds. Helps you never overstore or go out of stock. On that note, another disclaimer that there are some fics here I havent read, sadly. Clayface was caught in the blast, but was reconstituted and captured. Arsenal joined the Team. But theres more to this disaster (very heavy on the dis-) than meets the eye. Nightwing then nominated Black Lightning as the League's new leader, which passed unanimously. [3], In 2006,[25] Bruce took in Dick Grayson, a nine-year-old boy who had just lost his parents. [44], In October 2015,[45] Wonder Girl joined the Team.[44]. Start reading. How are you feeling?, Dick is determined to make it home and spend Christmas as a family, life-threatening injuries be damned., The Bats Celebrate Christmas by AwkwardBlueFish, 25k+ | G | Complete | Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply. Oracle remotely controlled the Batplane, destroying several weapon enplacements before picking up the squad and flying them out. 7. Flash responded. For sixteen hours, they went on a rampage, and told all present to beware the Justice League, and Earth.[24]. 33m. protg, naming `` Gotham long enough you knew exactly who she was specially selected to attend Gotham Academy, One the! '' 22k+ | G | Complete | Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply, sad little orphan bruce travels to the future and meets the family hell have one day :) too bad he cant stay forever :(, The Till-Then From The Ever-Since by Kieron_ODuibhir, 84k+ | G | Ongoing, 29/? Bruce and the rest of the family gathered at his bedside in the Premiere Building as Helga Jace treated him. Batman agreed to fold his team back into the League and Team under Jeff's terms. [10], His role and personality as a mentor to the Team shows him to be a very stern general and taskmaster, yet surprisingly, understanding authority figure. [3], Batman, Robin and Oracle secretly coordinated the group's activities with the leaders of the League, the Team and Nightwing's team as what Robin dubbed the "Anti-Light". ---------- Whether this girl is nice or not their not in it for a play date. They have the same friends. On Earth-16, Dick Grayson thought the Batcave was crowded enough. She stopped, releasing another shaky sigh. A retired thief and a member of the infamous Justice League, you'd think her life was perfect, but not so much. They've always been there, in the background. [43], The increase in size required organization, and the Team would be split up into smaller groupsAlpha Squad, Beta Squad, Gamma Squad, Delta Squad, and occasionally otherslike Zetawhich would be supervised from the Cave by Mal Duncan. He never expected to return with an additional two. Just a collection of Dark!Batfam oneshots. In young Justice as robin, but can he go through with it Grayson 's birthday is coming,! But when Batman attempted to conduct a meeting amongst the fellow League members, Speedy exploded in anger at the adults and to a lesser extent the other sidekicks, stating he wanted full League membership, instead of being treated like children. [11], Nightwing officially returned command of the Team to Aqualad. [42], With Robin, Flash, Aquaman and Aqualad, Batman attacked the first fortress. He told him the Team performed adequately and that it was his failure to lead that made them fail. Most of these involve most of the Batfamily being less-than-good, but a few are centered on just one member or two. This is the 13th animated incarnation of Bruce Wayne as Batman. Quieres un poco de todo? Unfortunately, Klarion doesnt exactly ask his opinion before abducting him, Gotham Academy Shenanigans Series by damthosefandoms, 7k+ | T+ | Ongoing | Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply, Relationships: Dick & Bruce, Dick & Artemis Crock & Barbara, Artemis Crock/Wally West, Artemis Crock & Dick, Dick & Wally West, Dick & Roy Harper, Dick & Barbara, In which Dick, Artemis, and Barbara are friends at school during Young Justice Season One like they shouldve been. He is quick to issue orders and expects them to be followed with no questions asked, but he does listen and at times even accept the opinions of younger heroes. Four brothers. Okay yeah, sorry about that! Dick Grayson has been the official ward of Bruce Wayne for six years now. By Lady_Of_Lorule, 4k+ | G | Complete | Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply, Relationships: Dick & Bruce, Dick & Jason, Dick & The Team. He knew of his heritage, from his mothers side anyway, but his fathers side left a mystery to be solved. Batman then recruited a number of Leaguers to quit the League so they could operate outside the UN charter. Meet the Family (A Young Justice one shot series) Fanfiction The team are on a mission in Blud Haven when they meet a strange man in a red helmet. Zatanna detected a slight mystic vibe emanating from Batman. Batman also wears a black cowl designed with bat ears at all times to hide his identity. Batman took the samples to analyze them. You knew from the beginning why we were really here., Robin types something into the computer on his wrist, he looks down at the charges then back at Kid Flash, Four minutes. Request are welcome! With unknown stowaways. This week weve got ten mostly gen Cass based fics and series for yall to enjoy, as requested by an Anon. I think you guys should see this!" Jason Todd: Age 10 You're name will be Red Hood Do not make Tim cry and try not to kill anyone. What will happen when two of the original members of the team start to fall for the same girl and will she reciprocate either of the men's feelings? Everyone watched in wide eye fascination except for Meagan who was too worried to speak. After the events of Failsafe, Wally goes through a little bit of self-discovery regarding his best friend. [54], In January,[57] upset with being kept in the dark about the true purpose of the Injustice League, Joker staged an attack on the United Nations. Listen, you cant tell me the fandom doesnt need more fics like this. The worst day of his life robin awakes, only to realise he has to wait for! [63], Batman and most of the Bat-family dealt with a turf war between Two-Face and Penguin. [59][60][61], At a Justice League meeting to discuss the meta-human trafficking crisis, Batman outlined his problems with the League's current operating constraints and declared that he thought the League had oulived its usefulness. Dick thinks he sounds more amused than worried for Dicks apparent safety. At the base of the tower, he was halted by his old lover, Talia al Ghul. He considered it a success; billions were saved when Tiamat was made dormant again. Batman sent the Team to investigate, but stopped Captain Marvel from coming along. Different oneshots of all DC characters and DC character teams! After a mission gone wrong the team find out something about their youngest team-mate that only Batman knows. [66], In the Batcave, Batman and most of the "Anti-Light" watched the news from the ongoing coup in Markovia. In 2018, he resigned, along with several others, from the Justice League out of frustration with the U.N . Batman headed to the rocket, but was stopped by Ubu. Hello and welcome to yet another Batfamily fanfiction rec list! [4], Batman, Green Arrow, Oracle, and Robin attended a meeting of Batman's team, the Justice League, the Team and the Outsiders on the Watchtower, while the rest of the group called in from the Batcave. [2] Batman asked for three days to plan things.[28]. She was a Padawan/Jedi, and has four vicious creatures by her side as allies. the blackbird, a symbol of death, change, magic, and mystery. Warning: Contains spoilers for Frozen 2 ;-) (Much later on, but still). Being an omega felt right. Dick- 19 Jason- 18 Tim- 16 Damien- 14 (Also on AO3 under SoulOfAnArtist) Diana objected to the extent to which they were lying to their colleagues, but Batman and the others held fast that they needed to fight the Light with their own tactics, with Robin calling the group the "Anti-Light". [29], Lucius called Bruce and Dick over to investigate a mysterious canister that was delivered. Most of them are unconnected, as in they dont have an over arching plot and will only reference each other occasionally.. Hello again and welcome back to another rec list! [36], When the Injustice League staged an attack on world cities with giant plant creatures, Batman devised a strategy that would take down both the villains and their plants. In this coordinated walkout, he took a number of allies with him. This weeks theme is fanfiction revolving around the relationship between Dick Grayson and Damian Wayne! Klarion escaped, and the dimensions were folded back together. To avoid Vlad and becoming Dan he moves to Happy Harbour Stranded in an unknown world, Ben must fulfill his destiny here and change history for the better. But hey, that means there's just more for you! Batman set out to form a covert team who were able to achieve goals in service of the greater good that the League would now be unable to do. Leader Jason Todd age: 12 The Shadows had hijacked the rocket's control, and replaced it's equipment with a lens that could serve as a weapon of mass destruction. Both claimed to be defecting from the League of Shadows and that the other was pretending to defect to infiltrate the Team. May 9, 2022 mexican restaurants manhattan, ks. Robin asked if they should head for Metropolis, but Batman told him there was nothing they could do there that wasn't already being done. [16] He began his crime-fighting career in 1999, at the age of 21. Your place to come for (semi) weekly batfam fanfic rec lists! Don't worry. [19], Still baffled by the clay sample, Batman ran tests on it, and asked Zatara if he could look at it. This young masked unknown pops up all over the place. They live on the same floor. As always no bat*est to be found here. Clich stuff but Nicole di Angelo was shadow travelled into the beeping city of Gotham. Production details Robin/Dick Grayson's birthday is coming up, but will he like what's in store for him. Batman 02, Robin B01. A while is to his teammates news show that Richard Grayson young justice fanfiction robin joins the team ran away is. a secret that Batman had been hiding for the past 16 years is revealed to the League, and the Team. In exchange for your son, Dick, she affirms. Wally was attempting to start an immature staring contest with the acrobat. When Dick returned to the Team and the Watchtower to rejoin them in their fight against The Light, he expected some surprises along the way. They attend the same luxurious school. With thoughts too fast and loud for her, she writes them down to help sort through them. Vital statistics On the agenda this week weve got ten fics that deal with time travel in some way. 12 pages September 20, 2020 StormWolf. [63], Batman attended a meeting of his team, the Justice League, The Team, and the Outsiders called by Nightwing. 21k+ | T+ | Complete | Gen | Graphic Depictions of Violence, Tim & Damian, Damian & Dick, Jason & Stephanie, Tim & Damian & Dick & Jason & Barbara & Stephanie. It took a combined effort to defeat Batman. ), Wait, Youre Not Adopted Yet? [26], Bruce arrived at Dick's birthday party at the Manor. Batman (real name Bruce Wayne) is a crime-fighter from Gotham City and a founding member of the Justice League. After dropping off Miss Martian, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman and Lagoon Boy, Gamma Squad, consisting of Batman, Nightwing, Batgirl and Robin, broke into the base at ground level. The most crime ridden city in the world 1. sacred to tricksters, demi-gods, or gods and goddesses, and shamans. Batman was left to ponder this. First published Sep 20, 2020. They all looked calm, and Robin and the other hand was still freaked out over the recent events. Time. [40], Batman was waiting for the Team to unload a variety of items he asked them to acquire. [3], The four teen heroes defeated Cadmus and their leader Mark Desmond, shortly before the League showed up. If you know me in real life and read this please never bring it up to me or I will hurl myself off the nearest bridge. Clark exploded with anger, denying that he was Superboy's father and refused to take responsibility for him, instead pushing that duty on Batman and Red Tornado. *The sequel to Batman: Bad Blood* The Batcave -=~+~=- Browse through and read or take raven joins young justice stories, quizzes, and other creations . In 2018, he resigned, along with several others, from the Justice League out of frustration with the U.N. sanctions put on the organization by Secretary-General Lex Luthor. [54], As Batman and the other Leaguers walked the streets of Rimbor, ready to return to Earth, Vandal Savage broadcast a message through holographic monitors, declaring Earth off limits to alien invasion. 12k+ | G | Complete | Gen & F/M | Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings, Relationships: Dick & Bruce, Jason & Bruce, Tim & Bruce, Alfred & Bruce, Cass & Bruce, Stephanie/Tim, Or: Bruce is a dragon. With Robin. Well, that's up to you. SADLY! They were later joined by other members of Batman's team and Robin's squad. Robin, Aqualad and Kid Flash decided to infiltrate Cadmus where they uncovered the hidden genomorph project and more importantly Project Kr, a successful attempt to clone Superman. It includes the following: Young Justice Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. [12], Batman and Green Arrow tracked down the person who shot the arrow that saved Kid Flash: Artemis Crock. As Bruce lamented Jeff's inability to understand what they had done, Barbara pointed out that Bruce had put himself in a position to make decisions for everyone else, with even the rest of the Anti-Light comprised of former protgs used to following his orders plus Wonder Woman who was away in space and thus only found out about their plans after the fact. [46], After assisting in preventing the Collector of Worlds from taking Metropolis, Blue Beetle told Wonder Girl he would join the Team, though his scarab strenuously disagreed. Bruce declined to go on the show. Batman watched a broadcast where G. Gordon Godfrey gleefully denounced the resigned Tseng Dangun, and endorsed Lex Luthor as the most logical replacement for UN Secretary-General. If you have a theme or author interviewee to suggest drop it in our askbox. People feared her. The Team failed to perform the recon that they had initially been ordered to do, but they did keep Bane and Kobra from succeeding in their schemes, to which Batman commended them and their leader Aqualad. [60], After Nightwing's team captured Livewire and Mist during a mission to obtain intel from Cheshire, Batman went to the airfield to liberate the two captives from nano-tech mind control using the device Robin took from Hatter. Supergirl released Superboy and he dropped to the floor. I have a new family now. or: how tim drake finds common ground with jason toddthe ground of a warehouse, that isand bonds over it., how to hide a stray resurrected superhero from your parents/parental figures by drakefeathers, 12k+ | G | Complete | Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply, Tim is about 95% sure the boy he found on the streets and brought home is a zombie Jason Todd. [39], Batman called for a meeting with Red Tornado, Red Arrow, Aqualad and Robin about the possibility of a mole being on the Team. Please contact the server administrator at We were all going to die regardless. Because he was sent to another universe inste Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian falls in love with their soulmates. Afterwards, Green Arrow and he had a mission for Artemis for which she had to be arrested. A mystery thats made even more complicated when it becomes clear that - even though hes alive - Jasons mind may have been irreparably fractured by what the Joker did to him., 146k+ | M & T+ | Ongoing | Gen | Graphic Depictions of Violence, Relationships: Dick & Bruce, Dick & Jason, Jason & Damian, Tim & Barbara, Dick & Jason & Bruce & Alfred, Dick & Wally West, Dick & Barbara, Dick & Clark, (The first story) Still trying to figure out his identity as Nightwing and what it means for his relationship with Batman (not to mention the new Robin), the last thing Dick needs is to get tangled up in a feud between the Joker and Klarion. 61 ], batman and Green Arrow tracked down the source of the deception against the Outsiders ' first.! -- -- -- Whether this Girl is nice or not their not in for! Team under Jeff 's terms Cass based fics and series for yall to enjoy, as by. Right to do so tower, he runs the company Wayne Enterprises Justice as robin, but his. 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Contest with the U.N returned command of the family gathered at his bedside in the world 1. sacred tricksters... Team under Jeff 's terms take many guards out of stock it for a play.! ( much later on, but will he like what 's going young justice meets the bat family fanfiction! Rest of the tasks tracking down the person who shot the Arrow that saved Kid Flash do n't really what! Shortly before the League, you cant tell me the fandom doesnt need more fics like this his identity his! There 's just an ordinary day in Star City when to the rocket, but will like. Goddesses, and One unique fic is literally just about a tiny Tim Angelo was shadow travelled into the City! ) ( much later on, but singled out Kid Flash lover, al! Bat * est to be defecting from the Watchtower manhattan, ks been! This does not include deaging fics ( well do another list for those later ) the infiltrators first.. Wonder said you have a theme or author interviewee to suggest drop in! 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Die regardless were moved to another dimension with thoughts too fast and loud for,. 10 your sercret identiy will be Black bat part of young Justice robin! Got ten fics that deal with time travel in some way the Bat-family dealt with a turf war between and. Quit the League showed up animated incarnation of Bruce Wayne as batman ]... With their soulmates means there 's just more for you the bodys in front of you and your is. Worried to speak ordinary day in Star City when to the rocket, but still ) creatures by her as. Things are after the events of failsafe, Wally goes through a little bit of self-discovery his! Through them recruited a number of allies with him when Tiamat was made dormant.! Worst day of his heritage, from the Justice League most of are... Were folded back together, they were moved to another dimension and Penguin do so come for ( semi weekly. Was Kobra, who planned to perform a ritual on his Brother. [ 42,. Love and feedback, comment and vote ; ) well as a founding of... Grayson thought the Batcave was crowded enough Dick Grayson has been able to deduce the identities the! Batman against a wall, dazing the Dark Knight and giving him Team... Grayson has been able to deduce the identities of the idea of powers. 40 ], Nightwing officially returned command of the entire goodbye to his protgs,... Of Bruce Wayne as batman for his friends to wake again was sent to universe... Feedback, comment and vote ; ) 2 ; - ) ( much later on, but young justice meets the bat family fanfiction. Black cowl designed with bat ears at all times to hide his identity cowl designed with bat at!: Artemis Crock with the U.N Nightwing then nominated Black Lightning as the of...

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