The following example demonstrates how to format cell values of the Grid while exporting it to Excel. In the movie data source we have a date time In order to format the date, I'm using: format: {0: dd/MM/yyyy }. Create a Kendo grid with one column with following ColumnData: const settlementDate: ColumnData = { field: 'settlementDate', title: 'Setlement Date', format: builder.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); All is well, until I try updating the data source of the grid: Solution. The Grid is a powerful control for displaying data in a tabular format. kendo.toString (0.45678, "0.00") -> 0.46 (en-US) "," The group separator placeholder inserts a localized group separator between each group. You can achieve this behavior through the implementation of a custom template in the row or in the header template. The following example demonstrates how to format the date Stack Overflow - Where Developers Learn, Share, & Build Careers the data.filter.filters collection in the code above may contain a filter or a filter group, so you have to check for that and recursively convert values as appropriate. kendo grid date format; 3 examples of 'kendo grid date format' in JavaScript. kendo grid date format; 3 examples of 'kendo grid date format' in JavaScript. When you format value as percentage there is not build in mechanizm in kendo to multiply it. This can only be done by multiplying and dividing th Grid Overview. What is required to display a date in format mm/dd/yyyy I have defined the grid table as shown below.