See BZ#1957708 for more information. OpenShift Container Platform release 4.8.31, which includes security updates, is now available. With this release, IBM Power Systems are now compatible with OpenShift Container Platform 4.8. Consequently, new machines appearing in the cluster during installation were not approved quickly enough, prolonging cluster installation. The Operator returned a 404 Not Found message instead of 429 Too Many Requests. With this update, the gRPC CheckRegistryServer function checks if the service account exists and recreates the service if it is not found. This was a result of not excluding completed pods or init containers. With this update, Kuryr opens traffic to the IP addresses of all services in a network policys namespace, and hairpin traffic flows freely. In addition to the Contributor role that is required by mint mode, the modified app registration service principals now require the User Access Administrator role that is used for passthrough mode. Consequently, the STATE column was empty. If you have a log consumer that is expecting the capnslog format, you might need to adjust it for the zap logger format. These policies might not work correctly in 4.6 or later releases and might allow or drop unexpected traffic. (BZ#2047741), Previously, the corespersocket value could be higher than the numCores value when installing a VMware cluster using installer-provisioned infrastructure. This fix explicitly mentions in the openshift-apiserver pods that the root file system should be writable. The ThanosQueryHttpRequestQueryErrorRateHigh alert severity is updated from critical to warning. Starting with OpenShift Container Platform 4.6, OAuth access token and authorize token object names are stored as non-sensitive object names, with a SHA-256 prefix. For more information, see Installing AWS Load Balancer Operator. Inspect the values of the INGRESS_HOST and SECURE_INGRESS_PORT environment As part of this change, the use of the dhclient binary for DHCP was deprecated. In this case: Generate individual TLS certificates by using a different CA. (BZ#1949063), Previously, OVN-Kubernetes network provider ignored network policies with multiple ipBlocks. making them available to all of its clients. Although this provides a convenient way to get started with Istio, configuring (BZ#1903383), Previously, the zipl command configured the disk geometry by assuming a sector size of 512 bytes. This minimizes downtime for stateful applications and ReadWriteOnce (RWO) volumes, and restores compute capacity if transient failures occur. The RPM packages that are included in the update are provided by the RHBA-2021:4019 advisory. As a result, the session will be automatically terminated after TMOUT inactivity. This caused a noticeable latency in service configuration changes. In earlier versions, the Local Storage Operator (LSO) added an owner reference to the persistent volumes (PVs) it created, such that deletion of the node would also issue a delete request for the PV. As a cluster administrator, you can enable cluster capabilities to select or deselect one or more optional components before installation or post installation. The bug fixes that are included in the update are listed in the RHSA-2021:2983 advisory. (BZ#1920699), Previously, when selecting the YAML tab, the metadata.managedFields section did not collapse immediately. As a result, the leaks are avoided. This feature can help reduce the load on the default platform Alertmanager instance and can better separate user-defined alerts from default platform alerts. In particular, HTTP client requests that specify a host name in an HTTP request line may be rejected if the request line and HTTP host header in a request do not both either specify or omit the port number. In previous releases, this field had to be empty. The bug fixes that are included in the update are listed in the RHBA-2021:3821 advisory. As a result, the topology view did not display service binding connectors. This caused the Operator to create DNS records and set DNSManaged conditions to false. addons_config - (Optional) The configuration for addons supported by GKE. As part of this change, a new controller has been implemented that substantially improves the performance of cron jobs. Adding this task before the Terraform task in a build definition ensures you are using that task with the right Terraform version. In OpenShift Container Platform 4.10, configuring the BIOS and RAID arrays on Fujitsu hardware was limited to worker nodes. Use the JAR files in the Topology view of the Developer perspective to deploy your Java applications. (RHELPLAN-123058), Sometimes, a single-node OpenShift node configured with static IP and deployed using the GitOps ZTP pipeline becomes unreachable during Day 2 operator configuration. For more information, see Configuring global access for an Ingress Controller on GCP. (BZ#1925697), Previously, removing selector from a service exposed via a route resulted in the duplication of endpointslices that would be created for the services pods, which would trigger HAProxy reload errors due to duplicate server entries. Click here to learn more. With DNS resolution, the sidecar proxy will ignore the original destination IP address and direct the traffic (BZ#1939054), Previously, a certificate signing request (CSR) approval was delayed for an unknown reason. This backend also supports state locking and consistency checking via native capabilities of the Azure Blob Storage. (BZ#1947164), Previously, the documentation and oc explain help text did not convey that the buildArgs field in the BuildConfig object does not support the valueFrom field of its underlying Kubernetes EnvVar type. The egress router CNI plug-in is generally available. Consequently, The alert from KubeAPIErrorBudgetBurn would be triggered and cause false positives. retrieves unique credentials corresponding to a specific credentialName. The current release fixes this issue. OpenShift Container Platform 4.8 introduces the following notable technical changes. This section shows you how to configure access to an external HTTP service, Make sure to specify values for the variables in the cd-self-hosted-agent and in the agent.tfvars. Therefore, for user-defined projects, if you queried external metrics not provided by the user workload monitoring instance of Prometheus, you would sometimes not see external labels for these metrics even though you had configured Prometheus to add them. (BZ#1911470), Previously the image registry was ignoring cluster wide ImageContentSourcePolicy (ICSP) rules. You want the object to be an abstraction over a collection of controlled resources, or a summarization of other resources. This is fixed by the ironic-python-agent configuring the boot entry based on a CSV file located in the image, instead of using a fixed boot entry. In this update, those credentials are fetched repeatedly. With this fix, subscriptions are now uniquely identified internally within a namespace by instead of enable Envoys access logging. Previously, when deleting a node, the Local Storage Operator issued a request to delete the persistent volume (PV), leaving the PV in the terminating state while connected to a pod. The External DNS Operator is still in Technology Preview (TP) status for BlueCat and AWS Route53 on GovCloud. As a result, the kubelet log was reporting errors that could cause confusion with some users. <1> This creates the namespace used by default in the deployment files. For more information, see Enabling user-managed encryption for Azure. (BZ#1976232), For clusters that use the OVN-Kubernetes network provider and upgrade from OpenShift Container Platform 4.7 to OpenShift Container Platform 4.8, a bug in OVN-Kubernetes can sometimes cause the pod IP address to become stale. The bug fixes that are included in the update are listed in the RHBA-2022:0795 advisory. (OCPBUGSM-46688), After removing the SriovNetworkNodePolicy policy from the Git repository, the SriovNetworkNodePolicy resource managed by the removed policy remains on the spoke cluster. In earlier releases of OpenShift Container Platform, the following limitations existed: A cluster that uses the OpenShift SDN cluster network provider could select traffic from an Ingress Controller on the host network only by applying the ingress label to the default namespace. With this update, the bare metal hosts and machine resources are handled more gracefully, and the UI shows all available details. Consequently, the MachineSet controller would get stuck in an endless loop. This sensitive data will be used by Azure DevOps CD pipelines via variable groups. In OpenShift Container Platform 4.11, support for API endpoint is removed. For more information, see Machine config overview. This issue has been fixed in 4.11.8. This update exposes a new field in the Add Bare Metal host form to choose the appropriate boot mode strategy. For more information, see Additional Azure configuration parameters. As a result, resources that are no longer required for the OLM component are removed from the cluster. (BZ#2088483), With this update, a --subresource flag was added to the oc adm policy who-can command to check who can perform a specified action on a subresource. OpenShift Container Platform (RHSA-2021:2438) is now available. ## Snippet to remove unauthenticated group from all the cluster role bindings, ### Find the index of unauthenticated group in list of subjects, 'select(.subjects!=null) | .subjects | map(.name=="system:unauthenticated") | index(true)', ### Remove the element at index from subjects array, # cd /var/petitboot/mnt/dev/nvme0n1p3/ostree/rhcos-*/, # kexec -l vmlinuz-*.ppc64le -i initramfs-*.img -c "ignition.firstboot rd.neednet=1 ip=dhcp $(grep options /var/petitboot/mnt/dev/nvme0n1p3/loader/entries/ostree-1-rhcos.conf | sed 's,^options ,,')" && kexec -e, '{"seLinuxContext":{"type": "RunAsAny"}}', '{"seLinuxContext":{"type": "MustRunAs"}}', '{"UserName": , \, as well as an external HTTPS service, With this update, the bootstrap machine uses the size and instance type of the control plane machines. (BZ#2064634), Previously, the oc debug node command did not have timeout specified on idle. For more information, see Enabling multipathing with kernel arguments on RHCOS. If you set ScrapeTimeout to a value greater than the ScrapeInterval value, Prometheus would stop loading the config map settings and fail to apply all subsequent configuration changes. (BZ#1906056), Because was not handling context errors for the webhook authorizer, context errors, such as timeouts, caused the authorizer to panic. If a cloud administrator has already set a custom /etc/chrony.conf configuration, RHCOS no longer sets the PEERNTP=no option by default on cloud platforms. With this update, the installation program embeds providers to a known directory and sets Terraform to use the known directory. Now, the VIPs are removed when keepalived is started. (link: BZ#2074767), Some Alibabacloud services are not placing all resources of a cluster into a specified resource group. Avoid using a Custom Resource as data storage for application, end user, or monitoring data: Consequently, when links were opened from another browser, or opening links from a different active namespace, the web console does not switch to the correct namespace. ; In a (BZ#2090151), Previously, when you tried to delete multiple clusters from the database in parallel, the deletion process failed because of a bug in the vmware and govmomi libraries. (BZ#2030465), Previously, a vCenter hostname that began with a numeric character was unable to run the openshift-install command. The code queries the Azure subscription and region to get the information required and returns an error if the conditions are not met. In the table, features are marked with the following statuses: Package manifest format (Operator Framework), --filter-by-os flag for oc adm catalog mirror, ImageChangesInProgress condition for Cluster Samples Operator, MigrationInProgress condition for Cluster Samples Operator, Use of v1 in apiVersion for OpenShift Container Platform resources, Use of dhclient in Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS), lastTriggeredImageID field in the BuildConfig spec for Builds, HPA custom metrics adapter based on Prometheus, The instance_type_id installation configuration parameter for Red Hat Virtualization (RHV), Minting credentials for Microsoft Azure clusters. This update fixes the use of the Python OpenStack client to set a Nova microversion when dealing with soft-anti-affinity. (BZ#2104701), Previously, the Ingress Operator did not clear the route status when Ingress Controllers were deleted, showing that the route was still in the operator after its deletion. More information on Red Hat OpenShift EUS is available in OpenShift Life Cycle and OpenShift EUS Overview. APIRemovedInNextEUSReleaseInUse - for APIs that will be removed in the next OpenShift Container Platform Extended Update Support (EUS) release. CRDs always use the same authentication, authorization, and audit logging as the built-in resources of your API server. For more information, see Configuring a heterogeneous cluster. In a production environment where Azure Firewall is used to inspect, protect, and filter inbound internet traffic with Azure Firewall DNAT rules and Threat intelligence-based filtering, it's a good practice to use an API Gateway to expose web applications and REST APIs to the public internet. Terraform provides a backend for the Azure Provider that allows to store the state as a Blob with the given Key within a given Blob Container inside a Blob Storage Account. The bug is a rarely experienced race conditition. OpenShift Container Platform documentation previously referred to cluster Operators interchangeably with the alternative naming "platform Operators". For more information, see Tutorial: Deploy and configure Azure Firewall using the Azure portal. This created confusion when reviewing the IMVs. (BZ#2054200), Previously, OpenShift Container Platform 4.8 added an API for customizing platform routes. OpenShift Container Platform release 4.8.44 is now available. value: leastconn, "", Learn more about OpenShift Container Platform, OpenShift Container Platform 4.8 release notes, Selecting an installation method and preparing a cluster, Mirroring images for a disconnected installation, Installing a cluster on AWS with customizations, Installing a cluster on AWS with network customizations, Installing a cluster on AWS in a restricted network, Installing a cluster on AWS into an existing VPC, Installing a cluster on AWS into a government or secret region, Installing a cluster on AWS using CloudFormation templates, Installing a cluster on AWS in a restricted network with user-provisioned infrastructure, Installing a cluster on Azure with customizations, Installing a cluster on Azure with network customizations, Installing a cluster on Azure into an existing VNet, Installing a cluster on Azure into a government region, Installing a cluster on Azure using ARM templates, Installing a cluster on GCP with customizations, Installing a cluster on GCP with network customizations, Installing a cluster on GCP in a restricted network, Installing a cluster on GCP into an existing VPC, Installing a cluster on GCP using Deployment Manager templates, Installing a cluster into a shared VPC on GCP using Deployment Manager templates, Installing a cluster on GCP in a restricted network with user-provisioned infrastructure, Installing a user-provisioned cluster on bare metal, Installing a user-provisioned bare metal cluster with network customizations, Installing a user-provisioned bare metal cluster on a restricted network, Setting up the environment for an OpenShift installation, Preparing to install with z/VM on IBM Z and LinuxONE, Restricted network IBM Z installation with z/VM, Preparing to install with RHEL KVM on IBM Z and LinuxONE, Restricted network IBM Z installation with RHEL KVM, Preparing to install on IBM Power Systems, Restricted network IBM Power Systems installation, Installing a cluster on OpenStack with customizations, Installing a cluster on OpenStack with Kuryr, Installing a cluster that supports SR-IOV compute machines on OpenStack, Installing a cluster on OpenStack on your own infrastructure, Installing a cluster on OpenStack with Kuryr on your own infrastructure, Installing a cluster on OpenStack on your own SR-IOV infrastructure, Installing a cluster on OpenStack in a restricted network, Uninstalling a cluster on OpenStack from your own infrastructure, Installing a cluster on RHV with customizations, Installing a cluster on RHV with user-provisioned infrastructure, Installing a cluster on RHV in a restricted network, Installing a cluster on vSphere with customizations, Installing a cluster on vSphere with network customizations, Installing a cluster on vSphere with user-provisioned infrastructure, Installing a cluster on vSphere with user-provisioned infrastructure and network customizations, Installing a cluster on vSphere in a restricted network, Installing a cluster on vSphere in a restricted network with user-provisioned infrastructure, Uninstalling a cluster on vSphere that uses installer-provisioned infrastructure, Using the vSphere Problem Detector Operator, Installing a cluster on VMC with customizations, Installing a cluster on VMC with network customizations, Installing a cluster on VMC in a restricted network, Installing a cluster on VMC with user-provisioned infrastructure, Installing a cluster on VMC with user-provisioned infrastructure and network customizations, Installing a cluster on VMC in a restricted network with user-provisioned infrastructure, Preparing to perform an EUS-to-EUS update, Performing update using canary rollout strategy, Updating a cluster that includes RHEL compute machines, Showing data collected by remote health monitoring, Using Insights to identify issues with your cluster, Using remote health reporting in a restricted network, Troubleshooting CRI-O container runtime issues, Troubleshooting the Source-to-Image process, Troubleshooting Windows container workload issues, Extending the OpenShift CLI with plug-ins, OpenShift CLI developer command reference, OpenShift CLI administrator command reference, Knative CLI (kn) for use with OpenShift Serverless, Hardening Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS, Replacing the default ingress certificate, Securing service traffic using service serving certificates, User-provided certificates for the API server, User-provided certificates for default ingress, Monitoring and cluster logging Operator component certificates, Retrieving Compliance Operator raw results, Performing advanced Compliance Operator tasks, Understanding the Custom Resource Definitions, Understanding the File Integrity Operator, Performing advanced File Integrity Operator tasks, Troubleshooting the File Integrity Operator, Allowing JavaScript-based access to the API server from additional hosts, Authentication and authorization overview, Understanding identity provider configuration, Configuring an HTPasswd identity provider, Configuring a basic authentication identity provider, Configuring a request header identity provider, Configuring a GitHub or GitHub Enterprise identity provider, Configuring an OpenID Connect identity provider, Using RBAC to define and apply permissions, Understanding and creating service accounts, Using a service account as an OAuth client, Understanding the Cluster Network Operator, Defining a default network policy for projects, Removing a pod from an additional network, About Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) hardware networks, Configuring an SR-IOV Ethernet network attachment, Configuring an SR-IOV InfiniBand network attachment, About the OpenShift SDN default CNI network provider, Configuring an egress firewall for a project, Removing an egress firewall from a project, Considerations for the use of an egress router pod, Deploying an egress router pod in redirect mode, Deploying an egress router pod in HTTP proxy mode, Deploying an egress router pod in DNS proxy mode, Configuring an egress router pod destination list from a config map, About the OVN-Kubernetes network provider, Migrating from the OpenShift SDN cluster network provider, Rolling back to the OpenShift SDN cluster network provider, Converting to IPv4/IPv6 dual stack networking, Configuring ingress cluster traffic using an Ingress Controller, Configuring ingress cluster traffic using a load balancer, Configuring ingress cluster traffic on AWS using a Network Load Balancer, Configuring ingress cluster traffic using a service external IP, Configuring ingress cluster traffic using a NodePort, Troubleshooting node network configuration, Associating secondary interfaces metrics to network attachments, Persistent storage using AWS Elastic Block Store, Persistent storage using GCE Persistent Disk, Persistent storage using Red Hat OpenShift Container Storage, AWS Elastic Block Store CSI Driver Operator, Red Hat Virtualization CSI Driver Operator, Image Registry Operator in OpenShift Container Platform, Configuring the registry for AWS user-provisioned infrastructure, Configuring the registry for GCP user-provisioned infrastructure, Configuring the registry for Azure user-provisioned infrastructure, Creating applications from installed Operators, Allowing non-cluster administrators to install Operators, Upgrading projects for newer Operator SDK versions, Configuring built-in monitoring with Prometheus, Migrating package manifest projects to bundle format, Setting up additional trusted certificate authorities for builds, Creating CI/CD solutions for applications using OpenShift Pipelines, Working with OpenShift Pipelines using the Developer perspective, Reducing resource consumption of OpenShift Pipelines, Using pods in a privileged security context, Authenticating pipelines using git secret, Viewing pipeline logs using the OpenShift Logging Operator, Configuring an OpenShift cluster by deploying an application with cluster configurations, Deploying a Spring Boot application with Argo CD, Configuring SSO for Argo CD using Keycloak, Running Control Plane Workloads on Infra nodes, Using the Cluster Samples Operator with an alternate registry, Using image streams with Kubernetes resources, Triggering updates on image stream changes, Creating applications using the Developer perspective, Viewing application composition using the Topology view, Configuring custom Helm chart repositories, Understanding Deployments and DeploymentConfigs, Monitoring project and application metrics using the Developer perspective, Adding compute machines to user-provisioned infrastructure clusters, Adding compute machines to AWS using CloudFormation templates, Automatically scaling pods with the horizontal pod autoscaler, Automatically adjust pod resource levels with the vertical pod autoscaler, Using Device Manager to make devices available to nodes, Including pod priority in pod scheduling decisions, Placing pods on specific nodes using node selectors, Configuring the default scheduler to control pod placement, Scheduling pods using a scheduler profile, Placing pods relative to other pods using pod affinity and anti-affinity rules, Controlling pod placement on nodes using node affinity rules, Controlling pod placement using node taints, Controlling pod placement using pod topology spread constraints, Running background tasks on nodes automatically with daemonsets, Viewing and listing the nodes in your cluster, Managing the maximum number of pods per node, Remediating nodes with the Poison Pill Operator, Freeing node resources using garbage collection, Allocating specific CPUs for nodes in a cluster, Configuring the TLS security profile for the kubelet, Using Init Containers to perform tasks before a pod is deployed, Allowing containers to consume API objects, Using port forwarding to access applications in a container, Viewing system event information in a cluster, Configuring cluster memory to meet container memory and risk requirements, Configuring your cluster to place pods on overcommited nodes, Using remote worker node at the network edge, Red Hat OpenShift support for Windows Containers overview, Red Hat OpenShift support for Windows Containers release notes, Understanding Windows container workloads, Creating a Windows MachineSet object on AWS, Creating a Windows MachineSet object on Azure, Creating a Windows MachineSet object on vSphere, Using Bring-Your-Own-Host Windows instances as nodes, OpenShift sanboxed containers release notes, Understanding OpenShift sandboxed containers, Deploying OpenShift sandboxed containers workloads, Uninstalling OpenShift sandboxed containers workloads, About the Cluster Logging custom resource, Configuring CPU and memory limits for Logging components, Using tolerations to control Logging pod placement, Moving the Logging resources with node selectors, Collecting logging data for Red Hat Support, Enabling monitoring for user-defined projects, Recommended host practices for IBM Z & LinuxONE environments, Planning your environment according to object maximums, What huge pages do and how they are consumed by apps, Performance Addon Operator for low latency nodes, Overview of backup and restore operations, Installing and configuring OADP with Azure, Recovering from expired control plane certificates, About migrating from OpenShift Container Platform 3 to 4, Differences between OpenShift Container Platform 3 and 4, Installing MTC in a restricted network environment, Editing kubelet log level verbosity and gathering logs, LocalResourceAccessReview [], LocalSubjectAccessReview [], ResourceAccessReview [], SelfSubjectRulesReview [], SubjectAccessReview [], SubjectRulesReview [], LocalSubjectAccessReview [], SelfSubjectAccessReview [], SelfSubjectRulesReview [], SubjectAccessReview [], ClusterAutoscaler [], MachineAutoscaler [], HelmChartRepository [], ConsoleCLIDownload [], ConsoleExternalLogLink [], ConsoleNotification [], ConsolePlugin [], ConsoleQuickStart [], ConsoleYAMLSample [], CustomResourceDefinition [], MutatingWebhookConfiguration [], ValidatingWebhookConfiguration [], ImageStreamImport [], ImageStreamMapping [], ContainerRuntimeConfig [], ControllerConfig [], KubeletConfig [], MachineConfigPool [], MachineConfig [], MachineHealthCheck [], MachineSet [], APIRequestCount [], AlertmanagerConfig [], PrometheusRule [], ServiceMonitor [], EgressNetworkPolicy [], EgressRouter [], IPPool [], NetworkAttachmentDefinition [], PodNetworkConnectivityCheck [], OAuthAuthorizeToken [], OAuthClientAuthorization [], UserOAuthAccessToken [], Authentication [], CloudCredential [], ClusterCSIDriver [], Config [], Config [], CSISnapshotController [], DNSRecord [], ImageContentSourcePolicy [], ImagePruner [], IngressController [], KubeControllerManager [], KubeStorageVersionMigrator [], OpenShiftAPIServer [], OpenShiftControllerManager [], OperatorPKI [], CatalogSource [], ClusterServiceVersion [], InstallPlan [], OperatorCondition [], PackageManifest [], Subscription [], ClusterRoleBinding [], ClusterRole [], RoleBinding [], ClusterRoleBinding [], ClusterRole [], RoleBindingRestriction [], RoleBinding [], AppliedClusterResourceQuota [], ClusterResourceQuota [], FlowSchema [], PriorityLevelConfiguration [], CertificateSigningRequest [], CredentialsRequest [], PodSecurityPolicyReview [], PodSecurityPolicySelfSubjectReview [], PodSecurityPolicySubjectReview [], RangeAllocation [], SecurityContextConstraints [], CSIStorageCapacity [], StorageVersionMigration [], VolumeSnapshot [], VolumeSnapshotClass [], VolumeSnapshotContent [], BrokerTemplateInstance [], TemplateInstance [], UserIdentityMapping [], Configuring the distributed tracing platform, Configuring distributed tracing data collection, Preparing your cluster for OpenShift Virtualization, Specifying nodes for OpenShift Virtualization components, Installing OpenShift Virtualization using the web console, Installing OpenShift Virtualization using the CLI, Uninstalling OpenShift Virtualization using the web console, Uninstalling OpenShift Virtualization using the CLI, Additional security privileges granted for kubevirt-controller and virt-launcher, Triggering virtual machine failover by resolving a failed node, Installing the QEMU guest agent on virtual machines, Viewing the QEMU guest agent information for virtual machines, Managing config maps, secrets, and service accounts in virtual machines, Installing VirtIO driver on an existing Windows virtual machine, Installing VirtIO driver on a new Windows virtual machine, Working with resource quotas for virtual machines, Configuring PXE booting for virtual machines, Enabling dedicated resources for a virtual machine, Importing virtual machine images with data volumes, Importing virtual machine images into block storage with data volumes, Importing a Red Hat Virtualization virtual machine, Importing a VMware virtual machine or template, Enabling user permissions to clone data volumes across namespaces, Cloning a virtual machine disk into a new data volume, Cloning a virtual machine by using a data volume template, Cloning a virtual machine disk into a new block storage data volume, Configuring the virtual machine for the default pod network, Creating a service to expose a virtual machine, Attaching a virtual machine to a Linux bridge network, Configuring IP addresses for virtual machines, Configuring an SR-IOV network device for virtual machines, Attaching a virtual machine to an SR-IOV network, Viewing the IP address of NICs on a virtual machine, Using a MAC address pool for virtual machines, Configuring local storage for virtual machines, Reserving PVC space for file system overhead, Configuring CDI to work with namespaces that have a compute resource quota, Uploading local disk images by using the web console, Uploading local disk images by using the virtctl tool, Uploading a local disk image to a block storage data volume, Managing offline virtual machine snapshots, Moving a local virtual machine disk to a different node, Expanding virtual storage by adding blank disk images, Cloning a data volume using smart-cloning, Using container disks with virtual machines, Re-using statically provisioned persistent volumes, Enabling dedicated resources for a virtual machine template, Migrating a virtual machine instance to another node, Monitoring live migration of a virtual machine instance, Cancelling the live migration of a virtual machine instance, Configuring virtual machine eviction strategy, Managing node labeling for obsolete CPU models, Diagnosing data volumes using events and conditions, Viewing information about virtual machine workloads, OpenShift cluster monitoring, logging, and Telemetry, Installing the OpenShift Serverless Operator, Listing event sources and event source types, Serverless components in the Administrator perspective, Integrating Service Mesh with OpenShift Serverless, Cluster logging with OpenShift Serverless, Configuring JSON Web Token authentication for Knative services, Configuring a custom domain for a Knative service, Setting up OpenShift Serverless Functions, On-cluster function building and deploying, Function project configuration in func.yaml, Accessing secrets and config maps from functions, Integrating Serverless with the cost management service, Using NVIDIA GPU resources with serverless applications, OpenShift Container Platform layered and dependent component support and compatibility, RHSA-2021:2438 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.2 image release, bug fix, and security update advisory, RHBA-2021:2896 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.3 bug fix update, RHSA-2021:2983 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.4 security and bug fix update, RHBA-2021:3121 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.5 bug fix update, RHBA-2021:3247 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.9 security and bug fix update, RHBA-2021:3299 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.10 bug fix update, RHBA-2021:3429 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.11 bug fix update, RHBA-2021:3511 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.12 bug fix update, RHBA-2021:3632 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.13 bug fix and security update, RHBA-2021:3682 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.14 bug fix update, RHBA-2021:3821 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.15 bug fix and security update, RHBA-2021:3927 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.17 bug fix and security update, RHBA-2021:4020 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.18 bug fix update, RHBA-2021:4109 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.19 bug fix update, RHBA-2021:4574 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.20 bug fix update, RHBA-2021:4716 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.21 bug fix update, RHBA-2021:4830 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.22 bug fix and security update, RHBA-2021:4881 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.23 bug fix update, RHBA-2021:4999 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.24 bug fix and security update, RHBA-2021:5209 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.25 bug fix and security update, RHBA-2022:0021 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.26 bug fix update, RHBA-2022:0113 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.27 bug fix update, RHBA-2022:0172 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.28 bug fix update, RHBA-2022:0278 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.29 bug fix update, RHBA-2022:0484 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.31 bug fix and security update, RHBA-2022:0559 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.32 bug fix update, RHBA-2022:0651 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.33 bug fix update, RHBA-2022:0795 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.34 bug fix update, RHBA-2022:0872 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.35 bug fix and security update, RHSA-2022:1154 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.36 bug fix and security update, RHBA-2022:1369 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.37 bug fix update, RHBA-2022:1427 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.39 bug fix update, RHSA-2022:2272 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.41 bug fix and security update, RHBA-2022:4737 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.42 bug fix update, RHBA-2022:4952 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.43 bug fix and security update, RHBA-2022:5032 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.44 bug fix update, RHBA-2022:5167 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.45 bug fix update, RHBA-2022:5424 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.46 bug fix update, RHBA-2022:5889 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.47 bug fix update, RHBA-2022:6099 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.48 bug fix update, RHSA-2022:6308 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.49 bug fix and security update, RHBA-2022:6511 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.50 bug fix update, RHSA-2022:6801 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.51 bug fix and security update, RHBA-2022:7034 - OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.52 bug fix update, Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Life Cycle Policy,, Accessing RHCOS AMIs with stream metadata, Enabling multipathing with kernel arguments on RHCOS, Installing a cluster on OpenStack that supports SR-IOV-connected compute machines, Understanding the OpenShift Update Service, Configuring managed Secure Boot in the install-config.yaml file, Migrate from the OpenShift SDN cluster network provider, Huge pages resource injection for Downward API, Configuring global access for an Ingress Controller on GCP, Configuring PROXY protocol for an Ingress Controller, Configure network components to run on the control plane, Ingress Controller configuration parameters, Publishing a catalog containing a bundled Operator, Testing an Operator upgrade on Operator Lifecycle Manager, Controlling Operator compatibility with OpenShift Container Platform versions, Understanding the Machine Config Operator, Consuming huge pages resources using the Downward API, Automatically allocating resources for nodes, Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift Logging, Reducing NIC queues using the Performance Addon Operator, OpenShift Container Platform Limit Calculator, OpenShift sandboxed containers 1.0 release notes, retirement of the Azure AD Graph API by Microsoft on 30 June 2022, UPI vSphere Node scale-up doesnt work as expected, Port collisions between pod and cluster IPs on OpenShift 4 with OVN-Kubernetes, OpenShift Container Platform 4.x Tested Integrations (for x86_x64), Preparing to upgrade to OpenShift Container Platform 4.9, Support for minting credentials for Microsoft Azure removed, Updating a cluster within a minor version by using the CLI.

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