In view of projects by artists such as Rikrit Tiravanija, Flix Gonzales-Torres, Christine Hill, or Pierre Huyghe, all of which focus on the activity of their audience, Bourriaud states, contemporary art models more than it represents, art is at once the object and the subject of an ethic, and art is a state of encounter (2002, 18). [2] Moreover, the principle of disinterestedness presupposes aesthetic subjects whose basic needs are satisfied and who have ample leisure time. The Analects of Confucius. Most readings will be 20th -21st century. Translated and edited by Edith Hamilton and Huntington Cairns. Bindman, David. This, in turn, is effected by so far as possible leaving out the element of matter, i.e. Confucius. Princeton: Princeton University Press. It is not least significant that Benjamin repeatedly and affirmatively referred to Brecht. (1934) 1980. Main points of modernist aesthetics 1. 2002. Finally, though aesthetics is often taken today to be concerned with works of art, this is both an overstatement today and at odds with much of historical aesthetics. [1] The first book entitled Aesthetica, authored by Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten, was published in 1750 (Baumgarten [1750] 2007). Bourriaud, Nicolas. Kant, Immanuel. A scholarly paper, martial arts, or growing poppies fuels all kinds of activities, and it is only when we try to ascertain and evaluate the meaning of such differently felt and sensed experiences that we engage in proper aesthetic practice. This is still quite general, but it gives us a framework from which to build a deeper understanding; though, as suggested at the beginning, any hopes of narrowing it down further may be futile. The Oxford Handbook of Aesthetics brings the authority, liveliness, and multi-disciplinary scope of the Handbook series to a fascinating theme in philosophy and the arts. That said, it is hard to draw a strict line between the two compartments, as all chapters adopt an active critical and often multicultural optics, a methodological phenomenon signifying one of the most dramatic cultural shifts of our age. Books An introduction to the philosophy of aesthetics. 2001. Cinema, for instance, is deemed by Benjamin not only as the mode of expression appropriate to the 20th century due to fragmentation and montage, but also as a training ground for modern life since it contributes to the acceleration of the processing of sensory impressions. (1764) 2011. In closing, we would like to turn to another, less homogenizing version of Relational Aesthetics, namely the Poetics of Relation by Martiniqueian poet and philosopher douard Glissant. (19735) 1954. Glissant, douard. New York: Nightboat Books. Works of art are made to be viewed aestheticallyand so just to be enjoyed (For no other purpose) 4. Moreover, the prospect of a fulfilling life is undermined when human cultures ignore the world, the fact that our cultures are embodied in the world, as a part of the cosmos. In the first group, the authors overview and provide critical responses to the key topics in aesthetics, while the latter group diversifies our collaborative effort by considering topics that ostensibly challenge the foundations of Western aesthetics (and culture). Jerrold Levinson has assembled a hugely impressive range of talent to contribute 48 brand-new essays, making this the most comprehensive guide available to the theory, application, history, and future of the field. (1872) 1993. The third chapter investigates another key aporia in aesthetics, namely the question of a relation between Artworks and Emotions. Do artworks express the artists emotions? (1984) 1990. If it is possible to appreciate an experiencethat is, to have the appropriate response to itand yet still not like it, then there seems to be two elements to an individuals experience: one purely personal, and thus not aesthetic as such, and the other personal-yet-universal. One may wonder, if a societys position on aesthetics can change, how it can be considered universal. Reckitt, Helena. The aesthetic theory advanced here proposes to see the different kinds of aesthetic thingssuch as aesthetic experience, aesthetic value, aesthetic descriptions, interconnected by the fact that they are all elements of a process in which objective properties, subjective responses and social influences and contexts interact with each other. He then proceeds by differentiating between four moments or conditions of possibility of aesthetic judgments. Adorno, Theodor W. (1970) 1997. In this more inclusive sense, philosophy stands for any pursuit for evaluative understanding of selfhood and humanity entangled with dynamic natural and cultural phenomena. Possibly, it is one of the tasks of those unfamiliar with them to learn from such traditions, as a sign of respect for the culture of other people.. Everyone can appreciate art just by adopting the aesthetic point of view 5. Critique of Judgement. Beyond Good and Evil. Translated by Robert Hullot-Kentor. The five-year project (February 2021 to January 2026) is funded by . 1988. But notice in this example that the ability to see something as intrinsically valuable is subject to the larger, practical question of should I fund this music preschool? This use of intrinsic value as a tool for reasoning is even more common in moral reasoning, where one might reason that it is wrong to hurt an animal because life itself is intrinsically valuable and therefore is worth protecting. Regardless of how impossible the situation [seems], there is a moment when you open your mouth, throw open your arms and embrace the whole mess and you just say Hallelujah! Philodemuss Poetic Theory and On the Good King According to Homer. Classical Antiquity 10, no. Gikandi 2011, 99106), are excluded altogether (cf. 1993. Meaning we expect a certain level of universal appreciation for the object of our experience. Glissant, douard. Encoding/Decoding. In The Cultural Studies Reader, 3rd ed., edited by Simon During, 47787. This chapter introduces The Philosophy of Rhythm: Aesthetics, Music, Poetics, which brings together philosophical (analytic, historical, and Continental), musicological, literary, and empirical approaches to offer critical perspectives on the hitherto neglected philosophy of rhythm. Woodmansee 1994; Mortensen 1977). 5. 1970. The latter was awarded the 2018 Outstanding Monograph Prize by the American Society for Aesthetics. So conceived, aesthetics may serve as a means to actualise the ultimate goal of practical philosophy, that is, collective flourishing. Drawing the different threads together, we are now in a position to reconsider and provide a more complete answer for the question of why aesthetics is worth pursuing. [3] This seems to open up the realm of aesthetics in a truly emancipatory, indeed unheard-of emancipatory way to all human beings. At this point we begin to arrive not only at a working definition of aesthetics, but also a statement of its most important questions. Hall, Stuart. Although Brechts concern is clearly political agitation and the unveiling of historical truth, his functional transformation of art is not limited to a hierarchical pedagogy. What is notable about this distinction is that Burkes concept of the sublime allows for negative aesthetic experiences, such as the experience of Jordan Wolfsons virtual-reality artwork Real Violence, to be considered sublime, and therefore positively appraised. 2002. 1977. Therefore, the organizational function of politicised art does not lie in mere agitation, but in a removal of the separation of reception from its production. Early thinkers, like Greek philosophers Plato and Socrates, have pondered about the significance of beauty and art and alluded to their own views on those concepts. Being a leftist political thinker, who was deeply concerned about the autocratic politics of German National Socialism, Benjamin was interested in art and cultural production insofar as it possesses what he calls an organizational function. As the Nazi regime with its visually impressive theatrical mass performances pursued an aestheticisation of politics, it was imperative for Benjamin to politicise aesthetics. In contrast to the domains of theoretical and practical philosophy, the sub-discipline of aesthetics emerged rather late in Western philosophy. It is the chaos-mode relating (to itself). Plato (428/427348/347 BCE) famously thought the impact that the experience of art could have on people was so powerful as to be dangerous, and that art did not have anything to offer philosophy since it merely imitates reality, whereas philosophy seeks true reality ([380 BCE] 1974, bk. Aesthetic Education, Neglect and Culture Today. 1994. We move to the second part of the volume with a short and very important chapter on The Significance of Environmental Aesthetics. A recent phenomenon in aesthetic inquiry, environmental aesthetics covers nature, built structures, urban environment, domestic space, various objects within, and our interactions with others. Emphasising the pragmatic dimension, Yuriko Saito argues that this new approach not only opens up diverse kinds of things and phenomena, but also is conducive to cultivation of moral virtues of respect and humility regarding others.. [7] So, for example, for an Ancient Greek, revulsion at disproportionality was deemed an appropriate response, whereas in contemporary Western society, notwithstanding that this may well be the response of some people, disproportionality is culturally acceptable, and at times even the most praiseworthy feature of a work of art (one immediately thinks of Picasso, for example). Aesthetic experience is nonutilitarian 2. Kants concluding remarks on the principle of sensus communis thus imply that some human beings are already refined whereas others are at least susceptible of training towards refinement. Feminist Artists and Relational Aesthetics. In Politics in a Glass Case. Shusterman, Richard. Yuriko Saito; Ruth Sonderegger; Ines Kleesattel; Elizabeth Burns Coleman; Elizabeth Scarbrough; Matteo Ravasio; Xiao Ouyang; Richard Hudson-Miles; Andrew Broadey; Pierre Fasula; Alexander Westenberg; Matthew Sharpe; Valery Vino (Book Editor); and Christina Hendricks (Series Editor). People often think about art in terms of spaces like a museum or gallery, not the great outdoors. This book addresses issues in the philosophy of art through the lenses of the three broad areas of philosophy: metaphysics, epistemology, and axiology. (38687) 2007. However, the fact that we grant Kant such a great significance in this text nevertheless is motivated, on the one hand, by the objective of demonstrating the underlying (colonial, racist, sexist, and classist) politicality of Kants allegedly disinterested aesthetics. Instead, we enjoy this picture precisely because of its portrayal of a situation tinged with sadness. 2 vols. Far from Bourriauds unifying ideal of including the other, Glissant pursues a co-constitutively heterogenising understanding of relationality. Ruth Sondereggeris a Professor of Philosophy and Aesthetic Theory at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Austria. Nevertheless, it is a fact that, as I have said above, the discipline as we know it today has its origins largely in eighteenth century Europe, and so a brief overview of this lineage is not out of place. For Kant, beauty is present when we discern the intelligibility of what we experience without any apparent ultimate purpose. Oxford: Oxford University Press. In essence, there is no distinction here between the individual whose disposition changes, yet maintains a conviction that aesthetic experiences are universal, and the society or culture which does the same. It is practices of poetics, to which Guattari, Haraway and Glissant assign the potential of a better, that is, situated, understanding of the world. (1953) 2010. Baumgarten, Alexander Gottlieb. Our definition, then, might be this: aesthetics is a sub-branch of philosophy that examines questions of the pleasantness of our experiences concerning things in the world (where pleasantness is taken in a broad sense to include, for example, the intellectual pleasure of being challenged or confronted). Continued The experience of reading Thomas Hardys poem The Walk, written after his wifes death, is another example of this distinction: Of the look of a room on returning thence. In this sense, the Socratic aspiration to live a good, beautiful life may prove to be far-fetched, since anyone in any age may happen to feel constrained and educated by dire circumstances. While sense perception is a key element of aesthetics, without thinking through it critically, it remains only a passive receptivity. The process of self-understanding thus lies at the heart of philosophy: striving to elucidate her humanity, to fashion selfhood, each person taps into the project of humanity, realised through culture in nature, or, simply, in our shared world. And as nothing but our cognitive faculties (which we share with all human beings) are involved, my judgmentor so Kant seems to argueought to be everybody elses, too. New York: Continuum. Aesthetic theory occupies a curiously "marginalized" position on the philosophical map. While aesthetic theories vary significantly from thinker to thinker, it is clear that aesthetic. Thus, for Kant, aesthetics becomes the most uniquely personaleven the most uniquely humanactivity, since it is the function and expression of rationality to experience aesthetically. In the first part of Kants Critique that is devoted to questions of beauty and art, Kant starts out by drawing absolutely strict dividing lines between questions of beauty, on the one hand, and theoretical as well as practical questions on the other. Brecht, Bertolt. For much of the history of Western philosophy, philosophical questions concerning education were high on the philosophical agenda. Aesthetics, the branch of philosophy concerning beauty, taste, and art, seeks answers to those questions. Yuriko Saito, Rhode Island School of Design, Ruth Sonderegger, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Ines Kleesattel, Zurich University of the Arts. Instead, he advocates an art that distances itself from the existing reality and its accustomed standards of representation, communication, and information by bringing forth a fundamentally open aesthetic indeterminacy. However, the artworks on display in such hospitalsloan items provided by the charitable bourgeoisiewere also regularly shown to the public in order to sell them to emerging collectors. Slavery and the Culture of Taste. Woodmansee, Martha. The sublime, on the other hand, is the deeper experience, the more profound, the strongest emotion of which the mind is capable of feeling (part 1, sec. Certainly, the immediate benefit of this definition is that it highlights quite nicely a tension that resides at the heart of all aesthetic work: the tension between personal, subjective experiences and more universal, objective experiences. 2016. First, Kants formulation of the faculty of judgment is influenced by Shaftesburys and Humes, with its most well-known characteristic being a disinterestedness in the object of judgment. New York: A Harvest Book. A Short History of Photography. Screen 13, no. a tragic love of humanity, epitomised by Dostoevskys Idiot). 2003. Rather, beauty is a quality, intangibly constituted by different features in different edges, and what is beautiful in one thing might not be in anotherfor example, hard edges may look attractive on a building, but not on a cat. As a result, he polemicises sharply against art that aims for emancipation and education in any direct waylike the epic theatre of Bertolt Brecht, for example. (1860) 1944. How the heart approaches what it yearns: Interview with Leonard Cohen presented by John McKenna, Part 1., Cohen, Leonard. 2009. The opening chapter deals with the overarching problem of aesthetics: What is Aesthetics? To address this difficult question, Alexander Westenberg deploys various examples taken from the arts and nature, from Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Ancient Greek and Western philosophies. London: Verso. 7. Not for nothing, there is a huge amount of literature arguing that the concept of aesthetic disinterestedness is not a (Kantian) invention but rather a reaction to the growth of an affluent bourgeois middle class with plenty of spare time in Western Europe towards the end of the 18th century (cf. # An introduction to aesthetics and philosophy # Introduction to the philosophy of beauty # Philosophy of black aesthetics # Philosophy of art and aesthetics # Aesthetics is a philosophy and an art # Aesthetics in contemporary philosophy # Aesthetics between . While in his early political writings Rancire argued for a dissenting politics that takes a clear stand for specific expansions of equality, Rancires more recent art theory ultimately tends to dissolve such a dissenting stand in favor of a general praise of the aesthetically open and indeterminate. In Benjamins view, human perceptionincluding modes of aesthetic experience and spectatorshipis not determined by the biology of human organs but conditioned by social history and media technologies and, therefore, variable. Referring to Flix Guattari, the French curator Nicolas Bourriaud coined the term Relational Aesthetics with regard to process-oriented and participatory art projects of the 1990s that shift their creative energy away from artworks as objects and artworld-oriented entities towards social situations of encounter and exchange. ([1790] 2008, 127). 2329). Nevertheless, its worth taking a moment to explore the relationship between beauty and the tension between the personal and the universal. Aesthetic Theory. The poetics that ensues enables a diversified aesthetics of the earth, that interrupts the imperative, triumphant voice of Western abstract thinking. 4. In the first section of this chapter, we have clearly distanced ourselves from aesthetic theories that celebrate the Kantian caesura in the history of Western aesthetics as one of (unique) democratisation. Poetics of Relation. 2009. Much rather, artistic production was left to geniuses and hence considered to be beyond analysis as well as beyond teaching and learning.

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