Nursing Research 45(6):336-338. Video was the tool used to collect the data, and this approach to data collection, combined with a meticulous analysis of the videotapes, revealed the micro-behaviours that constitute the basic building blocks of dyadic communication. Through the constant comparison of the emergent categories, ideas were developed that explored emergent relationships between those categories and also between codes both within and between categories. (1998). This study attempted to uncover some of the more fundamental elements and the inherent patters in the complex nature of human interaction. Such complex communications are not likely to be understood by the person with PIMD. (1967). The nature of people with such severe disabilities is that they cannot interact in an ordinarily recognised manner; they have little or no speech and their non-verbal behaviours tend to be idiosyncratic. The effect of the multiple difficulties that people with profound intellectual and multiple disability are confronted with is that they have to deal with a world where they receive restricted sensory inputs which they must interpret through the prism of a limited cognitive ability. Video offered a possibility of examining these behaviours and those of the non-disabled partner in detail, with the consequence that the grounded theoretical analysis made it possible to identify the main concern of the participants. For example, people with such severe degrees of disability may do things slowly, pause unexpectedly or indeed produce very few behaviours (Ware, 2003), making understanding of the significance of their behaviours problematic. The research study from which this paper is derived aimed to develop a theory to explain how people with PIMD confront that primary difficulty and communicate with others. In Martin V.B and Gynnild A (eds). Videotaped recording as a method off participant observation in psychiatric nursing research. Because grounded theory research is "collection method neutral" (Glaser, 2007, p. 20), as a research method, it can conceptualise any form of data. Typically it took five and half hours to transcribe one minute of Tony and Marys (one of the dyads) video and this covered 11 pages of transcript. The lack of knowledge of what concerned people with these difficulties, and how they interacted, meant that the researcher approached the research question with an open mind as to what might be found. 45:18-29. ISSN: 1556-1550. Qualitative Research In Nursing. At the same time, the reliance on detailed baseline data meant that the patterns of behaviour that were being identified were patterns of very small behaviours, behaviours that might ordinarily remain unobserved. The fieldwork for the study took place in a school for adolescents and young adults with PIMD in Ireland. Philadelphia. Creating a responsive environment for people with profound and multiple learning difficulties. Subjects, data and videotapes. The increasing sophistication of the memos was in many ways the key to the process and it enabled an understanding of how a minutely detailed micro-communication such as a glance from one person to another might form part of a macro-theory which explains how the attention process (of which eye gaze is one small part) operates. New York. This had to be carried out in order to render as precise a written description of the data as possible. The consequence of my presence in the classroom setting was that I took the role of observer as participant (Speziale and Carpenter, 2007), which led to minimal participation in the action. In undertaking this study, I took as the starting point Watzlawick et al.s (1967) statement that observation of non-verbal behaviours has been shown to offer a powerful insight into the meaning that people place on an interaction. Please submit your paper no later than April 1 for the June edition and September 15 for the December edition. The check sheet was based on the relevant literature but also on discussions with Jenny Wilder, who had conducted similar observations of young children with intellectual disability (Wilder, 2005). This was the process that is described thus in sorting, the analyst is constantly moving back and forth between memos and a potential outline working with it so everything fits (Glaser, 1978, p. 118). There were two limitations in this study to the use of video. I was aware of this danger and took active steps to avoid it by appropriate application of the constant comparative method. Elemental Weaknesses and Resistances are primary factors that can affect the damage a specific weapon deals to a certain creature. In brief, the theory suggests that all communication takes place in a setting (the place where the dyad is located), which influences the state of mind of the people in it (their being). Caldwell P. (2007). Glaser B. As explained above, the videotape was analyzed by running it at normal speed, running it slowly and running it frame by frame, where each frame encompassed the action of 1/24th of a second. Glaser B. A good example of dense data is a sequential analysis of shifting eye gaze patterns between two people. Thus, verbal interactions, non-verbal interactions, and all observable behaviours that were displayed by the participants in the dyads in the view of the camera constituted the data. 26:156-162. Interpreted data and vaguing out are the least accurate data form. Understanding how people communicate is difficult both for those who have the experience of an intellectual disability and for those who attempt to communicate with them (Caldwell 2007). As previously mentioned, this method is typically used when a . Glaser comments that baseline data is the best description the participant can offer (Glaser, 1998, p. 9). Wilder J. Boca Raton, Florida. Such a situation leads to communication difficulties both for the person with PIMD and the people who do not have a disability but who may be related to the person with PIMD or may work to support them. In Nadel J and Camaioni L, (Eds). Furthermore, it appeared that these virtues would facilitate the emergence of an accurate understanding of the patterns of behaviour that were embedded in the data. New Perspectives in Early Communication Development. A check sheet of indicative behaviours was developed in order to orient the researcher to the types of behaviours that might be found. Scope of Research: Grounded theoretical research attempts to describe or explore a specific issue. That view is an interpretation of the behavioural evidence. (1984). The key issue then is that both the person with the intellectual disability and the person who does not have the disability are predisposed to mutually misinterpret each others communications. The paper concludes by suggesting that using classic grounded theory to analyze qualitative data that is collected using video offers a method that has the potential to uncover and explain patterns of non-verbal interactions that were not previously evident. The narrative was embedded in the transcription structure such that precise sequences of communication and interaction were clearly identifiable. The Grounded Theory Perspective 3: Theoretical coding. Video recordings were made of three of these dyads, each of which consisted of one student with PIMD and one carer or teacher (who was the students keyworker). Mill Valley. 6:6-15. Grove N, Bunning K, Porter J and Olsson C. (1999). Attuning therefore describes the nature of the continuous process of communication, the understanding of which is the main concern of the participants in the study. Journal of Advanced Nursing. It has been noted that the examination through the use of video of fine detailed nuanced expressions such as these, opens the way to the analysis of interactions and micro-behaviours that occur at other levels than that of the obvious activity that is evident in real time interaction (Nilsson, 2012). Micro-incidents may be regarded as constituting an important data source for the generation of theory because ultimately, an understanding of what is going on in the data is derived from constant comparison of micro-incidents, rather than macro-situations (Glaser, 1998). This awareness of small events was facilitated by the development of a list of possible target behaviours that would constitute baseline data. Through a comparison of these concepts, they plan theories. The theory of attuning has seven concepts: setting, being, stimulus, attention, action, engagement and the core category of attuning. This constitutes the verbal-actual axis (Glaser, 2001) of both talk and behaviour. Weak Points are unique areas on some creatures that deal critical damage when hit. As well as being non-verbal, people with this severe degree of disability have only a restricted capacity to communicate in any mode (Grove et al., 1999). Accurate descriptions of what is going on run a poor second to socially structured fictions (Glaser 2001, p. 146). A discussion of the arguments for and against video-taping in the context of the development of grounded theory is presented and finally the strengths and weakness of the method are considered. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th Edition. Expressive communication strengths of adults with severe to profound intellectual disabilities as reported by group home staff. Nilsson emphasises the utility of thorough transcriptions of micro-events, which enables the researcher to become aware of the small details, changes and deviations in the action on the video recording (Nilsson, 2012, p. 110). Speziale H. and Carpenter D. (2007). Researchers collect data through any means they prefer and then analyze the facts to arrive at concepts. The Grounded Theory Review 6 (2):1-22. Trinity College, Dublin. Communication Disorders Quarterly. In order to overcome this danger during the data analysis I constantly looked for patterns in the data and was aware of the injunction that grounded theory is based on a latent structure analysis approach using a concept indicator model that yields emergent theoretical frameworks that the researcher must stay open to (Glaser, 2005, p. 5). Nakken H. and Vlaskamp C. (2007). In considering whether such doubts apply to the use of video recorded data, Nilsson (2012) reports that Glaser acknowledges that the use of video is the only method that is sufficiently sensitive to be capable of capturing micro-communications and that for research participants who are non-verbal and therefore communicate by means of macro and micro non-verbal communications, there is no other method of collecting original information explaining what was happening in their field of interest (Nilsson, 2012, p. 107), that is, baseline data. Lippincott. There are doubts as to whether the collection of audio recorded data facilitates the development of a grounded theory. It was interesting to note that a repeated behaviour of one individual in many cases elicited different reactions from others depending on whom that individual was interacting with. The aim of this paper is to describe the method that was used in the study. As a result, in some interaction sequences several behaviours could be identified as occurring in a very short period of time, with the result that a very fine detail of what happened in the communication was evident. Such challenges centre around how to comprehend the world that they live in. The theory of attuning offers a theoretical explanation of how people with severe or profound intellectual and multiple disability communicate with others.

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