Like many transition holds, the defensive wrestler often uses the position to perform a variety of counter moves, most notably the victory roll. Also referred to as a neckscissors, this hold sees a wrestler approach a supine opponent and sit next to them before turning onto their side towards the opponent and wrapping their legs around either side of the opponent's head, crossing the top leg after it has gone around the opponent's chin. Place & hold wrist extension 40 with fingers flexed or extended in yoke. Penning L. Kinematics of cervical spine injury: a functional radiological hypothesis. The wrestler pushes their standing or seated opponent into the turnbuckle and extends their leg, choking their opponent while using the top two ropes for support. Sterner Y, Toolanen G, Gerdle B, Hildingsson C. The incidence of whiplash trauma and the effects of different factors on recovery. The standing attacking wrestler grabs the wrist of a face down opponent, pulling it towards themselves, then steps over the opponent's outstretched arm, placing one leg to either side. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Also called a straight legbar or kneebar, it is performed similarly to an armbar by holding the opponent's leg in between the legs and arms so the opponent's kneecap points towards the body. Ask the Teacher: Can I Practice Yoga for Pain Relief? The opponent's legs are tucked around the wrestler's hips. The wrestler flips forward down on to his back, placing his legs around one of the legs of the opponent on the way down, and thus using his momentum to drop the opponent forward down to the mat. This move is illegal due to usage of the ring ropes, and results in a disqualification for the wrestler should they not release the hold before a count of five. Another form of wrist lock sometimes known as a figure four wristlock involves the wrestler (after applying the initial wrist lock with the left hand) threading their right arm through the gap the two arms provide, forming a '4', and providing leverage on the wristlock. A spine crank is applied by twisting or bending the upper body beyond its normal ranges of motion, causing hyperextension, hyperflexion, or hyperrotation of the spine. This move can be compared to the Heel Hook in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. The executor then stands on the ring apron, on the outside of the turnbuckle/ropes and applies the figure four leglock with the ringpost between the opponent's legs. Rhea Ripley uses a standing version of this maneuver. While some stretches rely entirely on the acting ability of the opponent to sell them as painful or debilitating, many are legitimately effective when fully applied. This is often a set-up for a crucifix powerbomb or a spinning crucifix toss. Starting in the same position as a regular STF, the attacker takes both the opponent's legs, bends them at the knees, and crosses them, placing one ankle in the other leg's knee-pit. The Rated R Superstar, Edge used this variation, calling it the Edge-u-cator. The wrestler exits the ring to the outside and drags the opponent by the legs towards the ringpost, so that the post is between the opponent's legs (similar to when somebody 'crotches' their opponent with the ringpost). Innovated by Mariko Yoshida. The Fiend used to use this move. Verywell Fit articles are reviewed by nutrition and exercise professionals. Dolan KD, Feldick HG, Albright JP, Moses JM. The wrestler then turns 360 degrees over the leg twisting it inward. The move requires some leverage to be applied, and as such it cannot be applied on a freely standing opponent. The wrestler will then sandwich the arm between their own leg and the side of the opponent's body. The opponent is on his back, wrestler standing to his side and reaching down to grab the opponent's far arm, pulling up. The real key with back extensions is to engage the abs before you lift the chest off the floor. Prior to this, it was known (and to this day still popularly referred to) as the Asiatic Spike and was used by Don Muraco, wrestling as the masked "Magnificent M" in Florida Championship Wrestling. The opponent is on his stomach with the attacker to his side, grabbing the near arm and pulling the opponent on his side before stepping over his head with the same leg (if the attacker grabbed the right arm, he'll step over with the right leg). The attacker can now roll towards his back, creating more pressure on the neck while hyperextending the opponent's arm across his own chest. Yes, there are a few genetic freaks out there who have such naturally high metabolisms that they do not need to utilize cardio as a fat-burning tool leading up to a competition. Also popularly known as a "Texas cloverleaf", the wrestler stands at the feet of the supine opponent, grabs the opponent's legs, and lifts them up. Begin each lower back workout with a warmup. It is usually done to set up the opponent for a crossface. The wrestler takes the opponent's legs, bends them at the knees, and crosses them, placing one ankle in the other leg's knee-pit. Barbell reverse curl: Hold the barbell in a standing position with a shoulder-width reverse grip. The wrestler then grabs their own wrist with their free hand, crossing it underneath the opponent's armpit and chest to lock the hold in, compressing the opponent's neck. The attacker throws their other leg over the opponent's trapped arm and then behind the opponent's neck, pushing it forward. From here many throws, drops and slams can be performed. Tyson Kidd formerly used this move. This hold was popularized and was dubbed the Oriental Spike by Terry "Bamm Bamm" Gordy of the Fabulous Freebirds in the 1980s. Catastrophic football injuries: 19771998. The aggressor then grabs the far leg of their opponent and bends it in front of the near leg's knee (the one they are straddling over), locking it in place by stepping over it with their free leg. Spine injury and permanent cord damage can still occur even if the osseous and soft tissues remain intact.59 Imagine the dural sac as a water-filled balloon. The wrestler grabs his opponent's throat with one hand and squeezes tightly. In Mexico's Lucha libre this hold is known as La Torre, Spanish for "The Tower". The move was also popularized in the States by Sting, who called the hold the Scorpion Death Lock and applied the hold from a seated position. Another version of this hold, considered to be an Elevated cloverleaf / Elevated Texas cloverleaf, was used by Eddie Guerrero, which saw Guerrero turn the body of the opponent and place a knee over the opponent's neck, pulling back for more pressure. From here many throws, drops and slams can be performed. While applying the pressure to the legs, the wrestler executing the move has a variety of positions they can be in; however, the two most common involve the wrestler standing and leaning back while applying the move or sitting on their opponent's back. Usually executed from a "rubber guard," where the legs are held very high, against the opponent's upper back. Essentially a step-over armbar with neck submission. In this variation of the triangle choke, the wrestler sits behind a seated opponent. This variation is used by Karrion Kross and it is called the Kross Jacket. This can include padding over equipment, a pad worn by an opponent, the soft tissue of an opponent, compressive playing surfaces, or padding within the helmet itself. 2022 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved, Paige Waehner is a certified personal trainer, author of the "Guide to Become a Personal Trainer"; and co-author of "The Buzz on Exercise & Fitness.". This move commonly sees an attacking wrestler dive over an opponent who is facing them, usually bent over forwards, catching the opponent in a waistlock from behind and landing back-first behind the opponent. Motion in one plane at the cervical spine requires the contribution of complementary motion from individual vertebrae in other planes.1315 This further complicates the kinematics of the cervical segment and the resultant injury mechanisms. A "goozle" is a single arm choke held briefly before performing a chokeslam. The more you practice Janu Sirsasana, the more you will realize that the goal of this posture is not about touching your toesits about slowing down, focusing on your breath, and calming your mind. From there, the attacker then has a few options on what they can do. The wrestler then grabs the arm with his free hand to lock in the hold and compress the opponent's face. The wrestler then leans backwards and seizes the opponent around the waist, pulling them forward and upwards so they are lying across the shoulder of the opponent, facing downwards. noriyo tateno use the figure four leglock on devil masami, A submission invented and named by the Haas brothers Charlie and Russ Haas, this modified inverted reverse figure-four leglock variation sees the wrestler cross one leg of an opponent over the other and stand on the crossed leg, then take hold of the free leg and lay down on his back, raising the opponent's legs up into the air and causing pain to their legs and lower back. Rugby injuries of the spine and spinal cord. Do not round your back. It can be helpful for recovery after sports and activities that include running. Moves are listed under general categories whenever possible. The pentagram choke creates a complete vice around the opponent's neck, and it's name comes from using five sides, whereas the triangle choke only uses three. The opponent is lying on his back with the aggressor stepping in between their legs, facing away from their opponent. This move is the finisher of Charlie Haas. Strength and motion analysis of the human head-neck complex. A version where the opponent sits in a seated position (with older origins) was first called the "cattle mutilation" by Atsuo Sawada, which has been applied to the grounded version and was made famous by Bryan Danielson in his independent days. Known as "La mecedora" (Spanish for Rocking chair) or "La campana" (The bell) in Mexico. The thumb (and sometimes palm) of the same hand is placed under the jaw, and pressure is applied downward by the middle and ring fingers while the thumb/palm forces the jaw upwards, which is purported to compress the nerves in the jaw and thus render the opponent's jaw paralyzed; this, therefore, prevents the opponent from breaking the hold by biting the wrestler's fingers, as Mankind explained to Vince McMahon when questioned about it during his interviews prior to joining the WWF in 1996. Stretches are usually employed to weaken an opponent or to force them to submit, either vocally or by tapping out: slapping the mat, floor, or opponent with a free hand three times. The opponent is on their back with the attacker sitting besides him and grabing the nearest arm. He or she then uses both arms to pull the opponent's arm behind him or her into an unnatural position, causing pressure. [9] Shayna Baszler also submitted Megumi Yabushita with a twister on January 30, 2010. The attacking wrestler then pulls the second rope upwards, compressing the opponent's throat between the rope and attacking wrestler's leg, choking them. This move was popularized by Perry Saturn as the Rings of Saturn. Lucha's "Electric chair" (Silla Elctrica in Spanish) is the term used for two different, unrelated attacks. Wrestler Sting uses his own variation of the move calling it the Scorpion Deathlock. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott-Raven; 1998; xx,1003. Soon officials proclaimed the submission hold illegal and stripped The Undertaker from his World Heavyweight title for his use of this hold. This move was also used by Kenta as the Game Over. The attacker will then tuck the shin of the far leg behind his own leg before standing up and turning to face his opponent, locking the maneuver. Because of the potentially catastrophic and life-altering nature of cervical spine injury (CSI), much concern exists regarding the prehospital management of the cervical spineinjured athlete. This basic backbreaker submission involves the wrestler laying the opponent's back across one knee, then, while placing one hand on the opponent's chin and the other on their knee, the wrestler pushes down to bend the opponent around their knee. It is the finishing hold of African wrestler Shaun Koen of the Africa Wrestling Alliance. Essentially a Gogoplata with leg submission, the wrestler steps over his opponent's leg and then laces the opponent's legs together, as a standard Sharpshooter would be performed. From this position, the wrestler lifts the opponent up, usually by bending. This variation is known as the Accordion Rack, or La Atlandida in Lucha Libre. Illusions of grandeur can take hold when a desire to get as far as possible into an asana, or pose, takes you past your limits. The attacker then uses his free leg to complete the reverse crucifix armbar, trying to hyperextend the elbow. Also known as a cobra choke or a kata ha jime (a term borrowed from judo), this hold sees the wrestler put the opponent in a half nelson with one arm and grab the opponent's neck the other, sometimes while adding body scissors. The wrestler flips forward down on to their back, placing their legs around one of the legs of the opponent on the way down, and thus using their momentum to drop the opponent forward down to the mat. This was also used as a finisher by Hulk Hogan early in his career called the Golden Squeeze in his WWF debut match against Ted DiBiase in 1979. With the opponent lying face down, the wrestler sits beside the opponent, facing the same way, locks on the cobra clutch, and then arches their legs and back, bending the opponent's torso and neck upwards. Instead of using your back muscles to lift your upper body, you use them to lift your lower body. The wrestler then forces the opponent face-down to the mat, sits on his back, and pulls backwards, stretching the opponent's neck and upper body backwards. It was used by Ed Lewis and Bruno Sammartino. government site. He originally wore a tongue-depressor-like rubber protective covering over the two middle fingers. Paige Waehner is a certified personal trainer, author of the "Guide to Become a Personal Trainer," and co-author of "The Buzz on Exercise & Fitness.". Also known as a keylock, Top shoulder lock, Americana, and ude-garami, (a term borrowed from judo). CM Punk used this move. The wrestler traps one of the opponent's ankles between their thighs (as seen primarily before applying an STF). Some wrestlers use these holds as their finishing maneuvers, often nicknaming them to reflect their character or persona. The first joints and segments of the body to experience movement during a whiplash are the hips, back, and trunk.51 These structures of the body not only move forward after a rear-end collision but upward as well. The anaconda vise is a compression choke. A judo submission named the reverse ude-garami, and popularly named and innovated by Masahiko Kimura, after he broke Hlio Gracie's arm with it. Its facebuster version was later made popular by Beth Phoenix, calling the move the Glam Slam. When the opponent's head is facing the ground the position is referred to as back mount. It is mostly used by Mark Henry, Goldberg, Beth Phoenix, Ric Flair, Sting, Kurt Angle, Jason Jordan, and Nia Jax. Furthermore, vertebral movement in 1 plane often requires contributed movement in 1 or 2 other planes. If the opponent is sitting, the wrestler can press their knee into the opponent's back, adding pressure. Body triangle or Figure-four body lock is achieved by first crossing the ankles, grasping the heel of one foot and pulling that foot into the opposite knee, this creates the signature 4. You dont need to assume the perfect shape to be practicing yoga, you just have to be willing to find your edge. This hold is often used in conjunction with a hold applied to the head or the arms in order to restrain the opponent and makes them want to tap out. The bird dog is a great exercise for overall core stability in addition to strengthening the lower back. Likewise, chokes are usually not applied to the point where they cut off the oxygen supply to the opponent's brain. They are good for working the muscle that runs up and down your spine (the erector spinae). At the C2 through C3 junction, the upper cervical spine meets the remaining, more typical cervical column. From that position the wrestler rolls forward into a sitting position, pulling the opponent over backwards and down to the mat so that they lands on their back into a sitout pin position. Like back extensions, this move targets the erector spinae muscle. Another version of a surfboard, which is known as a "seated surfboard stretch" but referred to as a "modified surfboard stretch". Just like the original clawhold, the attacker applies a painful nerve hold to his\her adversary's stomach, forcing them to submit or pass out. A grounded armbar with the opponent lying on his belly, the aggressor lies on the opponent's back, at a 90 angle to him, putting some or all of his weight on the opponent to prevent him from moving. Also referred to as a head scissors, this hold sees a wrestler approach a fallen opponent and sit next to them before turning onto their side towards the opponent and placing their legs on either side of the opponent's head, crossing the top leg after its gone around the opponent's chin. The wrestler steps between his opponent's legs with one leg and wraps the opponent's legs around that leg. This attack is illegal and results in a wrestler's disqualification, should the move not be broken by a count of five. A neck crank (sometimes also referred to as a neck lock, and technically known as a cervical lock) is a spinal lock applied to the cervical spine causing hyperextension, hyperflexion, lateral hyperflexion, hyperrotation or extension-distraction. This variant is called the Code of Silence. 15, 16 Rotation and lateral flexion between the which act to hold the dens as a fixed post on which the atlas moves into flexion. Best Way To Use Machine Workouts. The justification for its legality is that, like a head scissors, it uses the legs rather than the hands to perform the "choke"; also, it does not crush the windpipe (strangulation); rather, it compresses the carotid arteries (jugulation). The wrestler places one foot down just above each of the opponent's knees and bends their legs up, hooking them around their own knees; at this point the wrestler grasps both of their opponent's wrists (usually slapping the opponent's back in an attempt to bring the arms in reach), and can either do three things: Remain standing, fall into a seated position, or fall backwards while compressing the opponent's shoulder blades and lifting them off the ground. When contact is applied to the crown of the head or helmet in the football player, the cervical spine experiences a compressive load from the torso. Invented by Chris Hero, this variation of the cloverleaf sees the wrestler hook the legs like a cloverleaf, but then weaves their hands through to clasp their other hand and also hooks the ankle sticking out with one leg (left or right) into their kneepit. Bobby Roode used the same move in TNA, but not in the WWE since 2016. This was famously used by Don Muraco as the Asiatic Spike and Terry Gordy (which he learned from Killer Khan) as the Oriental Spike. Dynamic responses of the head and cervical spine to axial impact loading. 15 moves that really exist", "Ted DiBiase vs. Hulk Hogan: December 17, 1979", "Eddie Guerrero, Pro Wrestlers Database from the Smackdown Hotel website",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2016, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 29 October 2022, at 19:04. This move was invented and popularized by Bret Hart. It is a neutral move, but it easily transitions for either wrestler to a position of dominance. Healthcare. Stay present, without trying to move too fast. The attacker uses the back of their leg to apply pressure to the opponent's leg that is up, putting their leg in between the opponent's entangled legs. Tara Laferrara is a certified NASM personal trainer, yoga teacher, and fitness coach. The new PMC design is here! It is the finishing hold of African wrestling Shaun Koen of the African Wrestling Alliance. Also known as a rear chinlock this hold sees an attacking wrestler lift his opponent, who is lying on the mat face up, to a sitting position. Former Impact wrestler Jazz also used this move dubbed the Bitch Clamp. While this can inflict pain on its own, it is most often used as a transition hold, leading into either a hammer lock, an elbow to the held arm, or kicks to the opponent's abdominal area. Although more common in motor vehicle crashes,47 whiplash injury can also take place in contact sports.32 An example of a whiplash-type injury in football occurs when the quarterback is sacked from behind, particularly if the quarterback is not expecting to be hit. The wrestler sits facing away on either side of an opponent who is lying prone on the mat, with the wrestler's legs scissoring one of the opponent's arms. <> This cuts off the air supply and the opponent fades out, yet this is not considered an air choke as it is not squeezing the windpipe. The executor then stands next to the ring apron, on the outside of the turnbuckle or ropes and applies the figure four leglock with the ring post between the opponent's legs. Nightingale RW, McElhaney JH, Richardson WJ, Myers BS. The wrestler grabs the opponent's arms and wraps their legs on the outside of them, so the wrestler's feet meet at the back of the neck of the opponent and exert a downward pressure, akin to applying a full nelson but by using the legs. t can bring calm to the mind and help with depression, anxiety, and fatigue. There is also an inverted version where instead of performing the move from behind the opponent, the wrestler stands in front of the opponent and uses the move in the same way as the normal full nelson. Management of Spinal Cord Injury. The ringpost assists the move, creating more damage and leverage to the opponent's knee. The wrestler bends the opponent down so they are bent facing in front on the wrestler's body. If the hands drops three times in a row the opponent is considered unconscious and the wrestler would gain a submission victory. The opponent is on his back with the attacker standing near their head, reaching down and crossing their arms before them. and sometimes by Ric Flair. Such calf crushers can be used as effective leglocks to the knee through a separating and elongating motion. The wrestler then picks up the straight leg of the opponent, bends it backwards to lock the other leg in the knee pit and places the foot in front of the shin of the standing leg in the knee pit, thus locking the leg. Neck cranks are usually banned from sports competitions, with notable exceptions in combat sports such as submission wrestling and mixed martial arts, where they are used as submission holds or as a guard passing technique. The wrestler then wraps his free arm under the opponent's chin, like in a Sleeper hold, puts his other arm through the arch created by the opponent's trapped arm, and locks his hands. Through high-speed cineradiography, Van Mameren et al13 determined that flexion is initiated at the lower cervical spine (C4 through C7), followed by motion at C0 (occiput) through C2, C2 through C3, and then C3 through C4. The wrestler first straddles one of the opponent's legs, then reaches over the opponent's near arm with the arm close to the opponent's back and locks it. The attacker then drops to the side opposite that of the arm that they grabbed (if he grabbed the right arm, he will fall on his left side). Masters garnered attention to his "Master Lock" hold when he was able to bring then-champion John Cena to unconsciousness after a match. Often done by heel wrestlers who attempt to grab unto the ropes with their free hand for extra leverage. The wrestler locks both of the opponent's arms into chickenwings, forces him to a seated position, and pushes his chest forward against the opponent's shoulders while pulling the opponent's arms upwards. Moves are listed under Wrestling holds include a number of moves used by competitors to immobilize their opponents or lead to a submission. He then squeezes the opponent's neck, causing pressure. Offer the option to put a rolled-up blanket under your straightened knee to prevent locking (hyperextension). You can find power racks, treadmills, dumbbells, bench press, olympic barbells, home gym equipment, weight benches, kettlebells, weight plates & bumper plates. Also, it can bring calm to the mind and help with depression, anxiety, and fatigue. The Undertaker, while wrestling as "Mean" Mark Callous in the late 1980s, used a variation in which he would claw the opponents jaw rather than head. slammed to the mat. New York, NY: M Dekker; 1980; xi,384. The wrestler then uses the right hand to reach back and grab the opponent from behind the head, thus pulling the opponent's head above the wrestler's shoulder. Then they will bend the opponent's ankle. The wrestler then forces the opponent to one side, traps one of the opponent's arms with their own arm, and drapes their free leg over the. In this position, the normal lordotic curve disappears, which removes the energy-absorbing elastic component of the region. Then, the wrestler moves slightly to the left while still positioned in front of the opponent. Different promotions have different rules regarding the legality of this maneuver. He grabs hold of one of the opponent's arms, bends it backwards overhead, and locks its wrist into his armpit. The bench press, or chest press, is a weight training exercise in which the trainee presses a weight upwards while lying on a weight training bench.Although the bench press is a full-body exercise, the muscles primarily used are the pectoralis major, the anterior deltoids, and the triceps, among other stabilizing muscles.A barbell is generally used to hold the weight, but a pair of

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